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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Old vs. New
Matthew 9:16-17
Mark 2:21-22
Luke 5:36-39
Christians living in the past instead of the New.
Old car vs. new car
Old TV vs. new TV
Old wood stove vs. air condition and forced air heating
Old Hymn books vs. new PowerPoint

1. Old Covenant vs. New Covenant: – Hebrews 8:1-13
The Old Testament could not provide forgiveness of sin.
The Old Testament offered health, wealth and long life to those who obeyed all 613 Laws.
The New Testament doesn’t provide materially, but does give forgiveness of sin and eternal life with God in Heaven.

2. Old vs. New Communication: – I Peter 1:15b
Be holy – the message has not changed, but the method of communicating it has.
Computer, Internet, smart phones, tablets, etc.

3. New Year’s Resolution: – II Corinthians 5:17, I Peter 1:15c-16
Last year is past. Good happened, mistakes happened. It is past.
The New Year is a point in time to put the negatives behind you and “start over”. Revelation 21:5

What will you resolve:
Quit a bad habit – cursing, alcohol, drugs, temper, too much food or television, etc.
Start a new habit – devotions, Bible reading, “Getting To Know Jesus”, exercise routine, eating healthier, community involvement, etc.
Work on improving a relationship with spouse, family, friend, or coworker, employer, community.
Better money management, budgeting, giving, saving, helping those who are less fortunate.

Write Out YOUR Resolution:
Take a moment to ask God what you should resolve.
Write it on your notes NOW before you forget it.
Determine what you can and must do to make this resolve work.
Post it where you can see it and apply it to your life.

Tell a family member or a friend.

I will share my life-long resolution so you can hold me accountable! –
I Corinthians 2:2 - "I am resolved to know nothing while among you but Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas Wish List!
By Glen M. Copple

What do you want for Christmas this year? Did you ever (as a child or adult) go through the Christmas catalogue and put together a wish list of things you would like to get as Christmas presents? Do you still do that?

What is the most valuable person, place or thing that you have today? How much did you (or are you) paying to have this thing? How much would you give to get it, keep it or maintain it? What makes you more thankful to God than anything else in the world?

Jesus talks in Matthew 13:44-49 about how important our being forgiven of our sin should be to us. He compares it to a treasure hidden in a field. When a passerby sees the treasure and realizes its value, he gives up everything else in order to buy the field and possess the treasure.

You are of Great Value to God – Matthew 13:44
God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins and mine. Jesus is like a treasure hidden in a field. The good part is that He is not really hidden, but readily visible to anyone who passes through the field (of life).

The entire purpose of the Bible is to communicate to you that God loves you and wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. First, He tells us how we were created and how He brought us to the awareness of our sinfulness and our need for a Savior. Then He tells us about His plan for our salvation. The rest it the history of how others have responded to God’s gift of salvation in order to give us a perspective and motivation as to how we will respond to Him. The bottom line is that God wants to have a relationship with you!

So, you realize the extent to which God has made an effort to redeem you from your sins and establish a relationship with you. You have heard sermons preached, listened as people shared about what Jesus has done in their lives, read your Bible, etc. You know what God has done for you. The most important question you have to answer is how much do you value what God has done?

How Much do You Value God? – Matthew 13:44-46
Having your sins forgiven is like a pearl of great value. It is worth so much that you willingly sell everything you have in order to obtain it. There is nothing in this world that is equivalent to the value of owning that pearl! 

What are you willing to give up or do in order to be obedient to God’s will for your life? How hungry are you to know and follow Jesus? How much do you want to go to heaven? What “price” will you pay to gain the greatest treasure ever given? How much do you treasure what Jesus has done for you?

God’s Gift to You for Christmas! – Matthew 13:47-49
The good news is that God’s salvation through Jesus Christ is free. You don’t deserve it! You can’t earn it or pay for it! All you can do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You don’t have to buy the field to get it. You don’t have to sell everything you have to buy it. It is yours simply by declaring that Jesus is the Lord of your life and being obedient to His will. God’s grace will cover your mistakes as long as you are sincerely trying to follow Jesus.

