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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Kind of Fruit Will You Bear?

What Kind of Fruit Will You Bear?

When Jesus gives the illustration about a good tree bearing good fruit and a bad tree bearing bad fruit in Matthew 7:15-23, there is something implied that some people might overlook. In stating that you will be known by the fruit that you bear, He shows us that we are in charge of whether we are going to be a “good tree” or a “bad tree”.

You decide for yourself, each and every day, what kind of fruit you are going to bear. If Jesus is truly Lord of your life, then you will strive to bear good fruit in all you say and do. If you vacillate between Jesus and the world, your fruit will be damaged and reflect your duplicity. The goal is to develop such a close relationship with Jesus that your fruit will always reflect His presence in your life.

Another significant point to remember here is that you don’t have to bear the same kind or as much fruit as the other person. Each one of us has our unique talents and abilities. My fruit is different than your fruit and my ability to bear that fruit is different than your ability. We are not to compete with each other, but to bear good fruit for Jesus in the ways He has called us to do. We are only to bear fruit according to our abilities, not according to someone else’s abilities. God n ever expects anything out of you that you are not capable of.

If you work on loving Jesus to the best of your ability, and don’t compare yourself to others, you will bear awesome fruit in the ways that God has gifted you to do it. What kind of fruit will you bear today? Do it for Jesus!

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