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Friday, August 19, 2011



By Glen M. Copple

Hebrews 1:1-13

Do you watch Saturday morning cartoons? Have you seen the current movie – Captain America?
People are constantly looking for a “Superhero” as an example, influence, ideal or idol to rescue them from their troubles and solve all of their problems.

Who are some of our supposed superheroes?
Superman, Transformers, Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Do you follow a sports figure, entertainer, actor, politician, celebrity and consider them a hero? - Mickey Mantle, Mickey Mouse, Mickey Rooney, or Mitt Romney
Remember that people followed Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Hussein, Bin Laden and considered them heroes at one time.

No person can provide what we are seeking and need in a superhero.

Jesus is our SUPERHERO and we should worship Him.

1. He’s my SUPERHERO because He’s REAL – not artificial. Hebrews 1:1-3

Jesus is not like the Greek or Roman gods who were figments of man’s imagination and limited in their imagined power. They are more likely to hurt those who don’t appease them than to love and care for those they “rule” over.

Jesus is not like modern cartoon characters that are also figments of man's imagination and wishful thinking. Most of them engage in fighting some enemy over and over again. But their power is limited to the imaginations of the writers.

Jesus exists. His friends and enemies testify that He exists – John 7:32; Acts 2. He is a real person who was able to do far more than any other "hero". Our calendars acknowledge His birth over 2,000 years ago. John 20:30-31; 21:24-25. His actions were beyond His audiences imaginations.

2. He’s my SUPERHERO because He’s SUPER – not fictional - Hebrews 1:3-4

Jesus needs no belts, rings, ropes or minerals or chemicals for His power. His power is not limited to man’s imagination. He has power over every kind of sickness or disease, seas, weather, water, fish, trees, hunger, even over death and Satan.

By His words, He can control crowds – Luke 14:1-6; Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5-7; John 7:32-46.

He even orchestrated and controlled His own crucifixion in order to pay for our sins.

3. He’s my SUPERHERO because He’s a HERO – none greater - Hebrews 1:8-12

Jesus saves us from our sins – I John 2:1-2. That is far greater than just saving my life.

Other supposed superheroes can only conquer a physical enemy for a moment. (Most of those enemies return in sequels to harrass some more.)
Jesus conquered Satan and sin once and for all – Romans 6:10; Hebrews 9:26; I Peter 3:18
He died in my place – Romans 5:8
He arose from death – Luke 24:1-7; John 20:26-29
His resurrection guarantees eternal life to all who believe, repent of their sin, follow and are immersed into Him – Romans 6:3-5

“I heard my name as the trophy was hoisted in my direction in the midst of this surreal scene of crazed underdog fans mixed with those disappointed at the fall of their champion, I reached for the trophy feeling both like a hero and a villain.

“I was being anointed by a world obsessed with putting people on a pedestal. And when a man receives it, he receives, unbeknownst to him, the public exposition that comes from the inevitable great fall.

“We live and perform on a stage before a sick voyeuristic media, of hidden faces hiding in the shadow of each tragic demise.

“…no man was made for a pedestal. That spot had been reserved before the beginning of time for one. No man can carry the glory, nor is he supposed to. All champions fall when talent fails to hold up under the pressure or when age or death prevails in this mortal state. But when it happens, early or late, another is anointed and the cycle proceeds.

“When you walk in your purpose, a trophy pales in comparison to the fruit of your wake.” – David Cook – Seven Days in Utopia

Jesus is far more than just a SUPERHERO.

One Solitary Life –
He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in still another village, where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty…
Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family or owned a house. He didn’t go to college.
He never visited a big city, He never traveled two hundred miles from the place where He was born. He did none of the things one usually associates with greatness.
He had no credentials but Himself. He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against Him. His friends ran away. He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing, the only property He had on earth.
When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.
Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today He is the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind’s progress.
All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that ONE SOLITARY LIFE. - author unknown

Jesus is God who became man, lived and died to pay for our sins, that we might live through Him.
He is Lord, Savior, King, role model and so much more.

He wants to be your SUPERHERO, save you from the eternal consequences of your sins and give you eternal life in a perfect world free of sin and suffering!

Believe – Repent – Confess – Be immersed – Live for Jesus.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bigotry is Blind

Bigotry is Blind
This week’s thought is taken from part of lesson 056 which is found in “Getting To Know Jesus” – Volume 05. To follow along in your Bible, our Scripture text is found in: Matthew 9:32-34.

32 While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus. 33 And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.”
34 But the Pharisees said, “It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons.”

It has been said that you should never talk about religion and politics. A large part of the reason for that is that most people are unwilling to be open-minded. Instead, they attack the other person’s viewpoint – actually, they often attack the other person with words of hatred, blind bigotry and fierce opposition. Occasionally, those words lead to physical conflict and someone gets physically hurt.

Even Jesus was subject to such bigotry. Here, the Pharisees, who are so opposed to Him that they will not say anything good about Him, try to deny His goodness and make a false accusation in hopes of getting others to hate Him instead of follow the Son of God. In their fear that Jesus is disturbing their status quo, they go on the attack. In their sin and selfishness, they say things about Jesus that are untrue and that they cannot prove. They don’t care whether it is true or not, but only that they discredit the miracle worker.

What kind of person are you? Do you say hateful things about others without considering whether your words are true of fair? Or do you consider what you are about to say and modify your comments to be respectful, truthful and reflective of Christ in your life?

We can disagree with another person’s views and express our differences in love. We don’t have to attack, say false and hateful things. To do so is not what Jesus would do.

Don’t be like the Pharisees. Don’t allow bigotry blind you from being loving, respectful and truthful in what you say about others with whom you disagree.

If you must speak against a person’s viewpoint, be honest, Christ-like, loving and fair in expressing your differences.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Being God’s Man – Faith in the Tuff Times

The Childless Will Have a Child! - 004
Being God’s Man – Faith in the Tuff Times

Most people look forward to having a baby. If my wife is expecting, I’m calling Abraham to try to find out what to do next! She’ll be calling Sarah or Elizabeth! Actually, we’re content to be grandparents! Are you childless and wanting to have one? Being childless can be a source of great longing. Do you know a married couple that wants to have a child of their own and has not been able to? Do you have faith that God can do the impossible, even in your life? We are in Luke 1:5-25.

