David Did it! Why Can’t I?
Wrong is Still Wrong
S.R. Genesis 3:8-13
In an age of loose morals, Satan provides many rationalizations to excuse any kind of behavior. You can justify (even in Scripture) almost anything you want to do. Most criminals in jails believe they are not guilty. No one wants to admit they are sinners. If they do, they try to appease their guilt by saying “Everyone is doing it”.The Problem – is sIn! The solution is repentance and following Jesus!
Man’s attitude used to be don’t sin. Now it is don’t get caught!
Reader’s Digest – Preachers against sin, Don’t know what sin is.
Who makes the rules?
God Says:
Obey your parents (unless they are disobeying God)
Don’t kill (unless it is in absolute self-defense)
Don’t have sex with someone you are not married to.
Don’t steal
Don’t tell lies
Don’t desire your neighbor’s stuff
World seeks pleasure as an end and never finds it.
A Christian finds pleasure in Christ and never loses it.
A Christian strongly desires to do the right thing. Romans 7:15-20
How do we fight the battle to do right and win?
As Christians, we must remember that wrong is wrong despite our efforts to excuse our actions.
1. Wrong is wrong even if we don’t get caught. Proverbs 15:3
You may fool man, but you can’t fool God. He is an eyewitness of all you do. Hebrews 4:13
We have a conscience.
What is done in secrete will be exposed in the judgment day.
Adultery, stealing candy from a store, cheating on taxes or an exam
2. Wrong is wrong even if we do it for a good cause. II John 9
Honorable purpose does not justify dishonorable action.
Robin Hood vs. Panch Villa, telling a “white lie” - All did wrong things.
The end does not always justify the means. I John 5:17
Sin is still (always) a transgression of God’s Law. I John 3:4
Stealing food for your hungry kids, defrauding one to help another.
3. Wrong is wrong even if others are doing worse things. Proverbs 24:8-9
It will be little comfort on the Day of Judgment to know others committed a worse sin. Your punishment will be the same as theirs. Romans 6:23
Even the thought of sin is sin. Matthew 5:27-28
Shoplifting, looking at pornography or reading immoral novels, running red lights
4. Wrong is wrong even if it doesn’t bother our conscience. Ephesians 4:17-20
The conscience can be trained to block out or to generate guilt.
Even if it is evil done sincerely, it is still sin to God. I Timothy 4:1-3 -
Conscience or not, we will all pay for our sins (unless we believe in Jesus’ atonement for our sins). Galatians 6:7
Cussing, getting mad, getting even with someone.
Hebrews 13:18
5. Wrong is wrong even if it is commonly considered acceptable. Exodus 23:2
Just because someone else or some government say’s it’s okay doesn’t mean that God says it’s okay. The Christian should not follow the crowd when the crowd is into a sin. Proverbs 4:14-19
Choose your friends carefully lest they lead you astray. I Corinthians 15:33
Don’t become an enabler by allowing others to continue in their sin.
Getting drunk at a party, engaging in an act of vandalism.
Determine to do right and avoid evil. I Thessalonians 5:21-22
There is never a right way to do wrong.
Live your life before men is such a way that they have no cause to accuse you of sinning. I Peter 3:15-16; 2:11-12
Romans 1:28-32
Romans 2:14-15
Romans 6:1-7, 18
Wonderful Grace of Jesus – Amazing Grace
Repent means to turn around. Stop doing the wrong thing, turn around.
“Go and do the right thing (based on God’s moral absolutes)”
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