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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Following Jesus is a Marathon not a Pill

Following Jesus is a Marathon not a Pill
“The Christian life is not a sprint ... it is a marathon. Training for one is far different from the rigors of preparing for the other. The distance runner learns to run despite the pain and stress, focusing on completing 27 arduous miles.” From the Presidential Prayer Team’s “Pray the Vote” daily devotional email.

It is interesting to see how many people today want to solve their life-long acquired problems with a “pill” (sprint) instead of doing what is really needed (marathon) to change their lives forever. We go to the doctor and ask Him to give us a pill to make the pain go away, remove the fat, correct this malady or solve that health problem. At the same time, doctors are so used to this mentality and are pressured to see more patients that, instead of telling you how to fix your problem without expensive (pharmaceutical company supporting) pills, he just gives you another prescription and hopes the side effects don’t cause you too many other problems.

Pharmaceutical companies thrive on promising to solve your problem with a pill and care little about the need for life-habit changes. They get your money and the side-effects are your problem, not theirs. Some have even put out dangerous pills (sprints) and hoped they could make a lot of money before the dangers were discovered, law suits filed and profits siphoned.
How many of you want to lose 5, 10, 50 or more pounds? How many of you have tried this diet and that diet and lost the amount desired, but gained it back and then some, as soon as you went off the diet? Like so many of our other problems, we want a quick fix, but we don’t want to do what is necessary to make that “fix” permanent. We don’t want to invest in a permanent change that will keep the weight off and keep us healthier.

It is not my intention to offend many of you by what follows. I’m trying to point you to a life-saving solution that is far better than the spiritual “sprints” you have been running up to now. I want to see your life change to reflect the life of Christ more fully. I want to see you engaging others with the power of one who is intimately knowledgeable and connected to our Lord and Savior. I want to turn our homes, churches, communities, states and nation back to being and acting like those who believe in and follow Jesus Christ as our King.

We treat our relationship with Jesus much the say way we treat our problems. We claim we “know” Jesus when all we have had is a weekly “pill” from our local church. Some don’t even get that much, yet they think they know Jesus. Even many of those who go to extra “pill” meetings don’t get into the Gospels or their Bibles. Instead, they read a book by a respected and gifted Christian writer (sprint) and believe they “know Jesus”. (There is nothing wrong with most of these Christian writers and most of their books, but many don’t get you into your Bible and seriously connected with Jesus the way that studying the Gospels will do.

Some believers have even taken a thirteen week study of some highlights from Jesus life (sprint) or even studied one of the Gospels and believe that they have “arrived”. Yet they still live like the world instead of being changed by what they have learned.

Then we wonder why our Christian walk is no different than that of the non-Christian. Why are we having problems with sex outside of marriage, stealing, lying and cheating when we claim to be followers of Christ? Why are we watching sexually immoral movies or television programs and not complaining to the producers for putting such un-Godly material out for people to see? Why do we now have a government that is corrupt and more concerned about maintaining its (supposed) power than it is in serving the people who elected them?

The solution to all of this is to realize that being a Christian is like running a marathon, not a sprint. There is no way to run 50 yards and arrive at being a mature and complete believer. I have been running for 61 years now and I realize that I have much yet to learn to be a completed Christian. I know that I will run this race and it will not be over until I arrive at heaven’s door.

When I wrote the Getting To Know Jesus Bible study series, I realized that we cannot get to know Jesus adequately in thirteen weeks. Even by studying the Gospels one at a time, we miss the nuances that we receive from putting all four Gospels together in a harmony layout. When we commit to a long-term study of the life of Christ, we allow Him to change us a little at a time over a period of time. This kind of change isn’t always noticed, but it is more powerful because it is a life change built around our growing relationship with our Lord and Savior, not a temporary attempt at problem solving.

Like getting over many health maladies that we have brought on ourselves or losing weight, the solution is life-long, not in a pill or short-term process. You can build a powerful relationship with Jesus Christ that will help you make the other changes in your life that you need to make in order to make your health better by committing to take a three-year journey with Jesus through every event in His life and teachings. Many of you will take more than three years, but that will only give you more exposure to allow Jesus to come into your life and guide you in your walk with Him. Start Getting To Know Jesus now and build YOUR relationship with the Son of God.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who Is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?
“Who do you say that I am?”Matthew 16:15
35 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, He said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
36 “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.” - John 9:35-36

People want to know. People need to decide.
What do you say about Jesus? Who is He to you?