1. Live a Righteous LifeLuke 1:5-6
Herod “the Great,” is another man with a big ego. Just because you call yourself some sort of title doesn’t mean you measure up! He is a powerful, ruthless, ungodly and murdering ruler! It is a sad day when a leader is not humble, but flaunts his power!

Zechariah & Elizabeth are righteous followers of God who have no children. Good people. Sometimes bad things happen to good people! Zechariah is a priest (one who is still serious about serving God). Not all priests are hypocrites! This is a statement of the importance of maintaining your integrity.
To be truly pleasing to God, we must do what is right by God’s standards, not by our own. We can’t make up our own rules as we go along without reaping painful consequences for our choices. Having faith in tough time’s means trusting that by doing what is right, we will reap God’s rewards, not the world’s consequences for wrong behavior.

2. Continue Your Daily ResponsibilitiesLuke 1:8-10
Zechariah is praying in the temple for all of the people, which is a rare opportunity. Since each priest took turns doing this, once per year, it is possible that this was the only time he ever did this. He enters the Holy of Holies to make intercession for the people, and while performing his duties, an angel comes to tell him that he is going to be a father. (Interlude) Jews are expecting the Messiah. Signs of the times tell them it is near! Don’t stop living because some “sign” of the future is evident.

We don’t have to break routine or do something special to get God’s attention. God is not manipulated by religious behavior or actions. If we are walking in faith, we can proceed with our daily duties and know that God will accomplish His plans for our life. Just make sure what you are doing is in agreement with what the Bible teaches and you will have God’s blessing.

3. Pray Concerning Your SituationLuke 1:11-17
We gather by the nature of the conversation that Zechariah and Elizabeth are still praying for a child. Because of their prayers and faith, they are told that they going to have a baby boy! He will be healthy, grow to be a man who will be faithful in serving God! Don’t stop praying until God answers your prayer! Many babies die, but Zechariah is assured that his baby is going to live to adult hood and do something great for God. People are proud to claim a son, daughter, brother, sister or relative who is in ministry!

How would you feel if you and your spouse were childless and had almost given up on having a child and you got news like that? The angel gives Zechariah some strong instructions about the upbringing of this child! All parents should have some serious instructions (possible restrictions) in the upbringing of their children! It is no secret what God can do for those who are truly seeking to follow Him and trusting in His guidance and provision.

4. Don’t Doubt GodLuke 1:18-23
Zechariah doesn’t disbelieve the angel’s message, but he does seek a “sign” as proof that this is from God. He is introduced to the meaning of speechless! Gabriel Calling! Gabriel means “God’s Power.” This is only the start of God manifesting His power among men. We will see another example of that power in the next lesson! Don’t challenge God’s authority. HE WILL WIN!

Meanwhile, the crowd is waiting for a “final blessing” and wonders why Zechariah is taking so long. Don’t leave without your blessing or you won’t be blessed! Sometimes God may be slow according to our wishes and we may think we have been waiting forever, but Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, we never want to doubt God or give up on what we sincerely and Scripturally believe that He is going to do. God is constantly looking for and testing His servants to see who is faithful, trusting and ready to serve Him.

5. Praise God for the ResultsLuke 1:24-25
When Zechariah finally exits the Temple, the people perceive that something extraordinary has happened to him while he was in there. Now, for them to hear what has happened is more important than leaving! What’s Elizabeth going to think when Zechariah gets home? She can talk all she wants and he can’t interrupt! It’s going to get very interesting as her pregnancy starts to show.

God has given you special talents and abilities. He also has a job tailored just for you and will bless you as you do it. There may be testing or disciplining to prepare you for the job, but as you truly believe in and trust God, you are going to have more opportunity to praise Him for His faithfulness and blessings than you will have time to do it. God likes to reward those who are sincerely faithful to Him.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Being God’s Man – Know Your Style

Introducing the Bible Text – 003
Being God’s Man – Know Your Style
Have you ever told a story that you had to introduce before you could actually tell it? Did you need to set the stage? Good News always brings excitement. What is the most recent good news that you have heard? What is the best news that you have ever heard?
If you were to write a title for your life, what would you like for it to be? How would you like to be remembered after you are gone? Have you studied your family tree to learn about where your ancestors came from?

In this lesson, we are going to observe how each writer begins his Gospel. Each has his own style of writing and unique audience. Knowing your style will be helpful to you as you seek to tell others about Jesus.

Mark’s Title – name given to a literary work. – Mark 1:1
It is the title to the story about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ! Mark’s Gospel is addressed TO THE ROMANS! Even though Jesus was with God the Father in the act of creation, His life on this earth has a beginning. Gospel comes from the Greek word, “Euanggellion.” It means “Good News”. Jesus is the good news about God reaching down to establish an eternal relationship with man! Is there any greater news than being set free from our sins? Mark is the only writer to use the word “Gospel” in his book.

“Jesus” is Greek for “Joshua” which means, “God is salvation.” Christ is Greek for “anointed one” (the Hebrew word is Messiah)! Romans understand “gods” as beings of power so Mark focuses on the power of Jesus as God the man. JESUS IS THE POWER! Mark takes the Roman’s quest for power and presents Jesus as the ultimate solution. We can likewise take the power of the Gospel to change the lives of others so they can find that power in their lives as well.

We can use Mark’s style to reach those around us who are seeking real power in their life. You can also develop that power in your life as you go through “GETTING TO KNOW JESUS.” You will become better equipped to handle the trials and challenges that we all face and you exercise the strength God has given you to deal with those situations.

Luke’s Preface – An introductory statement to start the story.Luke 1:1-4
Luke employs the style of contemporary historical and technical writers. Luke acknowledges that he is not the first or only person to write about Jesus. He simply sets out to tell the accurate and true story. Luke seeks to inform THE GENTILES! Luke writes to “most excellent Theophilus” which means, “God lover.” This could be a person or anyone who loves God! “Most excellent” recognizes the person as one worthy of honor! Are you a “Theophilus?”

