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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

In James 5:13-16, James writes about asking the elders to pray for you when in need because their prayers are powerful and effective. How much will it bless you and others if you labor to live your life in such a way that your prayers are powerful and effective? Staying close to the life and teachings of Jesus is important if we are going to be effective and an influence to those around us.

Jesus tells us in John 15:7-8 that God will answer our prayers if we abide in Him. Nothing is more important to your life than your walk with Jesus Christ. As we are walking in obedience to Jesus, we become more like Him. As we become more like Him, we become more effective workers, influencers, care givers to other people. We will also become more effective in our prayers.

Paul admonishes us in I Thessalonians 5:16-22 to pray without ceasing. Our prayers, accompanied with thanksgiving and praise will help us to walk closer to the way God has called us to walk.

We build our faith by practicing. We build our prayer skills by praying. Exercise your prayer life and let the Power of Prayer flow through you.

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