Jesus Frees Us From the Demons of Our Past
I am amazed as I observe the miracles that Jesus did. There is no problem that He couldn’t cure. In Luke 9:37-43, Jesus heals a man’s demon-possessed son. The Apostles had failed at trying to heal him, but Jesus had no problem at all. The best part is that the son was healed immediately, completely and permanently. That is the way Jesus does things.
If Jesus has power over demons, then keeping my life close to Jesus will help protect me from any demons slipping in. It is when we get away from Jesus that we get ourselves in trouble. Don’t let the demons get close to you. Cling to Jesus as your BIG brother and let Him protect you from those evil spirits. If you stay close to Jesus, drugs, alcohol, immorality, or any other demon will not have enough power to take you away from God and enslave you back in that evil.
No matter what “demon” has possessed you in the past, Jesus can free you from that possession. He can free you from any past addiction, forgive you from any past wrong-behavior and give you a new opportunity to live a life that is honoring to Him. By believing in Jesus as God’s Son, your Lord and Savior, you can be freed from the guilt, shame, control of the past and walk in a new life that honors God. You can live the rest of your life serving God and loving others.
Jesus frees us!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Obama Can’t Change This Nation
Obama Can’t Change This Nation
Obama can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
When Barak Obama was campaigning for President, he built his campaign on hope and change. By electing him, he was going to change things and make this world a better place. It is obvious, that his campaign worked. People want things to change.
Barak Obama has been President for two years now and his “changes” have not improved anything. Unemployment is still high. We have actually gotten deeper in debt and many of the problems that he has tried to solve are still unsolved. Many of his imposed reforms have backfired on him and are creating more problems than they proposed to solve. His idealism may be good, but he can’t change what really needs to be changed in our nation.
As much as he may want to change things, his changes are based on faulty thinking that is dangerous for our country. His recent State of the Union Address was vague and without any clear solutions to what really needs to be changed. President Obama doesn’t accept God as the ultimate authority. He has shown preference to Islam over Christianity. That creates another stack of problems. (Islam teaches murder and hatred. Christianity teaches love and caring.)
Many citizens observe that the “changes” Barak Obama has put in place have actually hurt us more than they have helped us. Many who elected him have now turned away from supporting him and his changes. The bottom line is that he can’t change what really needs to be changed to make our lives better.
Government can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
While we are addressing the need to change, we have to also recognize that the government can’t change what needs to be changed either. As Bill O’Reilly cites in his book, “Who’s Looking Out For You”, the government is too busy protecting them selves. They are more concerned about getting reelected and playing politics to really care about what you need.
The worst part to all of this is that government can’t even get itself to obey its laws. The reason is because too many people in government don’t subscribe or abide by the moral absolute that applies to all mankind. Like the citizens that they represent, they want to write their own moral code of ethics as they go instead of following the wisdom given us by God. They want to be their own gods.
Some politicians may understand what changes are needed, but the wheels of government are very big and getting others to give up their pet projects and act in the common good is very hard to do. Add to this that several of those elected don’t subscribe to an absolute moral code of ethics and think they can decide what is right based on their own thinking instead of following a universal standard.
Jesus Changes People From the Inside Out.
The bottom line to this conversation is that many of our leaders have no clue about how to solve our problems. They try legislating morality, but immorality still prevails. The government is trying to change people from the outside. They pass laws under the belief that everyone will read and obey those laws. When they see people doing something wrong, they try passing a specific and detailed law to define that wrong and then wonder why people still continue to do what is wrong. The problem is that if the people don’t obey the laws already passed, they won’t obey a new law, regardless of what it says.
This has gone on for thousands of years with the same results. Without an absolute moral standard, all of the laws in the world are meaningless. Unless there is something bigger than government that everyone understands and lives by, there will never be a society that does not have those who break the law.
Jesus will change lawbreakers into law abiders, unproductive into productive, criminals into citizens who obey the law. When we choose to believe in Jesus as God’s Son, our Lord and Savior and the giver of all that is right and good, we change ourselves. Government becomes only a body to deal with those who do not subscribe to God’s moral standards. This is the way it should be.
