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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Obama Can’t Change This Nation

Obama Can’t Change This Nation

Obama can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
When Barak Obama was campaigning for President, he built his campaign on hope and change. By electing him, he was going to change things and make this world a better place. It is obvious, that his campaign worked. People want things to change.

Barak Obama has been President for two years now and his “changes” have not improved anything. Unemployment is still high. We have actually gotten deeper in debt and many of the problems that he has tried to solve are still unsolved. Many of his imposed reforms have backfired on him and are creating more problems than they proposed to solve. His idealism may be good, but he can’t change what really needs to be changed in our nation.

As much as he may want to change things, his changes are based on faulty thinking that is dangerous for our country. His recent State of the Union Address was vague and without any clear solutions to what really needs to be changed. President Obama doesn’t accept God as the ultimate authority. He has shown preference to Islam over Christianity. That creates another stack of problems. (Islam teaches murder and hatred. Christianity teaches love and caring.)

Many citizens observe that the “changes” Barak Obama has put in place have actually hurt us more than they have helped us. Many who elected him have now turned away from supporting him and his changes. The bottom line is that he can’t change what really needs to be changed to make our lives better.

Government can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
While we are addressing the need to change, we have to also recognize that the government can’t change what needs to be changed either. As Bill O’Reilly cites in his book, “Who’s Looking Out For You”, the government is too busy protecting them selves. They are more concerned about getting reelected and playing politics to really care about what you need.

The worst part to all of this is that government can’t even get itself to obey its laws. The reason is because too many people in government don’t subscribe or abide by the moral absolute that applies to all mankind. Like the citizens that they represent, they want to write their own moral code of ethics as they go instead of following the wisdom given us by God. They want to be their own gods.

Some politicians may understand what changes are needed, but the wheels of government are very big and getting others to give up their pet projects and act in the common good is very hard to do. Add to this that several of those elected don’t subscribe to an absolute moral code of ethics and think they can decide what is right based on their own thinking instead of following a universal standard.

Jesus Changes People From the Inside Out.
The bottom line to this conversation is that many of our leaders have no clue about how to solve our problems. They try legislating morality, but immorality still prevails. The government is trying to change people from the outside. They pass laws under the belief that everyone will read and obey those laws. When they see people doing something wrong, they try passing a specific and detailed law to define that wrong and then wonder why people still continue to do what is wrong. The problem is that if the people don’t obey the laws already passed, they won’t obey a new law, regardless of what it says.

This has gone on for thousands of years with the same results. Without an absolute moral standard, all of the laws in the world are meaningless. Unless there is something bigger than government that everyone understands and lives by, there will never be a society that does not have those who break the law.

Jesus will change lawbreakers into law abiders, unproductive into productive, criminals into citizens who obey the law. When we choose to believe in Jesus as God’s Son, our Lord and Savior and the giver of all that is right and good, we change ourselves. Government becomes only a body to deal with those who do not subscribe to God’s moral standards. This is the way it should be.

Time and time again, Jesus has brought people out of lives of crime, drugs, alcoholism, and immorality. He has empowered them to do what is right, good, moral and beneficial to society. Jesus sees the good in us, frees us from the guilt, shame and sin of our past and opens the door for us to do the right thing. When we are following Jesus, we don’t need government’s laws because we are already obeying them.

Getting To Know Jesus will change people into becoming true followers of Jesus Christ.
In order to change the world, we have to change the individuals from the inside out. In order to change them, we have to motivate them to want to change. By teaching others and ourselves about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we allow Him to come into our hearts and motivate us to make the changes we need to make. That is change that will make an absolute difference in our lives.

The government tries to force you to change under threat of punishment. Some of their changes are contrary to God’s moral absolute. Jesus changes us by loving us and persuading us from the inside out. We change because we realize His love and want Him to be the Lord of our life.

The best way to become more like Jesus is to study His life and teachings. This will take time. It will not happen in thirteen weeks or even six months. Jesus took three years in establishing His Kingdom, the Church. Getting To Know Jesus is a complete Bible Study of every event in Jesus’ life that takes three years to complete. By making a weekly effort to focus on the next event in Jesus’ life, the individual will be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus. We will understand how He wants us to live.

Do you need to make some changes in your life? Study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and let Him change what really needs to be changed in you.

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