Luke seeks to give his readers a researched and thorough accounting of what Jesus did and taught. By “GETTING TO KNOW JESUS” you are developing an accurate understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus so that you can tell others. Those who love god will love Jesus and are honored!

John’s Prologue – preliminary action foreshadowing a greater event. The Prologue sets the stage so that he can tell you the real story!John 1:1-18
John’s prologue is more of a theological statement than an introduction. A prologue is an introduction foreshadowing a greater event! John’s Prologue is comprised of three parts which are divided by statements about John the Baptist. John seeks to reach THE LOST! Before time existed, Jesus is! He is the Logos means WORD of God. JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD! He is present before creation. He is cause, not effect. Jesus is the SON means He is the light who has come to change men’s lives! He changes men’s lives for the better!

John the Baptist is mentioned as an immediate forerunner to proclaim the coming of the Messiah! Jesus gives us the REAL POWER to become sons of God!

The oppression of the church will fail, but Christ’s Church shall prevail! We are born as children of God when we accept Jesus as God’s Son and our Lord and Savior! God, God’s WORD – Jesus has come and lived among us! We are recipients of God’s grace, first by Moses, but far more so by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Matthew’s Genealogy – chart or recorded history of descendents.Matthew 1:1-17
Jesus has a very important genealogy! Matthew writes to prove Jesus as Messiah TO THE JEWS! Matthew and Luke give the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew follows the legal lineage via Joseph. This will show that Jesus is a true descendant from David. Luke follows the physical lineage of Jesus through Mary. He traces it all the way back to Abraham and Adam. (We are all connected to Jesus.) Matthew mentions Tamar (who prostituted herself with her father-in-law), Rahab (a prostitute and foreigner), Ruth (a foreigner) and Bathsheba (with whom David had an adulterous affair). God can accomplish His divine will even out of man’s fallen state! Matthew shows 3 sets of 14 generations. Jesus’ lineage is an important step in proving that He is the Messiah! It proves He is a descendant of David and Abraham as prophesied.

In similar manner, your genealogy is an important part of your identity. The most important part of your genealogy is whether or not you are a part of the family of God. “GETTING TO KNOW JESUS” will help you grow as a member of God’s family.

We are only getting started in our adventure of “Getting To Know Jesus”!

This is only a commentary on the one of the lessons from the Getting To Know Jesus Bible Study Series. To get the full lesson, including the Bible text, commentary and discussion questions, go to and order Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 01

Friday, July 15, 2011

Being God’s Man – Finding Your Audience

Four Writers – One Story 002
Being God’s Man – Finding Your Audience
Everybody has a different way of telling the same story. Because of our different personalities, we approach the same event from a different viewpoint. Police question many witnesses to try to piece together the truth from their combined stories. Likewise, God chose to have four different authors write about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. In so doing, He gave us four views who Christian leaders have considered to be authentic and reliable. (There are other writers, but their stories do not carry the divine signature. Indeed, some of them are heretics in their writings!)

By learning about each author and his background, we can better understand what he writes, why he writes and make better application of it to our lives. We can also understand how God can use us even though we aren’t like someone else that we look up to. So let’s look at the authors of the four Gospels and see how we can learn more about Jesus’ life from what they wrote. Why did they write the way they did?

None of the four Gospels identify their authors. John doesn’t even mention his name in his Gospel. However, tradition and history have accepted that these words were penned by the men we currently attribute them to and there is insufficient, if any, evidence to say otherwise.

Matthew reminds me that GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES!
Matthew was a tax collector prior to becoming a disciple and later being chosen by Jesus to be an Apostle. He was a Jew who wrote to persuade the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah that had been prophesied in the Old Testament. He will understand the Jewish people and how they think. He will use that knowledge to persuade them that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

Matthew’s gospel approaches the life and teachings of Jesus Christ topically, more than chronologically. It is like a topical study with seven divisions that was written to the Jews proclaiming Jesus is Messiah! He specializes in showing how Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. Matthew likes to focus on what Jesus said and taught and is the most quoted of the writers. We find many of the parables.

Matthew is proclaiming that Jesus is the one promised by God who redeems Israel (and all mankind) from their sins! GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES!

Mark is believed to be John Mark who had accompanied Paul for a season. His gospel reflects the style and personality of Peter and most scholars believe that he got his information and inspiration from Peter.

Romans like power and Mark shows Jesus as a powerful force! Mark’s Gospel was written to the Romans and shows rapidity of action, vividness of detail and picturesque description – Action and Power! Mark’s gospel reads like an action adventure. He rapidly goes from one event to another with no transitions. Jesus is the Son of God!

Mark is less concerned with chronological order and focuses more on what Jesus did! He establishes the power of Jesus as the Son of God. A little extra attention is given to Jesus’ miracles. He also explains many of the Jewish customs that his Roman audience does not understand.

Jesus is a God who became a man! GOD HAS LIVED AMONG US!

Luke declares that JESUS IS A MAN WHO IS GOD!
Luke gives us a Biography written to the Gentiles and declaring Jesus is a man who was God! Luke is a medical doctor who was Paul’s personal physician. Although he will get much of his information from Paul, his medical background leads him to search diligently to ascertain the history of His Story!
Gentiles like knowledge and intellectualism. Luke shows them that this man, Jesus, is God who is living among us. His humanity and power will satisfy the curiosity and interests of the Greeks, who like to consider themselves as intellectuals. Luke gives more focus on His life and His miracles. He gives more detail on birth and only account of childhood. He and Matthew give the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew goes from Abraham to Mary. Luke traces it from Joseph to Adam.

Jesus is a man who is also God! He works mighty miracles over man and nature! AS SUCH, HE HAS MODELED HOW GOD WOULD LIVE IF HE WERE A MAN (HOW WE SHOULD LIVE TO PLEASE GOD)!