Time and time again, Jesus has brought people out of lives of crime, drugs, alcoholism, and immorality. He has empowered them to do what is right, good, moral and beneficial to society. Jesus sees the good in us, frees us from the guilt, shame and sin of our past and opens the door for us to do the right thing. When we are following Jesus, we don’t need government’s laws because we are already obeying them.
Getting To Know Jesus will change people into becoming true followers of Jesus Christ.
In order to change the world, we have to change the individuals from the inside out. In order to change them, we have to motivate them to want to change. By teaching others and ourselves about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we allow Him to come into our hearts and motivate us to make the changes we need to make. That is change that will make an absolute difference in our lives.
The government tries to force you to change under threat of punishment. Some of their changes are contrary to God’s moral absolute. Jesus changes us by loving us and persuading us from the inside out. We change because we realize His love and want Him to be the Lord of our life.
The best way to become more like Jesus is to study His life and teachings. This will take time. It will not happen in thirteen weeks or even six months. Jesus took three years in establishing His Kingdom, the Church. Getting To Know Jesus is a complete Bible Study of every event in Jesus’ life that takes three years to complete. By making a weekly effort to focus on the next event in Jesus’ life, the individual will be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus. We will understand how He wants us to live.
Do you need to make some changes in your life? Study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and let Him change what really needs to be changed in you.
Obama can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
When Barak Obama was campaigning for President, he built his campaign on hope and change. By electing him, he was going to change things and make this world a better place. It is obvious, that his campaign worked. People want things to change.
Barak Obama has been President for two years now and his “changes” have not improved anything. Unemployment is still high. We have actually gotten deeper in debt and many of the problems that he has tried to solve are still unsolved. Many of his imposed reforms have backfired on him and are creating more problems than they proposed to solve. His idealism may be good, but he can’t change what really needs to be changed in our nation.
As much as he may want to change things, his changes are based on faulty thinking that is dangerous for our country. His recent State of the Union Address was vague and without any clear solutions to what really needs to be changed. President Obama doesn’t accept God as the ultimate authority. He has shown preference to Islam over Christianity. That creates another stack of problems. (Islam teaches murder and hatred. Christianity teaches love and caring.)
Many citizens observe that the “changes” Barak Obama has put in place have actually hurt us more than they have helped us. Many who elected him have now turned away from supporting him and his changes. The bottom line is that he can’t change what really needs to be changed to make our lives better.
Government can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
While we are addressing the need to change, we have to also recognize that the government can’t change what needs to be changed either. As Bill O’Reilly cites in his book, “Who’s Looking Out For You”, the government is too busy protecting them selves. They are more concerned about getting reelected and playing politics to really care about what you need.
The worst part to all of this is that government can’t even get itself to obey its laws. The reason is because too many people in government don’t subscribe or abide by the moral absolute that applies to all mankind. Like the citizens that they represent, they want to write their own moral code of ethics as they go instead of following the wisdom given us by God. They want to be their own gods.
Some politicians may understand what changes are needed, but the wheels of government are very big and getting others to give up their pet projects and act in the common good is very hard to do. Add to this that several of those elected don’t subscribe to an absolute moral code of ethics and think they can decide what is right based on their own thinking instead of following a universal standard.
Jesus Changes People From the Inside Out.
The bottom line to this conversation is that many of our leaders have no clue about how to solve our problems. They try legislating morality, but immorality still prevails. The government is trying to change people from the outside. They pass laws under the belief that everyone will read and obey those laws. When they see people doing something wrong, they try passing a specific and detailed law to define that wrong and then wonder why people still continue to do what is wrong. The problem is that if the people don’t obey the laws already passed, they won’t obey a new law, regardless of what it says.
This has gone on for thousands of years with the same results. Without an absolute moral standard, all of the laws in the world are meaningless. Unless there is something bigger than government that everyone understands and lives by, there will never be a society that does not have those who break the law.
Jesus will change lawbreakers into law abiders, unproductive into productive, criminals into citizens who obey the law. When we choose to believe in Jesus as God’s Son, our Lord and Savior and the giver of all that is right and good, we change ourselves. Government becomes only a body to deal with those who do not subscribe to God’s moral standards. This is the way it should be.
