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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Muslim Extremism and Bullying Exposed

Muslim Extremism and Bullying Exposed. While I believe that Pastor Terry Jones used bad judgment in burning the Quran recently, I am even more appalled at the reaction of the Muslims. Jones, in his symbolic defining of the Quran as a book that advocates anti-Christian beliefs, succeeded in exposing the evil of the Muslim religion. Why are the Muslims rioting and killing innocent people? Why aren’t the Muslim leaders condemning that behavior? Christianity has never condoned the outright murder of non-Christians. We don’t force people to become Christians, but instead, through love and gentle persuasion, we offer others an opportunity to find the forgiveness of sin, hope and eternal life that we have. The Muslim Quran teaches that Christians and Jews are infidels who should be killed. They carry out all kinds of executions and suicide bombings to intimidate people into allowing them to have their way. Somewhat like the ACLU, they use threats and terrorism to push their agenda on others. That is nothing but bullying. Why aren’t the Muslim leaders condemning Muslims for killing the UN workers and other Christians? Why don’t the Muslims condemn the burning of the Holy Bibles that were taken to Iran by United States soldiers for their personal use? They want us to play by their rules, but they have no respect for our rules, our freedom or even our religion. Pastor Jones did not kill any Muslims. He did not advocate the killing of Muslims. He only expressed his displeasure with the teachings of the Quran by burning one copy of the book. Muslims, in turn have murdered a dozen UN workers and thousands of Christians, and have rioted and demonstrated in an attempt to bully the rest of the world into complying to Muslim Law. Muslims do not control the world or dictate law for the rest of the world. Jesus Christ is King and He dictates law for all regardless of race or place. All of the kingdoms and nations of the earth will never have more power, territory or outreach than Jesus Christ and is Kingdom, the Church. No government will last as long as the Church has lasted. In the United States, you can be a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist or any religion in the United States (a Christian nation), but you can’t be a Christian in a Muslim country. If Muslims want the right to their views, it is only logical that they must also allow and respect our views. God Bless America!

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