It is important that you repent of any sinful behavior in your life. You MUST give up sin! It is sin that created the debt. Sin is what separated you and me from God in the first place. Sin will keep us from truly valuing the treasure of eternal life in the presence of God. Therefore, obeying Jesus will mean that you will say “no” to temptations that come into your life and will choose to do things the way Jesus would do them.

What will you give to Jesus?
When someone is having a birthday, you usually give that person a present. Yet some of you have never thought about giving something to Jesus because you are celebrating His birthday. Giving yourself is merely accepting what He has given you – your salvation.

What is something else that you could give to Jesus this year? How about a gift of obedience by believing in Him and being immersed in His name? How about your time in serving others or having others over to your house for a meal and worshipping Jesus? How about a cash donation above your regular giving to your church or some other Christian organization? How about making something and taking it to a nursing home, homeless shelter or to underprivileged children? What will you give to Jesus for His birthday this year?

My mission is to help you experience a more dynamic, personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in order that you may live your life more like Him. It begins by declaring that you believe in Him as your Savior and giving your life to Him.

Your birthday gift to New Hope Gospel Ministries, in any amount, will be used to tell others about the Walking With Jesus line Bible Study Series. Go to and partner with us in spreading the Gospel.  Help us fulfill the Great Commission by starting Walking With Jesus Bible Study groups in churches across the United States.

Your birthday gift to Jesus through New Hope Gospel Ministries, in any amount, will be used to tell others about the Walking With Jesus line Bible Study Series. Go to and partner with us in spreading the Gospel.  Help us fulfill the Great Commission by starting Walking With Jesus Bible Study groups in churches across the United States.

God bless you and have a great week!

Monday, December 12, 2016

See ME!
By Glen Copple
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Why is Facebook so popular? Why do people “Tweet”? My Space, LinkedIn, etc. Selfies, YouTube, etc.

We want to be seen, noticed, liked and remembered. Ever visit a cemetery? Do you know anyone there? We want to be more than a name on a tombstone, unknown to everyone outside our immediate family and friends.

Christmas is fast upon us and many are more concerned about what they are going to get for themselves or what they are going to give to someone for Christmas (that will be broken before it is paid for) or what they will wear to a party (Some define “party” as a place to drink and then wonder the next morning about what they did the night before.) than they are about why we celebrate CHRISTmas. So many have forgotten what Christmas is really about and why that is important to us. And we dare not say “MERRY CHRISTMAS” lest we offend someone. We often get caught up in worrying about what others think of us. Do they like me enough to get me something nice for Christmas? Does anyone care that I’m here?

Vanity of vanities – Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. Why do you spend so much time on earthly things for yourself and so little caring for others? Because I want to be SEEN, noticed and liked for something.

Someday it will all come to an end. All the things you collected whether treasure or baubles will pass to someone else. There will be no more surprises, no minutes, hours or days. Wealth, fame temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you owed. Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will disappear.

Your hopes, plans, ambitions and to-do lists will expire. The wins and losses (and trophies) that once seemed important will fade away. It won’t matter where you came from or what side of the tracks you lived, at the end. It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant. Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.

OBEY God and keep His commandments – Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave. 
What will matter is not your success, but your significance; not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew,
but how many people will feel a lasting loss when you’re gone.
What will matter is the clarity and care at which you have loved others, and have been a positive influence in their lives.
What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered by whom and for what.
Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a matter of circumstances but of choice.

JESUS SEES YOU! He loves you and wants to see you doing what show Him that you believe in and love Him.

Only One Life – Will Soon Be Past. Only What’s Done For Christ Will Last.

John 14:6, Acts 4:12 – Jesus is the only way to eternal life.
Philippians 2:3-11 – All will confess Jesus in the end.
What you do for Jesus will last long beyond this earth.
Matthew 16:24-27 – What in this world is more valuable than your soul?
Matthew 6:19-21 – Layup treasures in Heaven.
Philippians 3:7-14 – Keep doing it for Jesus.

What do you want the world to see when they “SEE ME”?