Time and time again, Jesus has brought people out of lives of crime, drugs, alcoholism, and immorality. He has empowered them to do what is right, good, moral and beneficial to society. Jesus sees the good in us, frees us from the guilt, shame and sin of our past and opens the door for us to do the right thing. When we are following Jesus, we don’t need government’s laws because we are already obeying them.
Getting To Know Jesus will change people into becoming true followers of Jesus Christ.
In order to change the world, we have to change the individuals from the inside out. In order to change them, we have to motivate them to want to change. By teaching others and ourselves about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we allow Him to come into our hearts and motivate us to make the changes we need to make. That is change that will make an absolute difference in our lives.
The government tries to force you to change under threat of punishment. Some of their changes are contrary to God’s moral absolute. Jesus changes us by loving us and persuading us from the inside out. We change because we realize His love and want Him to be the Lord of our life.
The best way to become more like Jesus is to study His life and teachings. This will take time. It will not happen in thirteen weeks or even six months. Jesus took three years in establishing His Kingdom, the Church. Getting To Know Jesus is a complete Bible Study of every event in Jesus’ life that takes three years to complete. By making a weekly effort to focus on the next event in Jesus’ life, the individual will be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus. We will understand how He wants us to live.
Do you need to make some changes in your life? Study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and let Him change what really needs to be changed in you.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What Kind of Fruit Will You Bear?
What Kind of Fruit Will You Bear?
When Jesus gives the illustration about a good tree bearing good fruit and a bad tree bearing bad fruit in Matthew 7:15-23, there is something implied that some people might overlook. In stating that you will be known by the fruit that you bear, He shows us that we are in charge of whether we are going to be a “good tree” or a “bad tree”.
You decide for yourself, each and every day, what kind of fruit you are going to bear. If Jesus is truly Lord of your life, then you will strive to bear good fruit in all you say and do. If you vacillate between Jesus and the world, your fruit will be damaged and reflect your duplicity. The goal is to develop such a close relationship with Jesus that your fruit will always reflect His presence in your life.
Another significant point to remember here is that you don’t have to bear the same kind or as much fruit as the other person. Each one of us has our unique talents and abilities. My fruit is different than your fruit and my ability to bear that fruit is different than your ability. We are not to compete with each other, but to bear good fruit for Jesus in the ways He has called us to do. We are only to bear fruit according to our abilities, not according to someone else’s abilities. God n ever expects anything out of you that you are not capable of.
If you work on loving Jesus to the best of your ability, and don’t compare yourself to others, you will bear awesome fruit in the ways that God has gifted you to do it. What kind of fruit will you bear today? Do it for Jesus!
When Jesus gives the illustration about a good tree bearing good fruit and a bad tree bearing bad fruit in Matthew 7:15-23, there is something implied that some people might overlook. In stating that you will be known by the fruit that you bear, He shows us that we are in charge of whether we are going to be a “good tree” or a “bad tree”.
You decide for yourself, each and every day, what kind of fruit you are going to bear. If Jesus is truly Lord of your life, then you will strive to bear good fruit in all you say and do. If you vacillate between Jesus and the world, your fruit will be damaged and reflect your duplicity. The goal is to develop such a close relationship with Jesus that your fruit will always reflect His presence in your life.
Another significant point to remember here is that you don’t have to bear the same kind or as much fruit as the other person. Each one of us has our unique talents and abilities. My fruit is different than your fruit and my ability to bear that fruit is different than your ability. We are not to compete with each other, but to bear good fruit for Jesus in the ways He has called us to do. We are only to bear fruit according to our abilities, not according to someone else’s abilities. God n ever expects anything out of you that you are not capable of.
If you work on loving Jesus to the best of your ability, and don’t compare yourself to others, you will bear awesome fruit in the ways that God has gifted you to do it. What kind of fruit will you bear today? Do it for Jesus!