John declares that JESUS IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!
John, along with his brother, James, were known as “Sons of Thunder.” He was one of the youngest of the Apostles. He didn’t write his Gospel until almost 100 years after Jesus’ birth. John focuses is on who Jesus is and what He did! Mentions “love,” six “I AM’s.” John only covers three weeks of Jesus’ life, but he covers every event on each day of those weeks. He seeks to show Jesus as the only one through which we can be forgiven of our sins.


The Gospels give us four authors, four audiences and four styles, but one story. In similar manner, God has given you your particular talents and interests and circle of influence. Your job is not to do my job or do what I do the way I do it. Your job is to use your gifts and abilities to witness to those who are in your circle of influence.

Throughout this life, all that matters is Getting To Know Jesus! We are here to walk with you on a journey through His life and teachings. We look forward to being with you next week. Meanwhile, God Bless and have a great week.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to Weather the Storms of Life

Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 04
Jesus Teaches by Private Explanation - 052
How to Weather the Storms of Life

When is the last time that you cried out for help? Was it a situation at home, work, or out in the community? Was it a health crisis, accident situation, bad news regarding a job, income or financial crisis? Did you get bad news about a spouse, parent or child, relative or close friend?
What do you do when you find yourself in a crisis? Do you loose strength and cry out as one who is totally helpless? Do you toughen up and look to see what you have to do to fight this crisis? Or did you combine the two responses?

In Matthew 8:18, 23-27; Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25, Jesus and the Apostles take a boat ride. This ride turns into quite a life-threatening event. Let’s see what Jesus has to teach us about it.

Life Will Encounter Severe StormsMatthew 8:18, 23-24; Mark 4:35-37; Luke 8:22-23
Jesus and the Apostles are crossing the lake to get to the other side. Jesus may be using this to get a break from the crowd, as well as do some ministry on the east side of the Sea of Galilee. On the way across the lake, they get caught in one of the storms that the sea is known for. These storms come out of the north with very strong winds and churn up the waves to the point of threatening their safety.

There are going to be times in each of our lives when we will encounter a crisis. It may be a marriage problem or a health issue. It could be an accident or a conflict at work or outside the home. The crisis may be related to a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or some other weather related event. To some, it may seem small, but to you, it is a major situation. Regardless of what your “storm” is, life is about dealing with the storms that come and learning how to survive them!

Jesus is Our Source of SecurityMatthew 8:25-26; Mark 4:38-39; Luke 8:24-25a
When the storm increases, even the fisherman who are very familiar with the Sea of Galilee become alarmed and afraid. The other Apostles are looking to Peter, Andrew, James and John, trusting that they know how to deal with this. When they become alarmed, that is reason for the others to become alarmed more so!

Jesus isn’t bothered by the storm. In fact, He’s asleep in the back of the boat as though there is nothing to worry about. This doesn’t make sense to them so they go and put their dilemma on His shoulders. They look to Him to protect them from the threat of drowning.

When the Apostles wake Him, He first rebukes them for being fearful. He knows that this storm is nothing to worry about because He knows the power and will of God. Jesus knows that God will protect Him and them because they have a greater purpose on earth.

When we encounter a trial, storm, difficulty in our lives, God desires for us to bring it to Him and look to Him for protection, deliverance, healing or what ever is necessary to resolve the situation. Indeed, God allows us to go through trials to cause us to look to Him for help, guidance, safety, security and to help us grow as believers.

Responding To God’s PowerMatthew 8:27; Mark 4:40-41; Luke 8:25b
When the Apostles see how easily and calmly Jesus stills the storm and calms the waves, they are utterly amazed. They have seen Him do many different kinds of miracles, but this is the first time they have seen Him exercise power over nature. This will only cause them to recognize that He has power over nature as well as over the diseases and handicaps of people.

Do you remember to thank God for the things He has safely seen you through? Do you ever think to praise Him for protecting you from so much that you never know about? Do you look for and notice the displays of God’s power that are constantly all around us?

I find it breathtaking to look at the storm and praise God’s wonderful power. The magnificence of the storms with the peace of His presence in a crisis and the assurance of His salvation, all come together to give me more reason to want to praise Him.

Next week, Jesus is going to meet a man who is possessed with many demons. There is going to be a confrontation and those demons are going to make pigs of themselves! Join us as we learn how to deal with demons and do some more “Getting To Know Jesus”!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How Not to Make Friends (Stand Your Ground)

Jesus Responds to His Accusers - 048
How Not to Make Friends
(Stand Your Ground)

In 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote a book on “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. It has been a best seller ever since and never surpassed in its truths and wisdom. His insights are universal and it is a book that should be read by everyone.

However, there are times when winning others to your viewpoint is fruitless. There are some people whose hatred for you and what you believe is so severe that the only solution is to confront and expose them with their attitudes. Trying to win them is a waste of energy.

In Matthew 12:34-50; Mark 3:31-35 and Luke 8:19-21, Jesus continues His comments on the Pharisees. He is not going to make any friends in this discourse! But again, it is not His fault that they are so opposed to Him as to be unwilling to consider whether His claims are true. Can you believe that there are actually some people who will reject Jesus, even to His face? How do we handle people like that today?

Expose Their HypocrisyMatthew 12:34-37
Jesus realizes that the Pharisees, in general, feel threatened by Him. They like having power over the people, and Jesus is undermining that power. Instead of embracing Him, they have chosen to hate and oppose Him. In less than two years, they will be key figures in crucifying Him.
Since He knows that He will not win them (with the exception of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea) His only alternative is to expose them for the hypocrites that they are. They accused Him of being a demon. Now He tells them that they will be judged by their own words! You cannot always allow your opponents to continue unopposed!

Jesus doesn’t address their attitude towards Him, but instead exposes their double standard, especially in their relationship to God. There will be times when we will have to expose the hypocrisy of those who are opposed to our message. Don’t back down from your faith in God!

Warn Them of the Consequences of DenialMatthew 12:38-45
The Pharisees ask Jesus for a sign with the suggestion that they will believe Him if they get what they want. Jesus replies that they have already had many signs and still don’t believe. They want to deny rather than accept the truth. Jesus claims that foreigners are more open to the truths of God than they are. When the church is established, gentiles will be as open, if not more so, to the Gospel than the Jews.