The haunting question that everyone has to deal with in this life is: “Who is Jesus?” Is He just another man? Is He a liar? Is He a lunatic – who went off on some crazy delusion and got a bunch of people to follow Him? Or is He Lord – the Son of God who came from heaven, modeled a Godly life for us, trained twelve men to establish His Kingdom (Church) and then managed to get Himself crucified to pay for the sins of all who would repent and believe in Him?

If you say that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, how well do you know Him? How well can you give a detailed answer to someone who asks you about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ?

If you talk to a Muslim, they can tell you all about Mohammed. Talk to a Buddhist and they know all about Buda. Talk to a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon and they can tell you about their respective leader. But how many Christians know the life and teachings of Jesus and can speak confidently about His life to others?

Our ignorance of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ shows in the behavior of our Christians. The divorce of Christian marriages equals that of the world. Where is our faith in Jesus? Christians watch sit-coms that promote sexual immorality and R-rated movies and pretend that it doesn’t affect them. Would Jesus watch that kind of “entertainment”? We wonder why so many Christian girls are dressing like immoral women and why so many teens are getting pregnant. What does Jesus say about the sanctity of sex being between a husband and wife? Forty percent of Christian men have a problem with pornography. Where’s Jesus’ influence in their lives? My wife questioned a woman years ago who went to church, but was sleeping with men she wasn’t married to and bragging about it. Where is Christ in her life?

What about the work place and the community? How many people cheat their employer or deliver less than their best work, yet they call themselves Christians? What about the corruption that some business engage in, cheating customers, lying to bosses, co-workers or customers, etc. Yet they are in church every SONday, smiling, carrying their Bible and thanking the minister for that “great sermon”. How does that reflect Christ?

Our nation’s number one problem is that we have gotten away from following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The only solution is to study everything about Jesus and let Him change us to be the kind of people that look and act like Christians. I have talked with many ministers and Christians and we all agree. The funny thing is that they don’t see that it is their congregation that needs to be Getting To Know Jesus. They somehow apply it to other churches, but not their own.

Do you really know Jesus? If you really do, then why aren’t you teaching others so they can come to know Him also? Do really know Jesus? I will suggest that if you do, then you know His love for you and others. If you really love Jesus, you are going to want others to know about Him the way you do so they will live like Christians instead of worldly people.

Getting To Know Jesus is a Bible study series of every event in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ that is designed to turn people back to being true followers of Jesus, not “Christians In Name Only”. Let’s work together and get started turning this nation back to Christ by turning our homes, churches, communities and cities back to Christ. Let’s stop this problem and build the solution into the lives of those around us (and our own lives as well).

Go to and let us help you start your Getting To Know Jesus Group. Your walk with God will be blessed. You will be helping fulfill the Great Commission. You will be helping build a more Christ-like community around where you live and you will be helping turn this nation back to Christ.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Diversity – Does not Mean “Diversity”

Diversity – Does not Mean “Diversity”
Earlier today, I saw someone’s comment that they were “celebrating diversity”. Now I must admit that I didn’t investigate further to make sure what they were actually “celebrating”, but I have a pretty good idea.

Webster’s Dictionary defines diversity as difference, variety. However, my experience in recent years with that the way the word is used does not mean diversity.

It has been my observation that most who want “diversity” don’t want the dictionary definition. They want you to allow them to promote their behavior, but they don’t want to allow you the same right. If you aren’t of their same view, you are to be silent and not tell them that they don’t have the right to force their views on you.

Diversity is often associated with tolerance. However, again, it is in the context of “you must tolerate me promoting my viewpoint, but you don’t have the right to promote your viewpoint.” That is not diversity or tolerance, but hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy literally means “to wear a mask”. It refers to one who says one thing, but does something else. Someone who tells you that what you are doing is wrong and then they do the same thing, that person is a hypocrite.

Another observation on diversity is that they want you to allow them to do what is evil, wrong, and/or harmful to themselves and others and not tell them that they are wrong. When you care about someone, you tell them if they are doing something wrong and encourage them to change their behavior.

