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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas Wish List!
By Glen M. Copple

What do you want for Christmas this year? Did you ever (as a child or adult) go through the Christmas catalogue and put together a wish list of things you would like to get as Christmas presents? Do you still do that?

What is the most valuable person, place or thing that you have today? How much did you (or are you) paying to have this thing? How much would you give to get it, keep it or maintain it? What makes you more thankful to God than anything else in the world?

Jesus talks in Matthew 13:44-49 about how important our being forgiven of our sin should be to us. He compares it to a treasure hidden in a field. When a passerby sees the treasure and realizes its value, he gives up everything else in order to buy the field and possess the treasure.

You are of Great Value to God – Matthew 13:44
God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins and mine. Jesus is like a treasure hidden in a field. The good part is that He is not really hidden, but readily visible to anyone who passes through the field (of life).

The entire purpose of the Bible is to communicate to you that God loves you and wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. First, He tells us how we were created and how He brought us to the awareness of our sinfulness and our need for a Savior. Then He tells us about His plan for our salvation. The rest it the history of how others have responded to God’s gift of salvation in order to give us a perspective and motivation as to how we will respond to Him. The bottom line is that God wants to have a relationship with you!

So, you realize the extent to which God has made an effort to redeem you from your sins and establish a relationship with you. You have heard sermons preached, listened as people shared about what Jesus has done in their lives, read your Bible, etc. You know what God has done for you. The most important question you have to answer is how much do you value what God has done?

How Much do You Value God? – Matthew 13:44-46
Having your sins forgiven is like a pearl of great value. It is worth so much that you willingly sell everything you have in order to obtain it. There is nothing in this world that is equivalent to the value of owning that pearl! 

What are you willing to give up or do in order to be obedient to God’s will for your life? How hungry are you to know and follow Jesus? How much do you want to go to heaven? What “price” will you pay to gain the greatest treasure ever given? How much do you treasure what Jesus has done for you?

God’s Gift to You for Christmas! – Matthew 13:47-49
The good news is that God’s salvation through Jesus Christ is free. You don’t deserve it! You can’t earn it or pay for it! All you can do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You don’t have to buy the field to get it. You don’t have to sell everything you have to buy it. It is yours simply by declaring that Jesus is the Lord of your life and being obedient to His will. God’s grace will cover your mistakes as long as you are sincerely trying to follow Jesus.

It is important that you repent of any sinful behavior in your life. You MUST give up sin! It is sin that created the debt. Sin is what separated you and me from God in the first place. Sin will keep us from truly valuing the treasure of eternal life in the presence of God. Therefore, obeying Jesus will mean that you will say “no” to temptations that come into your life and will choose to do things the way Jesus would do them.

What will you give to Jesus?
When someone is having a birthday, you usually give that person a present. Yet some of you have never thought about giving something to Jesus because you are celebrating His birthday. Giving yourself is merely accepting what He has given you – your salvation.

What is something else that you could give to Jesus this year? How about a gift of obedience by believing in Him and being immersed in His name? How about your time in serving others or having others over to your house for a meal and worshipping Jesus? How about a cash donation above your regular giving to your church or some other Christian organization? How about making something and taking it to a nursing home, homeless shelter or to underprivileged children? What will you give to Jesus for His birthday this year?

My mission is to help you experience a more dynamic, personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in order that you may live your life more like Him. It begins by declaring that you believe in Him as your Savior and giving your life to Him.

Your birthday gift to New Hope Gospel Ministries, in any amount, will be used to tell others about the Walking With Jesus line Bible Study Series. Go to and partner with us in spreading the Gospel.  Help us fulfill the Great Commission by starting Walking With Jesus Bible Study groups in churches across the United States.

Your birthday gift to Jesus through New Hope Gospel Ministries, in any amount, will be used to tell others about the Walking With Jesus line Bible Study Series. Go to and partner with us in spreading the Gospel.  Help us fulfill the Great Commission by starting Walking With Jesus Bible Study groups in churches across the United States.

God bless you and have a great week!

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