When we become opposed to someone or something, it is much harder to listen and consider their views. The Pharisees are unwilling to even consider Jesus’ claims or recognize the signs that He has already given. They are adamant in their opposition to Him and His teachings. If they don’t accept what they have already seen, they will not accept more if they were to see it.

Remember Who Our Real Friends AreMatthew 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21
Again, Jesus’ family comes to speak to Him. Earlier, they were concerned about Him being so busy helping other people that they thought He wasn’t in control of Himself. The suggestion is that they thought He was mentally unstable. This time, they aren’t trying to “take charge of Him”, but they would like to talk. I wonder what they have to say!

Jesus responds that His true family consists of those who follow God’s will. They will want to believe in Him and follow His teachings. That includes you and me and would exclude any “family” members who don’t choose to believe that He is God’s Son, our Lord and Savior.

There may be situations where your family isn’t nearby or they don’t share your values. In that case, your “family” becomes those who do share your values, activities, and proximity. That doesn’t mean you don’t have contact with real family members but that we recognize those closest to us as those who will be there for us if a crisis occurs.

What kind of a friend are you? Do you care about others? Do you do things to help others around you when they have needs? A good way to make friends is to be a friend. Your church is most likely your closest circle of friends. Consider how you can build this circle of friends by inviting others to come to Jesus and join your circle of fellowship.

When you are witnessing to others about Jesus, be courteous, respectful and polite. If they reject your witness, then let them go into the hands of God. It is not your job to make them believe, but to try to persuade them to investigate and accept Jesus for themselves.

Next week, Jesus is going to teach us something about gardening. It is a parable that has some very strong lessons for you and me to live by. Join us and we will do some more “Getting To Know Jesus”!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Treat Others

Jesus Eulogizes John the Baptist - 045
(The following lesson is based on Getting To Know Jesus lesson 045 in Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 04)

How to Treat Others
I recently celebrated my sixtieth birthday. Knowing Sylvia’s pendant to celebrate such events, especially “milestones” with some flare, I asked for a birthday party in lieu of anything else. What I got was about 120 friends gathering together to celebrate my birthday. I have never had a party like that thrown for me.

Included in the event was a dinner with lots of good food. We all laughed. They also presented a photo collage on PowerPoint that gave a brief overview of my life.

One of the things realized was that this was a celebration of my life and what I meant to others before I died. Funerals are somewhat similar, except the person had died.

Jesus had just been questioned by some of John the Baptist’s followers who were inquiring for John about whether Jesus was the Messiah. After answering their question, Jesus takes the opportunity to say a few things about John the Baptist. Even in this event, there are lessons for us!

Challenge Errant Thinking – Matthew 11:7-10; Luke 7:24-27
Jesus begins by expressing the Jewish contemporary opinion of John. He does not do it as a put down, but merely a neutral observation. He reiterates what the most people were expecting of John. Then He presents the truth.

Be careful what you SAY
Even Christians get involved in errant rhetoric. Political bashing, criticizing of other Christians or Christian organizations, etc. is not constructive to our Christian witness.

Seek to REASON, not ARGUE
We can’t reach those who are engaged in sexual immorality, drug addicts, or people who condone sinful activities if we just all out attack them. We must show them that we understand what they are thinking, explain where that thinking comes from and then point out its fallacies.

Speak the TRUTH in LOVE
We do want to be able to explain God’s way in a manner that the other person will understand and not feel like they are being attacked.

Speak Well of Others – Matthew 11:11-15; Luke 7:28-30
Jesus goes on to tell the people that there has never been a spokesman for God as great as John the Baptist. When you think of men like Abraham, David, Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha and Jeremiah, that is quite a statement.

Don’t put OTHER people DOWN
When I hear someone putting someone else down, my nature is to think less of the one talking than of the one they are talking about. We don’t build ourselves up by putting others down, but by speaking about the good in other people’s lives.

Find the GOOD in other people and COMMEND them for it
Mom said, “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing.” Will Rogers said that he never met a man he didn’t like. We need to look for the good in others and speak that good to them and about them. That will make other think good of us also.

Don’t Reject God’s Anointed – Matthew 11:16-19; Luke 7:31-35
Jesus reflects on how some Jews are trying to Him into a mold that He doesn’t fit. Rather than seeing who He is in God, they are trying to tell Him whom He can or cannot be.

Don’t criticize other CHRISTIANS
It is a dangerous thing when we start to criticize other Christians just because they believe or worship different. There are so many people going to hell who need the clear message of salvation that we don’t have time to waste criticizing how others do it. If they are doing something that is not Scriptural, go to them in private. Don’t talk behind their back.

The law by which you JUDGE is the law by which you will be JUDGED
It is likewise unwise to criticize another person for how they are doing their job, managing their money, treating their spouse or raising their children just because you don’t like how they are doing it.

What you say about others will come back to what others say about you and how they treat you! Remember the Golden Rule? Are you someone who is often talking about others in an uncomplimentary way or are you someone who always defends the underdog and builds other people up?

In Getting To Know Jesus - 046, we are going to get some insights on Jesus’ attitude towards women. The Women’s Lib movement needs to join us as we look into this matter.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Muslim Extremism and Bullying Exposed