GOD SEES YOU and loves you with a greater love than the world can ever give. Regardless of what the world sees, God Sees YOU!

See ME showing you the way to JESUS!

(Pray this simple prayer)
God, I want to take a minute, not to ask for anything from You but to thank You for all I have. I pray that you will guide me to use all I have to bring glory and honor to you. In Jesus’ Name!

Friday, December 9, 2016

They say we can't speak about our religious beliefs and faith in God because we might offend someone. JESUS SAYS - "If you confess Me before men, I will confess you before My Father who is in Heaven, but if you deny Me before men, I will deny you before My Father". (Matthew 10:32-33)

They say a man can be "born" to "love" a man and a woman can be "born" to love a woman and they can get married to pretend that the what they are doing is "normal". GOD SAYS - "The man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife (of the opposite sex), and the two shall become one." (Genesis 2:24) By the way, God does not make mistakes but man makes them often. Paul wrote: "Men exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones." (paraphrased from Romans 1:26-27)

They say we can have sex with anyone. The BIBLE SAYS that any kind of sex outside of marriage is sin. (I Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:10, 15-20) Married couples do not have to try to justify their sexual love. Non-married people end up with all kinds of problems because of their sexual immorality (unwanted pregnancies, rape, prostitution, pornography, sexually transmitted diseases - including AIDS, etc.)

They say they can abort their babies because they don't want people to know they have been having sex outside of marriage. GOD SAYS - "When you were in your mother's womb, I knew you." (Psalm 139:13-16)

They say that they can lie, cheat or steal as long as the end justifies what they want to believe or do. GOD SAYS - that liars, thieves and evil-doers will not inherit the Kingdom of God. (I Corinthians 5:11; 6:9-10)

Revelation 2:4 calls CHRISTIANS to Repent, Return to Jesus and Restore Jesus Christ as our LORD, Savior and role model. Christians need to be the role model of Jesus to the rest of the world, starting with the community in which you live.

Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series - - Build YOUR relationship with Jesus and become more like Him.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

By Glen Copple
S.R. Acts 5:29-39

Recently, it occurred to me to ponder and present some things about life and this world that are absolutely irrefutable. There is no real way these things can be denied without disregarding the tremendous amount of evidence supporting this claim. These things will stand the test in any court of law that honestly considers the evidence before them.

I had to limit my list as I can see so many things for which the world has no explanation outside of someone’s conjured up imagination. For time sake, I have limited myself to eight things for which there is no other explanation than God.

1. CREATION – First Cause – Genesis 1 & 2
All of this came from somewhere. Here is a look at how small and large God’s creation is.
Before this earth came to be there was nothing. Evolution cannot explain this away.
Out of nothing, GOD created the Heavens and the Earth.

2. FLOOD – Genesis 6:11-22
Archeological discoveries in many locations confirm a time when the entire earth was under water.

3. EGYPTIAN army destroyed in the Red Sea – Exodus 14:21-31
They have now found pieces of chariots and human bones in the Red Sea at an area where there is a “land bridge” where the sea isn’t as deep as in the other parts.

4. Fire from HEAVEN – Genesis 19:23-25
Destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah
Burned rocks in that region of the Dead Sea

5. Birth and existence of JESUS and His impact on the world – Luke 2:1-7
Our Gregorian calendar system acknowledges the birth, life (and even death) of Jesus Christ.
BC = “Before Christ”
AD = “Anno Dominio” – Latin = “the year of our Lord”
Early (non-Christian) historians, Josephus, Trajan, Pliny and Tacitus to mention a few, mention Jesus’ existence.

6. DEATH of Jesus – All four Gospels
Romans were experts at crucifying people. History establishes the fact of crucifixion by Romans. Many historians establish Jesus in that time period.
Eye witnesses testify in Scripture and other sources to the death of Jesus.

7. RESURRECTION of Jesus – All four Gospels 
The Jews wanted to prove the resurrection false. They couldn’t.
Over 500 people saw Jesus, after He had risen from the dead.
This evidence would be irrefutable in any court of law.