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Word for the Wise
A Word for the Wise
One of the things that I realize is important as a parent it to teach our children to be self-disciplined. We want to not just give them knowledge, but the wisdom on how to apply the knowledge that they gain and the self-discipline to apply and live by that wisdom. The goal is that they will grow up to be wise, self-disciplined adults who function well in society.
In Proverbs 1:1-7, Solomon advises us that his proverbs will help us do just that. By applying them diligently to our lives, these proverbs will steer us in a way that will honor God, help us to be moral and responsible adults and give us freedom from the guilt, fear and consequences of sin.
In Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, Solomon concludes that all that matters in life is to serve God and keep His commandments. If we do that, we will do well.
One of the things that I realize is important as a parent it to teach our children to be self-disciplined. We want to not just give them knowledge, but the wisdom on how to apply the knowledge that they gain and the self-discipline to apply and live by that wisdom. The goal is that they will grow up to be wise, self-disciplined adults who function well in society.
In Proverbs 1:1-7, Solomon advises us that his proverbs will help us do just that. By applying them diligently to our lives, these proverbs will steer us in a way that will honor God, help us to be moral and responsible adults and give us freedom from the guilt, fear and consequences of sin.
In Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, Solomon concludes that all that matters in life is to serve God and keep His commandments. If we do that, we will do well.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What Are You Doing Now?
What Are You Doing Now?
Isn’t it interesting to look back at what you thought you wanted to be when you were younger and see where you are today? When I was a boy growing up in Kansas, I wanted to be an airplane pilot. That dream evolved into being a fighter pilot or flying stunt planes.
When I was in high school, my father persuaded me that a hearing loss in my right ear would prevent a career in aviation so I took an interest in sports cars and racing. I changed my dream to design and build high performance sports cars. I even went to college and majored in Automotive Technology to work towards that goal.
Upon graduation from college, I went to work in Phoenix Arizona pursuing a career in the automotive world. I soon realized that the automotive career (I was on my fourth job within a year) wasn’t satisfying. I wasn’t feeling fulfilled in what I was doing.
While in state college, pursuing an automotive career, I was also involved in preaching at my home church in Osage City Kansas. During three summers and the school year between the second and third summer, I preached on weekends at Osage City Christian Church. I felt a satisfaction from that which was missing from the automotive work I was doing in Arizona after graduation from college.
This led me to a career crossroads that put me on a pathway into Christian ministry. Where has your journey through life taken you? Are you on a different path than what you envisioned five, ten, twenty or more years ago?
In Matthew 4:18-22, Jesus called four men, who were working as successful fishermen, to leave their trade and become “fishers of men”. They were quite satisfied and skilled in what they were doing. Why would they ever imagine doing anything else? Even in their wildest dreams, they would never have imagined the journey that Jesus was calling and training them to take.
Less than three years later, Peter, Andrew, James and John became the key leaders in a revolution that is still impacting the world today. As young men, they never thought that they would be four of the twelve men who studied at the feet of the Messiah and would be the primary carriers of that message to the world. In their early years, they had no knowledge that they would be leaders and key players in God’s eternal Kingdom – the Church.
What are you doing now? Are you in the career that you chose as a child or young adult, or have you embarked in a different direction than originally planned? If you are reading this, you are most likely a Christian (although some may be reading this from simple curiosity). How has your walk with Jesus Christ changed the plans and goals in your life? Are you seeking how God can use you to be a “fisher of men”?
Isn’t it interesting to look back at what you thought you wanted to be when you were younger and see where you are today? When I was a boy growing up in Kansas, I wanted to be an airplane pilot. That dream evolved into being a fighter pilot or flying stunt planes.
When I was in high school, my father persuaded me that a hearing loss in my right ear would prevent a career in aviation so I took an interest in sports cars and racing. I changed my dream to design and build high performance sports cars. I even went to college and majored in Automotive Technology to work towards that goal.
Upon graduation from college, I went to work in Phoenix Arizona pursuing a career in the automotive world. I soon realized that the automotive career (I was on my fourth job within a year) wasn’t satisfying. I wasn’t feeling fulfilled in what I was doing.
