By Glen Copple
S.R. Acts 5:29-39
Recently, it occurred to me to ponder and present some things about life and this world that are absolutely irrefutable. There is no real way these things can be denied without disregarding the tremendous amount of evidence supporting this claim. These things will stand the test in any court of law that honestly considers the evidence before them.
I had to limit my list as I can see so many things for which the world has no explanation outside of someone’s conjured up imagination. For time sake, I have limited myself to eight things for which there is no other explanation than God.
1. CREATION – First Cause – Genesis 1 & 2
All of this came from somewhere. Here is a look at how small and large God’s creation is.
Before this earth came to be there was nothing. Evolution cannot explain this away.
Out of nothing, GOD created the Heavens and the Earth.
2. FLOOD – Genesis 6:11-22
Archeological discoveries in many locations confirm a time when the entire earth was under water.
3. EGYPTIAN army destroyed in the Red Sea – Exodus 14:21-31
They have now found pieces of chariots and human bones in the Red Sea at an area where there is a “land bridge” where the sea isn’t as deep as in the other parts.
4. Fire from HEAVEN – Genesis 19:23-25
Destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah
Burned rocks in that region of the Dead Sea
5. Birth and existence of JESUS and His impact on the world – Luke 2:1-7
Our Gregorian calendar system acknowledges the birth, life (and even death) of Jesus Christ.
BC = “Before Christ”
AD = “Anno Dominio” – Latin = “the year of our Lord”
Early (non-Christian) historians, Josephus, Trajan, Pliny and Tacitus to mention a few, mention Jesus’ existence.
6. DEATH of Jesus – All four Gospels
Romans were experts at crucifying people. History establishes the fact of crucifixion by Romans. Many historians establish Jesus in that time period.
Eye witnesses testify in Scripture and other sources to the death of Jesus.
7. RESURRECTION of Jesus – All four Gospels
The Jews wanted to prove the resurrection false. They couldn’t.
Over 500 people saw Jesus, after He had risen from the dead.
This evidence would be irrefutable in any court of law.
8. The POWER and SIZE of the Kingdom of Christ – the Church!
The Power of the Church – Matthew 16:18; Acts 5:29-39; 24:22, 26:1-3
The existence of the church, and it’s thriving, even in the face of severe persecution and attempted genocide proves that JESUS is more powerful than anyone who seeks to oppose Him.
Irrefutable – the Church of Jesus Christ is the oldest, biggest and most powerful Kingdom on earth. It surpasses ALL other governments put together and will not be stopped.
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