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Monday, November 28, 2016

Dealing With an Angry Bear

I Timothy 6:11-16

Readers Digest on Sin – “Ministers still against it, they just don’t knows what it is.”
Years ago, I did a survey on sins in the New Testament. 
Talk about a solution to the sin problem in our lives.  Like most of you, we have come to embrace sin as if the ones we commit are not so bad. There are some sins that we embrace as if they were desirable – like an ice cream soda.
We need to treat sin like it is an angry bear instead of like it is an ice cream soda.
Paul talks about dealing with sin in a similar way to how we might deal with an angry bear.
1.      Flee – To run away from the threat – 6:11a
The Bible never tells us to resist sin.  It says to resist temptation and flee sin!
God frequently provides that the only way of escape is two good feet – run!
Joseph fled from Pharaoh’s wife
David didn’t flee from Bathsheba and lost his kingdom as a result.  Israel suffered because of his sin.
Even the bravest soldiers know that there is a time to run!
Sin is so destructive to the Christian.  Don’t even tempt yourself.
Pornography or any kind of sexual immorality
We must stay away from that which causes the temptation.

2.      Follow – Pursue diligently with great effort – 6:11b
When running from something, it helps to have something else to run to!  Matthew 12:43-45
Run to Jesus – Follow His example.  Run to the instructions given in the Bible.
Do not give evil a chance to re-enter.
      Replace bad habits with good habits. 
Work out a game plan to deal with future temptation.
Christianity is not a passive religion.
      Goals must be defined and effort made in order to reach them.
We must not sit idly waiting to see what happens.  We must flee the temptation.
We must pursue Christ and His way if we are to remain in Him.
Replace the temptation with Bible reading, scripture memorization and prayer and call a friend.

3.      Fight – Facing the adversary to defeat him in his intent – 6:12
Sometimes fleeing isn’t possible.
We must be prepared to do battle one on one with temptation and the Temptor.
Our Christian armor is necessary if we are to win.  Ephesians 6:10-18
Our sword is the most effective weapon ever made.  Hebrews 4:12
      If we face Satan with the armor of God, the Holy Spirit will fight for us and win and we won’t be touched, but will be made stronger.  I Samuel 17:45-47
Jesus fought Satan by quoting Scripture.  You can defeat temptation by using the Word of God. 

If you are in Christ, continue to Flee from sin, Follow Jesus and Fight for the cause of righteousness in your self, your home, your community, your state, and your nation.
If you are not a Christian, you can only flee from by believing in Jesus as your Savior, repenting of your sin, confessing your allegiance to Christ, and being baptized to symbolize having your sins washed away and being born again.

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