While in state college, pursuing an automotive career, I was also involved in preaching at my home church in Osage City Kansas. During three summers and the school year between the second and third summer, I preached on weekends at Osage City Christian Church. I felt a satisfaction from that which was missing from the automotive work I was doing in Arizona after graduation from college.
This led me to a career crossroads that put me on a pathway into Christian ministry. Where has your journey through life taken you? Are you on a different path than what you envisioned five, ten, twenty or more years ago?
In Matthew 4:18-22, Jesus called four men, who were working as successful fishermen, to leave their trade and become “fishers of men”. They were quite satisfied and skilled in what they were doing. Why would they ever imagine doing anything else? Even in their wildest dreams, they would never have imagined the journey that Jesus was calling and training them to take.
Less than three years later, Peter, Andrew, James and John became the key leaders in a revolution that is still impacting the world today. As young men, they never thought that they would be four of the twelve men who studied at the feet of the Messiah and would be the primary carriers of that message to the world. In their early years, they had no knowledge that they would be leaders and key players in God’s eternal Kingdom – the Church.
What are you doing now? Are you in the career that you chose as a child or young adult, or have you embarked in a different direction than originally planned? If you are reading this, you are most likely a Christian (although some may be reading this from simple curiosity). How has your walk with Jesus Christ changed the plans and goals in your life? Are you seeking how God can use you to be a “fisher of men”?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Power of the Resurrection
Power of the Resurrection
In I Corinthians 15:12-28, Paul lays out the one thing that makes Christianity superior to any and every other religion. The one who is the founder and key leader of Christianity died for our sins and then rose again to prove He has power over death. No one else can make that claim for their leader.
Indeed, if Jesus Christ had not died and then been raised from the dead, we would have no hope of life after death. The fact that Jesus died on the cross (this would stand true in any court of law) and rose back to life on the third day proves that He has power over death. It also establishes Him as the only ruler of Heaven and Earth. Satan is under Jesus’ foot and has no power over Him.
If you believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and your Lord and Savior, then you can have eternal life through Him. Satan can tempt you, but he cannot take you away from Jesus. His power is limited. Jesus death on the Cross appeared to be Satan’s victory. His resurrection from the dead was the crushing blow to Satan’s power. Jesus’ resurrection also establishes His authority and power over all the earth. No one can take us away from what God has promised us through His Son.
Death is not the enemy of a Christian because we know that we have life beyond death because Jesus proved it in His death and resurrection. Christians can die of cancer or other dreaded diseases, injury or accident with peace because we know that death is merely a transition into God’s perfect Kingdom.
We can sing about death because it no longer owns us. Instead, death is only a letting go of the sin, corruption, limitations and problems of this world to enter into the eternal presence of God’s perfect Kingdom. What a blessing!
Because Jesus lives, we can face death with peace and confidence of life with Jesus!
In I Corinthians 15:12-28, Paul lays out the one thing that makes Christianity superior to any and every other religion. The one who is the founder and key leader of Christianity died for our sins and then rose again to prove He has power over death. No one else can make that claim for their leader.
Indeed, if Jesus Christ had not died and then been raised from the dead, we would have no hope of life after death. The fact that Jesus died on the cross (this would stand true in any court of law) and rose back to life on the third day proves that He has power over death. It also establishes Him as the only ruler of Heaven and Earth. Satan is under Jesus’ foot and has no power over Him.
If you believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and your Lord and Savior, then you can have eternal life through Him. Satan can tempt you, but he cannot take you away from Jesus. His power is limited. Jesus death on the Cross appeared to be Satan’s victory. His resurrection from the dead was the crushing blow to Satan’s power. Jesus’ resurrection also establishes His authority and power over all the earth. No one can take us away from what God has promised us through His Son.
Death is not the enemy of a Christian because we know that we have life beyond death because Jesus proved it in His death and resurrection. Christians can die of cancer or other dreaded diseases, injury or accident with peace because we know that death is merely a transition into God’s perfect Kingdom.
We can sing about death because it no longer owns us. Instead, death is only a letting go of the sin, corruption, limitations and problems of this world to enter into the eternal presence of God’s perfect Kingdom. What a blessing!