If those who squawk “diversity” should practice what they preach.
Christians have been “diverse” from their very beginning by allowing other kinds of religions and even non-Christians and anti-Christians to live among them. They have existed among Christians from the earliest of times. Christians have also been tolerant of those of other viewpoints. Christians don’t force their way on others except to protect the rights of everyone from those who want to restrict the rights of Christians or others. If someone who claims to be a Christian commits an act of violence that is not in self-defense, they are quickly condemned by most other Christians.

Christians have never promoted their viewpoint by force, but by love and gentle persuasion. Those who are demanding “diversity” or “tolerance” should observe and respond in like manner. If homosexuals want to be homosexual, they have the right to do so, but they should keep it to themselves and not force others to let them recruit without objection. Likewise, Muslims should extend the same kindness to Christians that we have extended to Muslims. The ACLU should stand for the liberties of Christians as much as they stand against them. Atheists should recognize that Christians don’t try to silence them or prohibit their freedom of speech or religion.

I’m okay with “diversity” as long as it is applied to me as much as you want me to apply it to you. I’ve been “tolerating” others all of my life and would greatly appreciate it if those who don’t like my views would respect that I have equal rights to express them.

Thank you for allowing me the right and freedom to exercise my freedom of speech and freedom of religion. That said, God bless America and may He show His love for you regardless of our viewpoint towards Him and His teachings.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Importance of Obeying the Law

The importance of obeying the Law
What! I was hacked again? This is the second time in less than six months. Although the “cost” to me is little more than time, the illegality of the event alarms me. I was born and raised to respect others and obey the law. I find it disconcerting when someone thinks that they can break the law and not be held accountable.

We are a nation of laws, and in order for our society to survive, we must obey those laws or work within the governmental process to change them.

From our founding fathers up until the last few years, our laws were centered on a higher standard of God and New Testament Christianity. Over time, various individuals have come in and undermined God’s teachings with laws to try to justify their sinful behavior. Laws trying to justify abortion and other sexually immoral behavior, making divorce a no-fault option, restricting the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, etc. have only worked to take God out of being the ultimate authority and replaced respect for God, Jesus Christ and the Church (Christians) with hatred, bigotry, censorship and restriction of rights and freedom.

There is something wrong with a person who thinks that they do not have to obey the law. Whether it be domestic violence, a “victimless” crime (there really is no such thing), taking something that belongs to someone else, stealing from a large corporation, or something as serious as murder, wrong is still wrong.

When we decide that we do not need to obey the law, we become a people with no law. That leads to anarchy, survival of the fittest, rampant suspicion, hatred, murder and mayhem. That will only work to destroy our nation, our freedoms and many lives.

When we do things God’s way, we get God’s blessings. When we do things our own way, we end up being unfulfilled, fearful of the consequences of our actions catching up with us. We are always looking over our shoulders to see who is about to do to us what we have done to others.
We have brought all kinds of problems on our society from abortion, divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, suspicion, fear, hatred and more because we have decided that illegal isn’t what it says. We have condoned what the Bible says is sin instead of changing our behavior to abide by the Bible’s teachings.

Many of us like to watch a sports game. Whether it be baseball, football, soccer, tennis, basketball or any other sport, there are rules that must be adhered to in order for two sides to compete. If one side chooses to break the rules, there are officials that cry foul and penalize the rule-breakers. If an official misses a call, the crowd is quick to cry out in protest and object to allowing the rules to be broken. (It is sad that they only cry out when it is against their team.)
If sports teams and individuals did not play by the rules, the sport would soon dwindle to nothing. No one would want to play if everyone is not going to play by the rules. In the same manner, our nation will self-destruct if we don’t return to God’s standard and quit trying to make up our own.

One last thing, if you sincerely believe that each person has the right to decide for themselves what is right or wrong for them, then we don’t need police, courts, laws, government or any other regulatory agency. If we don’t have a rule of law that applies to everyone equally, then you better pray that you can kill the other guy before he kills you. This entire world will self-destruct from within.

We need laws based on the Bible and we need to obey those laws without exception! We also need to return our government to being one that recognizes God as the ultimate law maker. His standards are always best and in our best interest.

God bless America (only if America blesses God)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lady Gaga is a Misguided Christian

Lady Gaga is a Misguided Christian
I saw that Lady Gaga is seeking to be recognized as a minister in the Catholic Church so she can perform marriages for homosexual couples. She declares that she believes in Jesus Christ.