Muslim Extremism and Bullying Exposed. While I believe that Pastor Terry Jones used bad judgment in burning the Quran recently, I am even more appalled at the reaction of the Muslims. Jones, in his symbolic defining of the Quran as a book that advocates anti-Christian beliefs, succeeded in exposing the evil of the Muslim religion. Why are the Muslims rioting and killing innocent people? Why aren’t the Muslim leaders condemning that behavior? Christianity has never condoned the outright murder of non-Christians. We don’t force people to become Christians, but instead, through love and gentle persuasion, we offer others an opportunity to find the forgiveness of sin, hope and eternal life that we have. The Muslim Quran teaches that Christians and Jews are infidels who should be killed. They carry out all kinds of executions and suicide bombings to intimidate people into allowing them to have their way. Somewhat like the ACLU, they use threats and terrorism to push their agenda on others. That is nothing but bullying. Why aren’t the Muslim leaders condemning Muslims for killing the UN workers and other Christians? Why don’t the Muslims condemn the burning of the Holy Bibles that were taken to Iran by United States soldiers for their personal use? They want us to play by their rules, but they have no respect for our rules, our freedom or even our religion. Pastor Jones did not kill any Muslims. He did not advocate the killing of Muslims. He only expressed his displeasure with the teachings of the Quran by burning one copy of the book. Muslims, in turn have murdered a dozen UN workers and thousands of Christians, and have rioted and demonstrated in an attempt to bully the rest of the world into complying to Muslim Law. Muslims do not control the world or dictate law for the rest of the world. Jesus Christ is King and He dictates law for all regardless of race or place. All of the kingdoms and nations of the earth will never have more power, territory or outreach than Jesus Christ and is Kingdom, the Church. No government will last as long as the Church has lasted. In the United States, you can be a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist or any religion in the United States (a Christian nation), but you can’t be a Christian in a Muslim country. If Muslims want the right to their views, it is only logical that they must also allow and respect our views. God Bless America!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

The son thought he knew more than dad so he insisted on getting his share of the inheritance and leaving home so he wouldn’t have to listen to or obey his father any more. Off he went, far from home, far from his father’s wisdom and instruction. He spent his money like it was a never-ending supply. He had wild parties with immoral girls and other friends. He did what he thought would make him happy, until the money ran out.

This sounds like too many of our young people for ages. Most teenagers develop a time when they don’t want to be under their parent’s control any more. Some stick it out until college, career and marriage takes them away. However, too many simply rebel and get into doing drugs, having sex outside of marriage or sneaking out at night, etc. The worst part of it all is what they do to themselves in their quest for independence.

When the money ran out, so did his friends. Hunger can drive a man to do a lot that he would not consider doing otherwise. This young man took a job doing something that would have been absolutely detestable at home. He fed the pigs. After a short period of this unpleasant living, the son realizes that dad was a whole lot smarter than he thought.

Sooner or later, the rebellious teenager or young adults learn that dad was a whole lot smarter than they thought he was. It is amazing how much fathers learn between the time that their sons turn 18 to the time they turn 25. Some return to their parents and seek forgiveness and restoration. Others self-destruct or let their pride and pain keep them from reestablishing their relationship with their parents.

The young man in our story decided that he needs to return home, ask forgiveness and get a job working for his father. When dad sees him coming, he runs with excitement, greets his dirty son with ragged clothes. The father has some really nice clothes brought to his son and prepares a feast. He is so glad to have his son back that he wants to celebrate. Even though the son admits he isn’t worthy, that doesn’t matter to the father. He is simply glad to know his son is alive, safe and back home.

That is how God is with us. When we rebelled and thought we knew more than He does, He allowed us the freedom to leave His provision and caring instruction and strike out on our own. When we got full of the devil and realized that it wasn’t what the world made it out to be, our father was waiting to welcome us back home.

God loves you too much to leave you in your sin. No matter what you have done in the past, He will forgive you if you come to Him, confess your sins and acknowledge that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you so you could be forgiven. If you will come to faith in Jesus, God will wrap His heavenly arms around you, love you and celebrate that you are now back in fellowship with Him.

Those of you who know your Bibles will recognize the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-24. Just remember how excited God was when you chose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Share God’s love and excitement with someone else. They are looking for Jesus’ love also.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Admitting I Was Wrong

Admitting I Was Wrong

In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus talks about the Pharisee and the publican (tax collector) praying. The Pharisee was so self-righteous that he could not see his own sin. He arrogantly compared himself to a tax collector as though he was better than the other guy. I have observed that when we compare ourselves to others, it is either with an attitude or pride (I’m not like that person) or pity (I wish I could be like that person). Either way is wrong and hinders us from being who we are in Christ.

The tax collector knew that he has been dishonest in many of his dealings. Without comparing himself to anyone but God’s standards (Jesus Christ), he comes to God and begs for mercy and forgiveness. He knows how he has behaved in the past and he knows what many people think of him. He knows that he has not lived perfectly by God’s standards and that he is in need of forgiveness. His heart is humble and sincere before God.

Before we can be forgiven of anything, we must admit what it is that we need to be forgiven of. Saying, “Forgive me of my sins” without taking a personal assessment to identify those particular sins is not as life changing and effective as asking forgiveness for … and naming the exact behavior. Until we admit what we have done wrong, we are not going to identify the temptation that lead to that wrong and change our behavior.

Until we see and acknowledge what we are doing, we will not make any effort to change it. We will be like the Pharisee instead of the tax collector. When we identify a specific wrong behavior, then we can look at the temptation that triggered that behavior and make an effort to change how we handle that temptation in the future.

Once you become adept at recognizing the temptations in your life, you will become skilled at resisting those temptations. By so doing, you will become more like Christ. That is the power that Jesus give you – the power to resist temptation and refrain from sin.

May God guide and bless you as you seek to follow Him more perfectly. May He help you recognize temptation and turn away from it before it becomes sin.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

In James 5:13-16, James writes about asking the elders to pray for you when in need because their prayers are powerful and effective. How much will it bless you and others if you labor to live your life in such a way that your prayers are powerful and effective? Staying close to the life and teachings of Jesus is important if we are going to be effective and an influence to those around us.

Jesus tells us in John 15:7-8 that God will answer our prayers if we abide in Him. Nothing is more important to your life than your walk with Jesus Christ. As we are walking in obedience to Jesus, we become more like Him. As we become more like Him, we become more effective workers, influencers, care givers to other people. We will also become more effective in our prayers.

Paul admonishes us in I Thessalonians 5:16-22 to pray without ceasing. Our prayers, accompanied with thanksgiving and praise will help us to walk closer to the way God has called us to walk.

We build our faith by practicing. We build our prayer skills by praying. Exercise your prayer life and let the Power of Prayer flow through you.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Aspiring to Self Discipline

Aspiring to Self Discipline

One of the most important parts of parenting is to teach your children to be self-disciplined, law-abiding adults. No one is exempt from that responsibility. Every one of us must exercise self-control over our thoughts, words and deeds.