8. The POWER and SIZE of the Kingdom of Christ – the Church!
The Power of the Church – Matthew 16:18; Acts 5:29-39; 24:22, 26:1-3
The existence of the church, and it’s thriving, even in the face of severe persecution and attempted genocide proves that JESUS is more powerful than anyone who seeks to oppose Him.

Irrefutable – the Church of Jesus Christ is the oldest, biggest and most powerful Kingdom on earth. It surpasses ALL other governments put together and will not be stopped.
What are you going to do about Jesus?
Is He YOUR LORD, Savior and role model?
Is your faith, allegiance and obedience to Him irrefutable?

Learn how Jesus can change your life -

Monday, November 28, 2016

Dealing With an Angry Bear

I Timothy 6:11-16

Readers Digest on Sin – “Ministers still against it, they just don’t knows what it is.”
Years ago, I did a survey on sins in the New Testament. 
Talk about a solution to the sin problem in our lives.  Like most of you, we have come to embrace sin as if the ones we commit are not so bad. There are some sins that we embrace as if they were desirable – like an ice cream soda.
We need to treat sin like it is an angry bear instead of like it is an ice cream soda.
Paul talks about dealing with sin in a similar way to how we might deal with an angry bear.
1.      Flee – To run away from the threat – 6:11a
The Bible never tells us to resist sin.  It says to resist temptation and flee sin!
God frequently provides that the only way of escape is two good feet – run!
Joseph fled from Pharaoh’s wife
David didn’t flee from Bathsheba and lost his kingdom as a result.  Israel suffered because of his sin.
Even the bravest soldiers know that there is a time to run!
Sin is so destructive to the Christian.  Don’t even tempt yourself.
Pornography or any kind of sexual immorality
We must stay away from that which causes the temptation.

2.      Follow – Pursue diligently with great effort – 6:11b
When running from something, it helps to have something else to run to!  Matthew 12:43-45
Run to Jesus – Follow His example.  Run to the instructions given in the Bible.
Do not give evil a chance to re-enter.
      Replace bad habits with good habits. 
Work out a game plan to deal with future temptation.
Christianity is not a passive religion.
      Goals must be defined and effort made in order to reach them.
We must not sit idly waiting to see what happens.  We must flee the temptation.
We must pursue Christ and His way if we are to remain in Him.
Replace the temptation with Bible reading, scripture memorization and prayer and call a friend.

3.      Fight – Facing the adversary to defeat him in his intent – 6:12
Sometimes fleeing isn’t possible.
We must be prepared to do battle one on one with temptation and the Temptor.
Our Christian armor is necessary if we are to win.  Ephesians 6:10-18
Our sword is the most effective weapon ever made.  Hebrews 4:12
      If we face Satan with the armor of God, the Holy Spirit will fight for us and win and we won’t be touched, but will be made stronger.  I Samuel 17:45-47
Jesus fought Satan by quoting Scripture.  You can defeat temptation by using the Word of God. 

If you are in Christ, continue to Flee from sin, Follow Jesus and Fight for the cause of righteousness in your self, your home, your community, your state, and your nation.
If you are not a Christian, you can only flee from by believing in Jesus as your Savior, repenting of your sin, confessing your allegiance to Christ, and being baptized to symbolize having your sins washed away and being born again.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Five Things Athletes Know that Christians Don’t
By Glen Copple
Athletes are different. Exercise, strenuous exercise is a driving passion in their lives. They love it. There are certain things that “they get.”
Apostle Paul’s encouragement in 1 Corinthians 9:24–27 (ESV)
"24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. 25 Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26 So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.27 But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified."

Many of those things Christians don’t get. Here are five things athletes know and Christians don’t:
1. The PAIN / GAIN Connection
Athletes understand that without a certain amount of pain and discomfort, they simply will not make progress toward higher athletic achievement. There is pain behind that victory.

Athletes know that going to the gym is nothing unless you are willing to put in the time and effort to grow beyond your current capabilities. Christians don’t seem to understand that hanging around the church or carrying a Bible makes no difference in their lives.