Lady Gaga needs to be Getting To Know Jesus. If she were, she would see that Jesus respected God’s design for marriage as the union of one man and one woman. She would also see that Jesus condemns any kind of sex outside of marriage. (He didn’t tell the woman who was caught in adultery to use a condom and be more careful next time. He told her to stop her sinning.)

If Lady Gaga really loves Jesus, she will recognize that homosexuals need to be taught God’s standards of sexual morality. Performing homosexual marriages will not make their behavior moral or remove the guilt that comes from immoral behavior. Homosexuals need to let Jesus’ love change them from the inside out. The more they love Jesus, the more they will desire to do sex God’s way and stop their immoral behavior.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Good Versus Evil

Good Versus Evil

The Scripture is from Lesson 019 in Getting To Know Jesus – Volume 02

John 3:19-2119 “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”

One thing is for certain – There is an evil and there is a good. Our challenge is to recognize good and do it and to recognize evil and avoid it. We also must recognize that God defines good and evil, not man. We must learn to live by and obey God if we are going to be people who do good. Evil is disobedience to God. It brings an eternal separation from God.

I’ve been talking about the mosque at Ground Zero. I consider it to be a trophy to those who did evil by destroying 3,000 lives on 9/11/2001. Although not all Muslims are evil, the Muslim religion advocates violence against non-Muslims and those who practice such violence are evil. Even moderate Muslims refuse to condemn the actions of those militant extremist terrorists who murdered so many innocent American civilians. Even in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and other Muslim dominated countries, Christians are frequently hunted down and murdered because they refuse to convert to Islam. I just got an email from a Pakistani preacher. 72 Christians were murdered, two churches burned and one pastor killed by people whose religion commands such behavior.

In contrast, Christians reach out to others and offer help, love, kindness, not with hatred and murder. Christians are the reason the United States is so benevolent in helping other countries in distress. The first responders to almost every major tragedy or natural disaster on earth are the churches. Christians quickly mobilize, gather resources and go. They don’t force the recipients of their charity to convert.

Christians have never condoned murdering those who disagree with Jesus Christ. When someone goes out and commits murder “in the name of Christ”, they are quickly condemned by almost all other Christians. Instead, we love others and persuade them that Jesus loves them and wants to forgive their sin have a relationship with them. He doesn’t force Himself on others but allows them the freedom to choose to be His disciples.

As Christians, we are a shining light in a dark and evil world. If you know anything about light and dark, you will quickly recognize that the dark cannot overpower or extinguish the light. The light will always be seen, even when it shines in the darkest places. Although Christians live in Muslim countries in constant fear of their lives, they still manage to grow and more come in to take the place of those who were killed. Darkness of Islam will fail. Light of Jesus Christ will prevail.

We must continue to show the world that Jesus Christ makes a difference in us. Our power is not in weapons of war and murder, but in doing what is right in the eyes of God and mankind. We must show the world that evil is evil and good is good. Be a part of the Light. Live your life so that others will look at you and see Jesus living and active in what you say and do.

p.s. If these devotions are touching your life, would you consider a donation to New Hope Gospel Ministries? The best way to contribute is to go to and look for the PayPal “Donate” button on the lower right side of the home page. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you for partnering with us in presenting the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ to the world.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You’ll Know Them by Their Fruit

The Scripture is from Lesson 042 in Getting To Know Jesus – Volume 04

Matthew 7:15-2015 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

We are not done with the Mosque in New York City or the burning of the Quran in Gainesville, Florida just yet. Notice the reactions to these events and the contrasts.

Christians and private citizens are objecting vocally to the building of a Mosque near Ground Zero in New York City. They are not using threats of violence against all Muslims or even threatening to bring harm to anyone. They are using their voices to object to this war trophy building near the place where militant Muslim extremists assaulted and murdered nearly 3,000 American civilians.

On the other hand, Muslims are threatening violence against all Americans and will most likely retaliate against our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as attack and torture or murder any Christians they can find in their country.

Jesus told us that you will know them by their fruits. Here is a fundamental difference between Christianity and the Muslim religion. Christians convert and press their issues through loving persuasion, not by violence or coercion. Muslims, on the other hand, force their issues with threats, violence and no regard to the rights of others.