Because Jesus lives, we can face death with peace and confidence of life with Jesus!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
He Lost His Head
He Lost His Head
In Matthew 14:1-12, we read about John the Baptist being imprisoned because he dared tell Herod that his marriage to his brother’s ex-wife was unlawful. John the Baptist stood for what God teaches about marriage, divorce, adultery and moral purity. In exchange for that, he lost his head.
Do you care enough about God, His Word and His way that you would risk losing your life to stand for the truth or are you a coward who is afraid of being persecuted if those around you find out that you believe the Bible? Do you love God so much that you will speak out against sin, even if it means risking your life?
In Matthew 14:1-12, we read about John the Baptist being imprisoned because he dared tell Herod that his marriage to his brother’s ex-wife was unlawful. John the Baptist stood for what God teaches about marriage, divorce, adultery and moral purity. In exchange for that, he lost his head.
Do you care enough about God, His Word and His way that you would risk losing your life to stand for the truth or are you a coward who is afraid of being persecuted if those around you find out that you believe the Bible? Do you love God so much that you will speak out against sin, even if it means risking your life?
Monday, January 10, 2011
Integrity in All Things
Integrity in All Things
I was just thinking about Joseph and the events recorded in Genesis 39. What stands out to me is Joseph’s integrity in all circumstances. I believe he serves as a strong role model for every man in the world.
Some might cite Joseph for being a little haughty as a child in declaring that his father and brothers would one-day bow down to him. Even Joseph didn’t understand exactly what that meant and how it would come about. As he got older, he might well have forgotten the claim or taken it for granted because he didn’t see anything happening to bring it about. When his brothers threw him in the ground and later sold him into slavery, he probably didn’t think about them serving him, but questioned why he was in this predicament and tried to figure how he was going to get out of it.
In Egypt, Joseph was sold to Potiphar. He soon proved to be such a man of integrity, honest beyond most men, and definitely hard working, that Potiphar put Joseph placed him in charge of everything in his household. Joseph had great freedom to purchase, manage, use and utilize all Potiphar owned.
Potiphar’s wife observed Joseph as well. He was young, strong, attractive and frequently around the house. Unfortunately, Potiphar’s wife was an immoral woman who had no respect for the sanctity of marriage. She propositioned Joseph again and again. Joseph refused, but that didn’t stop Mrs. Potiphar from trying.
One time, when no one else was around, Mrs. Potiphar caught Joseph by surprise and tried to drag him into her bedroom. Joseph, a man of integrity, fled so fast that he even left his garment behind. If he had any undergarment, which was all he had when he left. Since she couldn’t seduce him, she decided to hurt him by crying “rape”. When Potiphar heard about it, he was infuriated and had Joseph thrown into the King’s more secure prison.
Joseph had done nothing wrong. In fact he was protecting his integrity when he was arrested and thrown into jail. Where was this part about his family worshipping him now?
Even in all of this lying, trial and false imprisonment, Joseph maintained his moral purity. He continued to love and serve God, even in prison. Time and again, Joseph rose above temptation and made the best of the opportunity. His faith in God and integrity even when falsely accused and imprisoned, would not be compromised. Joseph would not compromise his integrity.
The one thing that you can absolutely control is your integrity. No one can take it away from you. No one can make you compromise your values. You own and control your character. You alone have the freedom and power to choose to do the right things and be a real witness for Jesus Christ.
What would others say about your integrity? What are you doing to maintain your integrity and do what is right according to God’s standard? Be like Joseph and don’t let anyone or anything take you away from walking with integrity before God.
I was just thinking about Joseph and the events recorded in Genesis 39. What stands out to me is Joseph’s integrity in all circumstances. I believe he serves as a strong role model for every man in the world.
Some might cite Joseph for being a little haughty as a child in declaring that his father and brothers would one-day bow down to him. Even Joseph didn’t understand exactly what that meant and how it would come about. As he got older, he might well have forgotten the claim or taken it for granted because he didn’t see anything happening to bring it about. When his brothers threw him in the ground and later sold him into slavery, he probably didn’t think about them serving him, but questioned why he was in this predicament and tried to figure how he was going to get out of it.