There is no gain without pain. That is true physically and it is also true spiritually. Growth in Christ is not automatic, and is more than desire. It takes real investment and intention to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

2. The KNOWLEDGE / PROGRESS Connection
The best athletes are always working at growing in their knowledge of both their sport and how their body works and responds best. They know that optimal performance follows better knowledge of both.

Christians don’t seem to understand that to really grow in Christ, they are going to have to do more than just read their Bible. They need to study them. They need to apply it to their lives if they hope to make progress in grace.

3. The WORK vs. REST Connection
Elite athletes work hard, very hard. But they also know that their bodies need rest and recuperation time.

Christians, spiritually speaking, have got their lives almost completely backwards. They are almost always at rest and never at work, spiritually speaking. They aren’t engaged in seeking the lost. Church attendance for example is now counted as regular if people are in fellowship with other believers 20-25 times a year. Bible reading is a Sunday affair and maybe a verse or two a day rather the daily bread we need to nourish our lives. Personal evangelism is myth.

4. The PROGRESS is SLOW Connection
Athletes understand that progress is often slow and reward comes over time. You don’t just get up and run a marathon; you have to train for it.

Christians, like so many others in our culture, want instant gratification. “Pastor, can you give me a verse to deal with my anger?” Spiritual growth doesn’t come from a pill that you take but a path that you follow. And progress is often slow and imperceptible. But there is reward over time.

Athletes understand that to maintain peak conditioning they can’t stop. Workouts may change and vary. Some will be more or less strenuous. But just because heavy prices of pain and uncomfortable, sore muscles are now in the past does not mean that exercise can cease.

Christians don’t seem to get that. So you studied the Bible hard for a few weeks a couple of years ago. Does that mean you don’t need to study it now? No.

In fact, 1) staying consistently in the word of God, 2) connected in fellowship with other believers, 3) gathered in corporate worship, 4) praying for and serving the body of Christ and your neighbor are the tools that are indispensable to your Christian life and all of them must be consistently applied (Cf. Acts 2:42-47)

Let’s be more like athletes in our pursuit of Christ.
Let’s live passionately for and like Christ so we can truly love God, love others and serve the world.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Jesus Teaches on Marriage and Divorce
By Glen Copple
20 years ago, this man and this woman stood up after church and said, “We want to get married.” Looking at our age, you know that is not saying much to you who have been married 19, 60+ years. Even so, we can examine God’s design for marriage against the world. I’m confessing up front that we had been previously married, but declare that God’s Word is true.

What is God’s design for our marriage?
In Matthew 19:3-12; Mark 10:2-12, some Pharisees ask Jesus about marriage and divorce. It would be for us to take seriously what He says.

1. God Designed MARRIAGE – Matthew 19:1b-4; Mark 10:1c-6
The Pharisees have a loose attitude towards marriage. A Pharisee that hadn’t divorced his wife was not considered a good Pharisee. They question Jesus in an attempt to justify divorce. Jesus challenges them with the Law of Moses. They say that Moses commanded them to divorce. Jesus reminds them that God designed marriage and divorce was because they were marrying people who would lead them away from following God.

We have become a culture that has adopted the Pharisaical view towards marriage as a way to hide our selfish unwillingness to keep our marriage vows. Many have been told that they have a “right to be happy” and when they disagree on some issue, this selfish “right” overshadows their love for one another and the tension escalates until they repent or they quit. Our challenge is to make our marriage successful for life. GOD’S way is always better.

1a. Marriage is ONE Man and ONE Woman – Matthew 19:5a; Mark 10:7
Jesus makes it very clear that God designed marriage to be the union of one man and one woman. He made male and female, not male and male. When they get married, they leave their family of origin and create a new family unit. Into this union, they create children who will one day pick a spouse of the opposite sex and create their own family unit and so life goes on. This is God’s design from the day of CREATION.

A simple class in anatomy will establish physically that man and woman are designed for each other. There is no way for homosexual behavior to reproduce.

1b. Marriage is a LIFETIME covenant – Matthew 19:5b-6;
Mark 10:8-9
Jesus reminds the Pharisees that marriage is a lifetime covenant. The sexual consummation symbolizes that union and anything else is a violation of God’s design. This is also a declaration that sexual intimacy is for marriage and anything else is sin.