You can be a Muslim in the United States and not be in fear of your life. You can even try to recruit others into your religion (as long as you don’t do it by violence, threats or force). Try being a Christian in any Muslim dominated country. If you try to convert, you will likely be killed. If you are recognized as a Christian, you will certainly be harassed, threatened and tortured, if not executed.

Now on top of all of this, the Black Panthers are acting like Muslims and threatening harm if a radical (non-traditional Christian) pastor continues his intentions to burn the Quran in protest of militant Muslim extremists beliefs and practices.

As I stated before, the Muslims have a right to build a mosque at Ground Zero and this Pastor has the right to burn the Quran, but it is not the right thing for either of them to do.
How about you? Is your fruit reflecting that you are a man of God or that you are a hate monger and advocate of violence? Do you respect other people and religions right to exist or are you intolerant, hateful, revengeful and determined to force others to see things your way?

What Would Jesus Do? What kind of fruit would He display?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mosque at Ground Zero and Burning the Quran – Right to do so? Yes. Right thing to do NO!

Mosque at Ground Zero and Burning the Quran –

Right to do so? Yes.
Right thing to do NO!
This thought comes from Lesson 038 found in Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 03

Matthew 5:43-45a 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.”

You can’t listen to the news and now hear something about the Muslims wanting to build a mosque at Ground Zero – near the sight of the former World Trade Center. On the opposite side of the coin, a minister’s agenda to burn the Quran on 9/11 is likewise raising world-wide attention. Do they have the right to do these things? Yes they do. But is it the best thing for them to do? Not at all!

The mosque at Ground Zero is little more than a victory trophy to the militant Muslim terrorists that destroyed the World Trade Center and took over 3,000 lives of American civilians. Not all Muslims are militant terrorists, but the fact that the terrorists who committed the atrocity on 9/11 and killed so many people at that site makes building a mosque there an affront and sore reminder to those who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center. There has already been evidence that the Imam who is pushing the mosque has connections to Hezbollah. This is not a mosque for the sake of a place to worship in the center of a large Muslim population, but more of an insult and gloating over the heinous act of terrorism that was committed at that location. They may have a right to build it there, but it is not the right thing to do.

In similar manner, the Pastor Terry Jones burning the Quran on 9/11 is not reflecting the love of Jesus. Even though we can fault the Muslims for murdering Christians and their acts of terrorism at home and even in their home country, burning their Quran is more like bending down to their level instead of showing the superiority of Christ. We don’t witness for Christ by attacking them unless it is self-defense. The Quran burning is not an act of self-defense, but an act of attempted revenge and contempt. This talk about burning the Quran is not persuading them that we are a superior religion (which I believe we can prove we are), but is only inciting them to hate and want greater retaliation on all Christians, especially the ones in their home countries where being a Christian is almost a guaranteed death sentence.

While we may have contempt for the extremist Muslim terrorists who attacked us and continue to threaten our safety and freedom, not all who read Quran adhere to its anti-Christian and anti-Jew teachings. Most Muslims are peace seeking people who simply want to worship in the way they believe. Burning the Quran is an assault on even the peaceful Muslims. Pastor Jones may have a right to burn the Quran, but it is not the right thing to do.

I pray that those in places of decision making will stop the mosque from being built and I also pray that Pastor Jones will realize that burning the Quran is not appropriate.

God Bless America

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Christian vs. Muslim: What Makes the Difference?
Lessons 037, 124, 138 found in Getting To Know Jesus – Volume 03, 10, 11

Since September 11, 2001 we have been in a conflict with Muslim terrorist extremists who initially attacked the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Although some are oblivious to the obvious, and many are simply uninformed, this is a religious war. Muslims have attacked our way of life which is dominated by our Christian heritage. Even though the major attack was on a man-made institution reflecting our wealth and prosperity, the greater issue has been and still is the Muslim’s hatred of Christian and Jews and their attempt to annihilate or force them to convert to the Muslim religion.

What is the difference between the Christian and Muslim religions?
That is a question that could involve a lengthy discussion but for sake of time, I will limit my comments to as follows:

From Genesis to Revelation, the story is that the God who created the heavens and the earth, who designed man from the dust of the ground and gave him dominion over the animals, plants and all that exists on this earth. God did this because He wanted someone to love who could choose to love him in return. The Bible is a love story between God and man.