Even Jesus was subject to obedience and self-discipline. In order to do what God called him to do, he had to obey and exercise self-discipline. Otherwise, He would not have died for our sins. Jesus was in full control of His crucifixion and obedient to His Father in the process of going through this horrible and humiliating death.

In Hebrews 12:1-17, we see the importance of obedience and self-discipline. As Jesus persevered in obeying God, the Father, even to the point of death on the cross, we are to be likewise obedient to what God has called and gifted us to do.

As children of God, we must endure discipline, painful as it may sometimes be, so that we may become mature followers of Christ. None of us have resisted sin to the point of shedding our own blood. None of us in the United States have had to put our faith on the line at the risk of death if we are discovered. The same can’t be said for Christians in other countries, especially in Egypt.

Discipline may be hard, but it motivates us to spend time and energy to be obedient and become mature followers of Christ. If we consider the discipline for our spiritual, mental and physical benefit then much good will come out of it. We know it is because God, our Father, loves us and wants to bring us to maturity in Christ.

Friday, February 4, 2011



In Ephesians 6:17, the only offensive weapon mentioned in the Christian’s armor. Two quick observations: 1) The sword (Bible) is the one weapon that we have for fighting off Satan’s temptations. All of the other armor listed is defensive armor for our protection. 2) We are not to just defend ourselves, but take our sword, go on the offensive and cut the devil to pieces. We are not to cower in the corner, but come out fighting for our very souls. We are to use our sword to teach others about following Jesus’ life and teachings.

In Hebrews 4:12-13, the Hebrew writer tells us how powerful a weapon the sword of God (our Bible) is. It is able to cut the marrow out of the bone and discern between what is Godly and good versus what is evil and wrong. The Sword (Bible) is a powerful weapon in bringing discernment in how we should live to please God.

The Bible convicted us of our sin and pointed us to God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. In like manner, we can use it to teach others God’s truths and how they can have forgiveness and new hope in Him.

The Bible provides us with the strength, skill and discernment to recognize temptation when it comes and cut the temptation to pieces before it destroys us. As Jesus quoted Scripture when Satan tempted Him, we can quote Scripture as our defense when temptations come our way.

Learning what the Bible teaches about living for Jesus is so important in building the skills we need to serve Him. Learning about Jesus will help us be better swordsmen when we are talking to others about what Jesus teaches. Learning about Jesus will help us recognize temptation and cut it to pieces before it destroys our relationship with Him.

Getting To Know Jesus is a sword sharpening and swordsmanship building exercise. Getting To Know Jesus will help the disciple (you) become a mighty warrior in the army of God. Start your Getting To Know Jesus Bible Study squad and sharpen your swords together. Go to and get started now.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

True Greatness – Position or Performance

True Greatness – Position or Performance

When I read Matthew 20:20-28, it occurred to me that, as James and John didn’t know what they were getting themselves into, we don’t know what the future holds for us either. Their mother had asked Jesus for them to sit on His right and left when He became the ruler. As any loving mother, she meant well, but she didn’t fully understand what Jesus is about.

Upon hearing the request, Jesus asked James and John if they would be able to “drink the cup” that He had to drink. In other words, would they be able to handle the responsibilities of the position they were seeking. They said, “yes”, not knowing that that would entail.

It occurred to me that when I married my wife, we had no clue what the future would hold for us. We believed it would be good, fulfilling, rewarding, meaningful, etc. We never envisioned the challenges that we have gone through this far and we have no clue on what is ahead. We have plans, but our original plans have long been modified with newer circumstances as life unfolded. Still, we made the choice to be husband and wife and we are making it work.

In similar manner, you may plan, but God directs your steps. What you propose today may be changed by what others do around you. You didn’t plan to have that car accident, contract cancer, get into a verbal altercation with that other person, commit that ungodly act, etc. but it happened. Now you must take your current circumstances and see what you can do to honor God with your life.

In the later part of the passage from Matthew, Jesus talks to the Apostles about which one is truly the greatest. The greatest person is not the one who holds the title or position of leadership, but the one who is most involved in serving others. We appreciate people who have done something significant for us much more than the people who we have to do something for them. WIIFM – What’s In It For Me needs to be replace with HMIHY – How May I Help You.

If you truly love God, you will love others as God loves them. In so doing, you will use your talents and abilities to help other people in the areas where you are skilled. Because of who Jesus is in you, you will want to do your best as an act of worship to God and a testimony to what Jesus can do in your life.

Don’t concern yourself with position, promotion or proclamation of title. It is far better to be known as one who cares about others and does his best to assist them with his talents than to have a position of prominence. Prominence can become a self-glory that neglects others. Be a Servant for Jesus.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Being Blameless

Being Blameless

We all want to be “right”. We want to do the right thing in all situations. Even people in prison don’t want to admit that they were wrong in what they did. The downside to that is that we have all sinned and until we admit our sin we can’t repent from it and change our ways to do the right thing.

In Psalm 15:1-5, David advises us how to be “right” or “blameless” in God’s eyes. That is the only place that really matters. We may justify our actions before man, but if we are not justified before God, we are still in sin.

How do I go about being blameless?
1. We must always speak the truth. I got my worst spanking as a child for telling a lie to my parents. That taught me that you don’t lie, regardless of anything else. Since then, there have been times that I lost a job because I did not lie. I had to confess a mistake that I made that cost me my job. Regardless of the pain of losing the job, I maintained my integrity as one who tells the truth, no matter what.

2. We must never slander our neighbor or speak things about them that are harmful, hurtful or hateful. Talking about others and using words that criticize, put down or belittle is not pleasing to God. When we disagree with someone else’s words or views (political or religious) we should refrain from belittling them or just saying what we want without thinking whether our words are objective, respectful or merely hateful. How do we reflect Christ when berating someone with any thought that comes to our minds, true or not?

3. A man who is blameless before God always speaks the truth and keeps his promise, even if it costs him more than he originally calculated.