God designed us to COMPLEMENT each other, not be in conflict with each other.

We seek a lifetime of love with that one person. We want to believe that this someone will be faithful to us, love us and be a part of our happiness for the rest or our lives. Everyone admires couples who remain married to each other for life.

When you got married for the very first time, you believed that this was going to be a lifetime relationship. We don’t realize that “happily ever after is lived one day at a time” and marriages require work in order to be “happy”. We then become disillusioned when conflict comes and our happiness becomes unhappy.

2. DIVORCE is not God’s Plan – Matthew 19:7-8
No couple gets married with the idea of getting a divorce.

The Pharisees continue pushing Jesus with their claim that Moses gave a command for them to divorce their wives. Jesus tells them that they have taken the Law out of context. God always says marriage is for LIFE. The reason God told them to divorce their wives was because they had married women from other nations and religions who God knew would turn them away from following Him. God never intended for them to divorce their Jewish wives. What does Jesus teach about divorce and why we should not end our marriages?

We got married believing that this relationship would last for the rest of our lives. However, too often, we forget that euphoria and start treating our mate as the enemy to be controlled, changed or gotten rid of. We pretend that breaking up a marriage is no big deal. We think it is easier to just get a divorce than to try to work out our problems. We feel bad for those we know who are going through a divorce. Marriage is a lifetime covenant.

3. Divorce is SIN – Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:10-12
Divorcing your wife for any reason other than infidelity (her having sexual relations with someone else) and then marrying someone else is sin. It is just as wrong for the husband to have sex outside of the marriage as it is for the wife.

3a. Divorce means that I don’t TRUST God in my marriage. It is interesting how a couple will want God to be in their wedding ceremony, but they don’t care to have Him in their marriage. And then, when communication breaks down and love gets hidden behind anger and selfishness, divorce is chosen as the solution instead of going back to God and trying to let Him back into the picture.

3b. Divorce means that you don’t know how to LOVE. If your spouse was good enough to marry, they are good enough to stay married to (unless they have committed adultery). Couples who get divorced create more problems than if they had stayed married and worked on their issues. Divorce causes more pain and suffering than they would have if they had stayed married and worked it out.

3c. Divorce means I’m SELFISH. We get upset with the person we promised to love and cherish for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer until we are separated by death.

3d. Divorce means you are not a person of your WORD.

3e. Divorce means that you don’t respect the SEXUAL relationship between you and your spouse, nor the promise to keep myself to and her only.

4. SEX outside of marriage is sin
To have sex with someone you are not married to is a violation of God’s standards for the sexual relationship in marriage. Having sex with someone other than your spouse shows that you don’t respect God or your spouse. Sex is the most intimate way that a man and woman can express their love for each other. “Going all the way”.

5. Divorce is TOLERATED (not Unforgiveable) – Matthew 19:10-12
The Apostles come to Jesus after this remark and suggest that since marriage is so serious and divorce is so wrong, it isn’t even worth it to get married. Jesus advises them that marriage isn’t for everybody, neither is celibacy.

As much value as we place on marriage and having children, not everyone is so inclined. Some people are sufficiently fulfilled without a mate. Some are in professions that would make marriage a difficult or dangerous thing to maintain. There are also some who are so hurt by some event that marriage absolutely does not appeal to them.

If you get married, remember MARRIAGE is for life.

GOD declared that marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life.
MAN does not have the right to redefine God’s declaration.
DIVORCE is not part of God’s design for marriage.
Those who are divorced can be FORGIVEN.
Put your love and faith in Jesus Christ and let Him guide and bless your marriage.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Wrong is still Wrong

David Did it! Why Can’t I?
Wrong is Still Wrong
S.R. Genesis 3:8-13
In an age of loose morals, Satan provides many rationalizations to excuse any kind of behavior. You can justify (even in Scripture) almost anything you want to do. Most criminals in jails believe they are not guilty. No one wants to admit they are sinners. If they do, they try to appease their guilt by saying “Everyone is doing it”.