In order to allow man the freedom to love (without the freedom to choose, love is not love), God allowed Satan limited reign on this earth. Satan uses all he can to turn mankind away from following God. Thus you and I have a choice to love God or not to love Him.

Below are three Scripture references from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Notice that in each, Jesus teaches us to love. He never advocated killing, except in self-defense or to defend your family. He always communicate that we are to love God and love people.

Matthew 5:43-44 – Lesson 037 – Volume 03 – 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…”

Matthew 22:39 – Lesson 124 –Volume 10 – 39 “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

John 13:34-35 – Lesson 138 – Volume 11 – 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Two observations apply to almost every other religion on this earth.

1) Their “salvation” is based on works. Christians are saved by God’s grace by believing in Jesus Christ, God’s Son who came and lived on earth and died for our sins.

2) Muslims convert by force. They advocate the killing of those who do not adhere to their religion, especially Christians and Jews. Although I can’t cite the exact reference in the Quran, I have seen it. If you talk to any former Muslims who have converted to Christianity, I’m sure they will be glad to verify this information.

The “world” doesn’t know that much about Christians because Christians have been too silent. The news media isn’t speaking out against the Muslims beheading, torturing or assaulting Christians, but they are so quick to condemn Christians for speaking out against Muslim terrorists and other anti-Christian hate groups.

It is time for Christians to get back and more involved with the world. It’s time to be Getting To Know Jesus. It’s time for you to act like a Christian so others will see that Jesus honestly makes a difference in a believer’s life.

The best way for us to defeat the Muslim takeover of our nation and Christian freedoms is for Christians to expose the differences and make a committed stand for Jesus Christ. Will you make a commitment to stand for Jesus and let the world see the difference?

Monday, September 6, 2010

What Kind of Fruit are You?

What Kind of Fruit are You?
“Getting To Know Jesus” – Lesson 042 in Volume 04
Luke 6:43-44

Some of you are pretty good at identifying many trees. You can simply look at their leaves and shape and know what kind of tree it is. However, many of us have to look at the fruit on the tree (providing it is a fruit tree) before we know what kind of tree it is.

As a Christian, the world looks at you to see what kind of “fruit” you are producing. If you look like the person who is doing thing you know aren’t pleasing to God, they are not going to see you as a Christian. However, if you are living a life that says, “NO” to temptation and sin and show by how you talk, work and interact with others that Jesus is a living part of your life, you will bear fruit that they will want to become like. That is a Christian.

Be a fruit bearer for Jesus. Let His life and teachings get down inside you so deeply that you reflect His character in all you say and do. Get to know the life and teachings of Jesus so passionately, personally and powerfully that you will always bear His Fruit in your life.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What Really Matters in Life?

What Really Matters in Life?
This thought comes from the text in Matthew 16:26 – “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life?”

We spend so much time trying to acquire money and the things money can buy with the idea that the more we have, the happier we will be. Although I still pursue an income, I did realize years ago that it is not about money or things. When I got a “thing” that I had wanted for some time, I quickly realized that there were still other “things” on which I was basing my happiness. Even if I could have all of the “things” I wanted, I would still not be happy.

What really gives me the most happiness is when I do something for you. It is a double joy when you recognize what I have done and express your thanks or appreciation of my efforts.
Rick Warren begins his book, Purpose Driven, with the phrase – “It’s not about you.” It doesn’t matter whether you are the richest man in the world or the poorest. It doesn’t matter if you have all the “things” you want or not. The only thing that matters is to use your life to help others and be a witness for Jesus Christ.

We can’t “buy” our way into eternal life in Heaven, but we can lay up treasures for eternity (Matthew 6:19-21) by doing things that benefit other people. The quality of work you do on your job benefits others and is a witness for how Christ is working in your life.
I often give out a wall hanging with Getting To Know Jesus – Volume 01 that says: “Only One Life – Will Soon Be Past. Only What’s Done For Christ – Will Last. To me, that says it all regarding what life is about.

Learn more about this passage and event in the life of Christ in Lesson 071 in Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 06.

