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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Power of the Resurrection

Power of the Resurrection

In I Corinthians 15:12-28, Paul lays out the one thing that makes Christianity superior to any and every other religion. The one who is the founder and key leader of Christianity died for our sins and then rose again to prove He has power over death. No one else can make that claim for their leader.

Indeed, if Jesus Christ had not died and then been raised from the dead, we would have no hope of life after death. The fact that Jesus died on the cross (this would stand true in any court of law) and rose back to life on the third day proves that He has power over death. It also establishes Him as the only ruler of Heaven and Earth. Satan is under Jesus’ foot and has no power over Him.

If you believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and your Lord and Savior, then you can have eternal life through Him. Satan can tempt you, but he cannot take you away from Jesus. His power is limited. Jesus death on the Cross appeared to be Satan’s victory. His resurrection from the dead was the crushing blow to Satan’s power. Jesus’ resurrection also establishes His authority and power over all the earth. No one can take us away from what God has promised us through His Son.

Death is not the enemy of a Christian because we know that we have life beyond death because Jesus proved it in His death and resurrection. Christians can die of cancer or other dreaded diseases, injury or accident with peace because we know that death is merely a transition into God’s perfect Kingdom.

We can sing about death because it no longer owns us. Instead, death is only a letting go of the sin, corruption, limitations and problems of this world to enter into the eternal presence of God’s perfect Kingdom. What a blessing!

Because Jesus lives, we can face death with peace and confidence of life with Jesus!

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