The Problem – is sIn! The solution is repentance and following Jesus!

Man’s attitude used to be don’t sin. Now it is don’t get caught!

Reader’s Digest – Preachers against sin, Don’t know what sin is.

Who makes the rules?
God Says:
     Obey your parents (unless they are disobeying God)
     Don’t kill (unless it is in absolute self-defense)
     Don’t have sex with someone you are not married to.
     Don’t steal
     Don’t tell lies
     Don’t desire your neighbor’s stuff

World seeks pleasure as an end and never finds it.
A Christian finds pleasure in Christ and never loses it.
A Christian strongly desires to do the right thing. Romans 7:15-20

How do we fight the battle to do right and win?
As Christians, we must remember that wrong is wrong despite our efforts to excuse our actions.

1. Wrong is wrong even if we don’t get caught. Proverbs 15:3
You may fool man, but you can’t fool God. He is an eyewitness of all you do. Hebrews 4:13
We have a conscience.
What is done in secrete will be exposed in the judgment day.
Adultery, stealing candy from a store, cheating on taxes or an exam

2. Wrong is wrong even if we do it for a good cause. II John 9
Honorable purpose does not justify dishonorable action.
Robin Hood vs. Panch Villa, telling a “white lie” - All did wrong things.
The end does not always justify the means. I John 5:17
Sin is still (always) a transgression of God’s Law. I John 3:4
Stealing food for your hungry kids, defrauding one to help another.

3. Wrong is wrong even if others are doing worse things. Proverbs 24:8-9
It will be little comfort on the Day of Judgment to know others committed a worse sin. Your punishment will be the same as theirs. Romans 6:23
Even the thought of sin is sin. Matthew 5:27-28
Shoplifting, looking at pornography or reading immoral novels, running red lights

4. Wrong is wrong even if it doesn’t bother our conscience. Ephesians 4:17-20
The conscience can be trained to block out or to generate guilt.
Even if it is evil done sincerely, it is still sin to God. I Timothy 4:1-3 -
Conscience or not, we will all pay for our sins (unless we believe in Jesus’ atonement for our sins). Galatians 6:7
Cussing, getting mad, getting even with someone.
Hebrews 13:18

5. Wrong is wrong even if it is commonly considered acceptable. Exodus 23:2
Just because someone else or some government say’s it’s okay doesn’t mean that God says it’s okay. The Christian should not follow the crowd when the crowd is into a sin. Proverbs 4:14-19
Choose your friends carefully lest they lead you astray. I Corinthians 15:33
Don’t become an enabler by allowing others to continue in their sin.
Getting drunk at a party, engaging in an act of vandalism.

Determine to do right and avoid evil. I Thessalonians 5:21-22
There is never a right way to do wrong.
Live your life before men is such a way that they have no cause to accuse you of sinning. I Peter 3:15-16; 2:11-12
Romans 1:28-32
Romans 2:14-15
Romans 6:1-7, 18

Wonderful Grace of Jesus – Amazing Grace
Repent means to turn around. Stop doing the wrong thing, turn around.
“Go and do the right thing (based on God’s moral absolutes)”

Monday, October 31, 2016

Christians and Government

Christians & Government

Why and How Christians Must Vote
1. Heritage
What are the principles on which our nation and freedom is based?

The Pilgrims and Puritans first came to America seeking freedom to worship as they believe without the government telling them what they could and could not do.

Founding documents acknowledge God

Declaration of Independence –
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Four times, God is referenced in the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

United States Constitution
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –
Charles E. Rice, The Supreme Court and Public Prayer (New York: Fordham University Press 1964), p. 47.

Bill of Rights - Amendment I
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Early American art and religious influence in our Capital

2. Law
“Separation of Church and State”
A private letter declaring that the government should stay out of the church, but not that the church must stay out of government. (The atheists have taken it out of its context and twisted the meaning to push their ungodly agenda.)