In Egypt, Joseph was sold to Potiphar. He soon proved to be such a man of integrity, honest beyond most men, and definitely hard working, that Potiphar put Joseph placed him in charge of everything in his household. Joseph had great freedom to purchase, manage, use and utilize all Potiphar owned.
Potiphar’s wife observed Joseph as well. He was young, strong, attractive and frequently around the house. Unfortunately, Potiphar’s wife was an immoral woman who had no respect for the sanctity of marriage. She propositioned Joseph again and again. Joseph refused, but that didn’t stop Mrs. Potiphar from trying.
One time, when no one else was around, Mrs. Potiphar caught Joseph by surprise and tried to drag him into her bedroom. Joseph, a man of integrity, fled so fast that he even left his garment behind. If he had any undergarment, which was all he had when he left. Since she couldn’t seduce him, she decided to hurt him by crying “rape”. When Potiphar heard about it, he was infuriated and had Joseph thrown into the King’s more secure prison.
Joseph had done nothing wrong. In fact he was protecting his integrity when he was arrested and thrown into jail. Where was this part about his family worshipping him now?
Even in all of this lying, trial and false imprisonment, Joseph maintained his moral purity. He continued to love and serve God, even in prison. Time and again, Joseph rose above temptation and made the best of the opportunity. His faith in God and integrity even when falsely accused and imprisoned, would not be compromised. Joseph would not compromise his integrity.
The one thing that you can absolutely control is your integrity. No one can take it away from you. No one can make you compromise your values. You own and control your character. You alone have the freedom and power to choose to do the right things and be a real witness for Jesus Christ.
What would others say about your integrity? What are you doing to maintain your integrity and do what is right according to God’s standard? Be like Joseph and don’t let anyone or anything take you away from walking with integrity before God.
Friday, January 7, 2011
In Genesis 4:1-9, we see that Cain was not able, so he killed Abel and we’ve been raising Cain ever since. When God confronted Cain with his sin, he tried to excuse himself by saying, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” In other words, he tried to deny what had happened.
A friend recently told me that when he was in prison, more than once he saw someone get stabbed. When that happened, everyone just walked away and pretended that they didn’t see what they saw. If an inmate said anything about who did the crime, that inmate would find himself laying in a pool of his own blood next. Telling is not done in prison if you want to live.
Out side of prison, in the real world, things are quite different, especially for Christians. In Galatians 6:1-7, Paul instructs us to gently confront someone who sins and encourage them to stop the sinful behavior. First, we must make sure we are not doing the same thing in our lives, but we don’t ignore their sin. As members of the same family of Christ, we talk to them and encourage them to do the right thing.
We are a team and if one member of the team is cheating or not playing according to the rules or is not playing to the best of his ability, it behooves the other team members to talk to that player about doing his best and abiding by the rules of the game. Otherwise, the entire team loses, all because of one player.
The people in your family are a team. You help one another to do the right thing. The people you work with are another team. Each one works with the others on that team to accomplish the objectives of that industry. If you are in a community group of any kind, you are a team member with the others in that group. You don’t ignore one another, but encourage each other to follow the established agenda and do their part.
The church is a team. Encourage your fellow Christian friends to live their life in such a way that Christ is glorified, honored and proclaimed. Let’s work together as a team to fulfill the Great Commission and lead one more soul to eternity.
In Genesis 4:1-9, we see that Cain was not able, so he killed Abel and we’ve been raising Cain ever since. When God confronted Cain with his sin, he tried to excuse himself by saying, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” In other words, he tried to deny what had happened.
A friend recently told me that when he was in prison, more than once he saw someone get stabbed. When that happened, everyone just walked away and pretended that they didn’t see what they saw. If an inmate said anything about who did the crime, that inmate would find himself laying in a pool of his own blood next. Telling is not done in prison if you want to live.
Out side of prison, in the real world, things are quite different, especially for Christians. In Galatians 6:1-7, Paul instructs us to gently confront someone who sins and encourage them to stop the sinful behavior. First, we must make sure we are not doing the same thing in our lives, but we don’t ignore their sin. As members of the same family of Christ, we talk to them and encourage them to do the right thing.