Friday, September 3, 2010

You Have the Word of Life

You Have the Words of Life
“Getting To Know Jesus” – Lesson 065 in Volume 05
John 6:66-69

In John 6:66, people got discontented with Jesus and many stopped following Him. In the midst of His discouragement, He asked the Apostles if they were going to turn away also (v. 67). Peter, the impetuous one, boldly proclaims in verses 68—69 that Jesus is the only one who has the words of eternal life. They believe that He is the Son of God.

As I have talked with people about the greatest problem in the United States, I have gotten an almost universal answer: “We’ve gotten away from the Gospel”. As a nation, our people have gotten caught up in following the ways of the world instead of following Christ. Our churches have become increasingly afraid to stand up for what Jesus taught and did and try to “not offend anybody”. As a result, we have rampant sin, even in our churches, and a bunch of ignorant “Christians” who love Jesus but know little about His life and teachings.

It seems odd that most people see the problem, but seem hesitant to apply it to their own lives. We can always see another person’s faults better than we can see our own. We believe that we “know” all about Jesus and don’t realize how much we need to learn. We also seem to forget that regardless of our knowledge, we need to be teaching others who are even less knowledgeable than we are.

Getting To Know Jesus goes through every event in Jesus’ life so the student (disciple) can become fully knowledgeable of Him who has the words to eternal life. Find out how much you don’t know and help those around you to get to know Him better through your Getting To Know Jesus Bible study group.

Let’s get to work turning this nation back to Christ by starting in our own communities. After all, Jesus has the words of life. Don’t you want to know more about Him and see how He can make your life even better than it already is?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Avoid the Guilt of Sin

How to Avoid the Guilt of Sin
Getting To Know Jesus - 109 in Volume 09
Matthew 19:3-9

One of the most common sins that we have tried to hide, justify, legalize or avoid the consequences of from the beginning of time is sexual immorality. The Bible is full of warnings that sex outside of marriage is wrong. Proverbs is full of admonitions to stay away from sexual immorality. Jesus taught that sex is for a husband and wife (see Matthew 19:3-9 for just one example). The Apostles repeated Jesus’ teachings in their writings. Any kind of sexual relations outside of the institution of marriage (between a man and a woman) is wrong. Have we listened? Not near enough.

In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus is confronted by some Pharisees who are trying to justify their practice of divorcing their wives. They are trying to justify their sin as “okay” and remove their guilt according to the Mosaical Law. Jesus exposes that they have misinterpreted what God told Moses. In doing so, He reminds them that sex outside of marriage is wrong.

In the 60’s, we encountered a “sexual revolution” where young people were told: “if it feels good, do it”. Instead of respecting God’s greater design and save sex for marriage, the incidences of sex outside of marriage increased dramatically. Along with that, divorce, pornography, prostitution, rape, incest, pedophilia and a host of other sins became much more common. Those who advocate abstaining from sex until marriage were looked down on as old fashioned and out of touch with “today”.

In 1973, in an effort to try to remove the guilt of their sin, someone persuaded a liberal United States Supreme Court that aborting a baby before it was born was okay. Since then, millions of babies have not had the chance to live outside their mother’s womb because they were burned with a saline solution or sucked apart into little pieces by an abortion doctor’s pump.

The leading argument for abortion is that “women have a right to choose”. However, we forget that the right to choose also is the right to say “NO” to sex outside of marriage. Few seem to want to advise women that they should not allow a man to go that far with them. (Of course, more blame should fall on the man for not respecting the woman and not waiting until they are married.)

The result is that instead of girls being freed from exposure as being sexually immoral, also added the guilt of knowing that they murdered their baby. Most post-abortion women have suffered greatly because of their decision. They know that they have sinned whether society declares their abortion as sin or not.

Sex of any kind outside of marriage is not how God designed for us to live. Sexual immorality is fraught with all kinds of problems including: guilt, unwanted pregnancy, divorce, sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, pornography, prostitution, pedophilia and more. Sex inside the bounds of marriage is fulfilling, guilt-free, relationship building and blessed by God.

Just because we get the government to condone abortion or declare “same-sex marriage” as “legal” doesn’t make it so. Those who are pressing for these issues are simply trying to pretend that if the government says it is legal, then they won’t be sinning by doing what they know is wrong.

It is time for Christians to return to God's standards for sexual purity and quit acting like the world. It is also time for you and me to remind the world that when we do things God's way, we get God's blessings. When we think we are smarter than God, we get all kinds of problems.

God bless,