Other remarks
“In order effectually to accomplish these great ends, it is. . . the duty of those who bear rule to promote and encourage piety [respect for God]. Henry Laurens, President of Congress, Selected as Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

Jefferson voted that the Capitol building would also serve as a church building. Indeed, church services were often held in the capital building for many years (and no one complained).

3. Politics in the Bible
Joseph, Daniel and others served in government positions.
Saul, David, Solomon, others served as Kings
Old Testament Prophets spoke out against corruption in government.
John the Baptist, Peter, Paul & others spoke against government trying to silence Christianity.
Jesus debated with Pilate that God’s power was greater.

4. Scripture
Genesis 1:1 – God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:1-3 – Jesus was with God in the creation.
Romans 13:1-7 – Government is instituted by God (not vice versa).

Obey the government –
Constitution gives us the responsibility to vote for our government.
Billy Graham – “Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote.” We need Christians in government. WHY?

5. Lawlessness is Destroying our Nation
Crime in schools
Drugs in our society
Teenage sex, pregnancy and abortion
Liberal media bias
Influence of Hollywood
Anti-God, anti-Christ

6. Religious War
Without Christ in our government, our freedom will be taken away from us by ungodly leaders.
Put Jesus Christ FIRST
Know what Jesus teaches about right and wrong.
Know what the candidates stand for.
It helps a lot if you know Jesus as your personal LORD and Savior.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Four Planks of New Testament Christianity

John 17:20-26

In the early 1800’s various men and groups in the eastern US realized that there were doctrinal errors and denominational problems in their churches.  These groups – unknown to each other at first, absolved from their denomination ties to form churches whose greatest goal was to be true to the Scriptures.

There are several names that are worthy of recognition in the history of the Restoration Movement as we know it in America, but four of the early leaders stand out more than the others.  Each man focused more strongly on a different, but important plank on which the Restoration Movement is founded.

Their message should be our message today.

1.       Barton W. Stone from Kentucky was a Presbyterian minister at Concord and Cane Ridge.

In 1804 he wrote the “Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery” to establish a church that chose the name “Christian” to the exclusion of all sectarian titles.

His greatest efforts were toward unity – I Corinthians 1:10-13, John 17:17-21; Ephesians 4:4-6.

NOT THE ONLY CHRISTIANS, BUT CHRISTIANS ONLY – A name that all can wear, non-denominational and Biblical.

2.       Thomas Campbell, from Scotland, came to America for his health in 1803.

A Presbyterian, he settled in Pennsylvania at Washington, PA in 1809. He wrote the “Declaration and Address” – one of the greatest documents of the Restoration Movement.

His greatest efforts were in trying to restore “The BIBLE ONLY as the only authority in all matters of Faith and Practice. II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:16-21.



3.       Alexander Campbell, son of Thomas, came to America in 1809.

Before coming to America, he began to question several doctrines of the Presbyterian Church.  After a discussion with his father and reading the Declaration and Address, he began to prepare for the ministry.  In 1816, he preached his “Sermon on the Law” – which set the pattern for interpretation of the Scriptures in the Restoration Movement.

His main thrust was to restore the ancient order of New Testament Christianity.  Revelation 2:1-7; Romans 8:3; Hebrews 8:6-7, 13; Colossians 2:13-14.


4.       Walter Scott, also born in Scotland,

He became involved in a church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that took the Bible alone as its rule of faith and practice.  In 1821, he became fully convinced that Christianity should be fully centered on the Messiahship of Jesus as the Christ.  All other teachings of Scripture revolve around the Lordship of Christ.

He restored the ancient Gospel to the Restoration Movement.  Galatians 1:6-10; Matthew 28:19-20; I Corinthians 2:2, 9:16.

KNOW JESUS AS LORD, (Savior and role model)

Scot met Alexander Campbell in 1821-1822 and Stone met Campbell in 1824.  By 1832 these men had fully united in the determination to restore the Church back like it was in the New Testament in unity and doctrine.

Today we have slipped and become careless in the cause for which we owe our heritage.  We should:

a.       Restore ourselves to Christ.

b.      Restore the Church back to the New Testament

c.       Restore the Restoration Movement as a movement of our Lord.