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Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

The son thought he knew more than dad so he insisted on getting his share of the inheritance and leaving home so he wouldn’t have to listen to or obey his father any more. Off he went, far from home, far from his father’s wisdom and instruction. He spent his money like it was a never-ending supply. He had wild parties with immoral girls and other friends. He did what he thought would make him happy, until the money ran out.

This sounds like too many of our young people for ages. Most teenagers develop a time when they don’t want to be under their parent’s control any more. Some stick it out until college, career and marriage takes them away. However, too many simply rebel and get into doing drugs, having sex outside of marriage or sneaking out at night, etc. The worst part of it all is what they do to themselves in their quest for independence.

When the money ran out, so did his friends. Hunger can drive a man to do a lot that he would not consider doing otherwise. This young man took a job doing something that would have been absolutely detestable at home. He fed the pigs. After a short period of this unpleasant living, the son realizes that dad was a whole lot smarter than he thought.

Sooner or later, the rebellious teenager or young adults learn that dad was a whole lot smarter than they thought he was. It is amazing how much fathers learn between the time that their sons turn 18 to the time they turn 25. Some return to their parents and seek forgiveness and restoration. Others self-destruct or let their pride and pain keep them from reestablishing their relationship with their parents.

The young man in our story decided that he needs to return home, ask forgiveness and get a job working for his father. When dad sees him coming, he runs with excitement, greets his dirty son with ragged clothes. The father has some really nice clothes brought to his son and prepares a feast. He is so glad to have his son back that he wants to celebrate. Even though the son admits he isn’t worthy, that doesn’t matter to the father. He is simply glad to know his son is alive, safe and back home.

That is how God is with us. When we rebelled and thought we knew more than He does, He allowed us the freedom to leave His provision and caring instruction and strike out on our own. When we got full of the devil and realized that it wasn’t what the world made it out to be, our father was waiting to welcome us back home.

God loves you too much to leave you in your sin. No matter what you have done in the past, He will forgive you if you come to Him, confess your sins and acknowledge that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you so you could be forgiven. If you will come to faith in Jesus, God will wrap His heavenly arms around you, love you and celebrate that you are now back in fellowship with Him.

Those of you who know your Bibles will recognize the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-24. Just remember how excited God was when you chose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Share God’s love and excitement with someone else. They are looking for Jesus’ love also.

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