4. A blameless man will loan money to a friend in need and not charge interest.

5. A man who is walking right before God does not accept bribes. He is not tempted by others to overlook their sin or be tempted to engage in activity that is ungodly.

The man who does these things will be held in high esteem in the eyes of God and man.

Do you want to be right in God’s eyes, then walk with integrity before Him.

Do you want to improve your integrity, strengthen your life in areas where you are weak? Then start a Getting To Know Jesus Bible study. By studying every event in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will build a more passionate, personal and powerful relationship with Him. You will become more like Him without realizing it. You will be a stronger person who is truly blameless in the eyes of God. Learn more about Getting To Know Jesus at Do it for Jesus!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jesus Frees Us From the Demons of Our Past

Jesus Frees Us From the Demons of Our Past

I am amazed as I observe the miracles that Jesus did. There is no problem that He couldn’t cure. In Luke 9:37-43, Jesus heals a man’s demon-possessed son. The Apostles had failed at trying to heal him, but Jesus had no problem at all. The best part is that the son was healed immediately, completely and permanently. That is the way Jesus does things.

If Jesus has power over demons, then keeping my life close to Jesus will help protect me from any demons slipping in. It is when we get away from Jesus that we get ourselves in trouble. Don’t let the demons get close to you. Cling to Jesus as your BIG brother and let Him protect you from those evil spirits. If you stay close to Jesus, drugs, alcohol, immorality, or any other demon will not have enough power to take you away from God and enslave you back in that evil.

No matter what “demon” has possessed you in the past, Jesus can free you from that possession. He can free you from any past addiction, forgive you from any past wrong-behavior and give you a new opportunity to live a life that is honoring to Him. By believing in Jesus as God’s Son, your Lord and Savior, you can be freed from the guilt, shame, control of the past and walk in a new life that honors God. You can live the rest of your life serving God and loving others.

Jesus frees us!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Obama Can’t Change This Nation

Obama Can’t Change This Nation

Obama can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
When Barak Obama was campaigning for President, he built his campaign on hope and change. By electing him, he was going to change things and make this world a better place. It is obvious, that his campaign worked. People want things to change.

Barak Obama has been President for two years now and his “changes” have not improved anything. Unemployment is still high. We have actually gotten deeper in debt and many of the problems that he has tried to solve are still unsolved. Many of his imposed reforms have backfired on him and are creating more problems than they proposed to solve. His idealism may be good, but he can’t change what really needs to be changed in our nation.

As much as he may want to change things, his changes are based on faulty thinking that is dangerous for our country. His recent State of the Union Address was vague and without any clear solutions to what really needs to be changed. President Obama doesn’t accept God as the ultimate authority. He has shown preference to Islam over Christianity. That creates another stack of problems. (Islam teaches murder and hatred. Christianity teaches love and caring.)

Many citizens observe that the “changes” Barak Obama has put in place have actually hurt us more than they have helped us. Many who elected him have now turned away from supporting him and his changes. The bottom line is that he can’t change what really needs to be changed to make our lives better.

Government can’t change this nation in the way it needs to be changed.
While we are addressing the need to change, we have to also recognize that the government can’t change what needs to be changed either. As Bill O’Reilly cites in his book, “Who’s Looking Out For You”, the government is too busy protecting them selves. They are more concerned about getting reelected and playing politics to really care about what you need.

The worst part to all of this is that government can’t even get itself to obey its laws. The reason is because too many people in government don’t subscribe or abide by the moral absolute that applies to all mankind. Like the citizens that they represent, they want to write their own moral code of ethics as they go instead of following the wisdom given us by God. They want to be their own gods.

Some politicians may understand what changes are needed, but the wheels of government are very big and getting others to give up their pet projects and act in the common good is very hard to do. Add to this that several of those elected don’t subscribe to an absolute moral code of ethics and think they can decide what is right based on their own thinking instead of following a universal standard.

Jesus Changes People From the Inside Out.
The bottom line to this conversation is that many of our leaders have no clue about how to solve our problems. They try legislating morality, but immorality still prevails. The government is trying to change people from the outside. They pass laws under the belief that everyone will read and obey those laws. When they see people doing something wrong, they try passing a specific and detailed law to define that wrong and then wonder why people still continue to do what is wrong. The problem is that if the people don’t obey the laws already passed, they won’t obey a new law, regardless of what it says.

This has gone on for thousands of years with the same results. Without an absolute moral standard, all of the laws in the world are meaningless. Unless there is something bigger than government that everyone understands and lives by, there will never be a society that does not have those who break the law.

Jesus will change lawbreakers into law abiders, unproductive into productive, criminals into citizens who obey the law. When we choose to believe in Jesus as God’s Son, our Lord and Savior and the giver of all that is right and good, we change ourselves. Government becomes only a body to deal with those who do not subscribe to God’s moral standards. This is the way it should be.

Time and time again, Jesus has brought people out of lives of crime, drugs, alcoholism, and immorality. He has empowered them to do what is right, good, moral and beneficial to society. Jesus sees the good in us, frees us from the guilt, shame and sin of our past and opens the door for us to do the right thing. When we are following Jesus, we don’t need government’s laws because we are already obeying them.

Getting To Know Jesus will change people into becoming true followers of Jesus Christ.
In order to change the world, we have to change the individuals from the inside out. In order to change them, we have to motivate them to want to change. By teaching others and ourselves about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we allow Him to come into our hearts and motivate us to make the changes we need to make. That is change that will make an absolute difference in our lives.

The government tries to force you to change under threat of punishment. Some of their changes are contrary to God’s moral absolute. Jesus changes us by loving us and persuading us from the inside out. We change because we realize His love and want Him to be the Lord of our life.

The best way to become more like Jesus is to study His life and teachings. This will take time. It will not happen in thirteen weeks or even six months. Jesus took three years in establishing His Kingdom, the Church. Getting To Know Jesus is a complete Bible Study of every event in Jesus’ life that takes three years to complete. By making a weekly effort to focus on the next event in Jesus’ life, the individual will be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus. We will understand how He wants us to live.

Do you need to make some changes in your life? Study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and let Him change what really needs to be changed in you.