We are a team and if one member of the team is cheating or not playing according to the rules or is not playing to the best of his ability, it behooves the other team members to talk to that player about doing his best and abiding by the rules of the game. Otherwise, the entire team loses, all because of one player.
The people in your family are a team. You help one another to do the right thing. The people you work with are another team. Each one works with the others on that team to accomplish the objectives of that industry. If you are in a community group of any kind, you are a team member with the others in that group. You don’t ignore one another, but encourage each other to follow the established agenda and do their part.
The church is a team. Encourage your fellow Christian friends to live their life in such a way that Christ is glorified, honored and proclaimed. Let’s work together as a team to fulfill the Great Commission and lead one more soul to eternity.
Self control
In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus talks to His audience about the importance of exercising self-control. He says that thinking about murdering someone is as bad as actually murdering that person. That is because all sin originates in the mind before it is actually carried out. If we never think the thought, we will never do the act.
Jesus’ admonition is that thinking is as bad as doing. He doesn’t mean that if a thought just passes through your mind, that it is sin. What Jesus is referring to is that thought that you dwell on. When you allow yourself to continue thinking about doing something that is wrong, that is when it becomes a part of you and becomes a sin.
Most murders, if not all, are preceded by a mind-set that is not opposed to committing the act of violence. The one who commits the murder has predetermined that if this event happens, he is going to harm, if not kill, the person who did the deed that he considers inexcusable. The trigger that causes one to commit murder might be for a moment, but the mindset that he uses to control his overall behavior has already established that if this trigger is pulled, his reaction will be murder.
If dwelling on negative thoughts and allowing them to linger in your mind is sin, in like manner, filling your mind with the Word of God and meditating on God’s love, forgiveness and will for your life will help you avoid sin. Rather than allow temptation an opportunity to cause you to sin, recognize it as a temptation and make a conscious decision not to give in to it. Change your thinking and focus on something that is good, loving and kind.
God makes it clear from Genesis to Revelation, that you and I have a choice. We can choose to follow Jesus Christ and live a godly life or we can choose to reject God. It is a matter of self-control. It is a matter of choosing to do the right thing every time you are tempted and not give in to the temptation.
Don’t allow those thoughts that are evil to have time in your mind. Recognize them, name them, get rid of them and replace them with Scripture and thoughts that are reflective of who Jesus Christ is in you. Exercise the self control to do the right thing.
In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus talks to His audience about the importance of exercising self-control. He says that thinking about murdering someone is as bad as actually murdering that person. That is because all sin originates in the mind before it is actually carried out. If we never think the thought, we will never do the act.
Jesus’ admonition is that thinking is as bad as doing. He doesn’t mean that if a thought just passes through your mind, that it is sin. What Jesus is referring to is that thought that you dwell on. When you allow yourself to continue thinking about doing something that is wrong, that is when it becomes a part of you and becomes a sin.
Most murders, if not all, are preceded by a mind-set that is not opposed to committing the act of violence. The one who commits the murder has predetermined that if this event happens, he is going to harm, if not kill, the person who did the deed that he considers inexcusable. The trigger that causes one to commit murder might be for a moment, but the mindset that he uses to control his overall behavior has already established that if this trigger is pulled, his reaction will be murder.
If dwelling on negative thoughts and allowing them to linger in your mind is sin, in like manner, filling your mind with the Word of God and meditating on God’s love, forgiveness and will for your life will help you avoid sin. Rather than allow temptation an opportunity to cause you to sin, recognize it as a temptation and make a conscious decision not to give in to it. Change your thinking and focus on something that is good, loving and kind.
God makes it clear from Genesis to Revelation, that you and I have a choice. We can choose to follow Jesus Christ and live a godly life or we can choose to reject God. It is a matter of self-control. It is a matter of choosing to do the right thing every time you are tempted and not give in to the temptation.
Don’t allow those thoughts that are evil to have time in your mind. Recognize them, name them, get rid of them and replace them with Scripture and thoughts that are reflective of who Jesus Christ is in you. Exercise the self control to do the right thing.
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