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Friday, December 24, 2010

What does the birth of Jesus mean to you?

What does the birth of Jesus mean to you?

I asked the guys that question today. I wanted them to think about Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and reflect on why Jesus’ birth and life is so significant to us.

We often get so caught up in parties, entertaining, gift buying, going to movies, eating out, and all sorts of other holiday related activities and often give little, if any, time to why we celebrate Christmas. Sure you are going to a Christmas eve service tonight, but how much time have you given since Thanksgiving to think about why Christmas is such an important holiday?

How much have you shared with anyone about what it means to you that God’s only Son would leave Heaven and dwell among men? Do you really care that Jesus left the beauty of Heaven and submitted to life on this earth for you? How much does it matter to you that He was born to die for the sins that you and I have committed?

Is Jesus an important role model for how you live your life? Or are you more caught up in the festivities, what you are getting for Christmas, the lights and the after-Christmas sales?

Is Jesus’ birth important enough to get you to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays”? Are you looking for opportunities to communicate the Christmas story with others who might not know what Christmas is really about?

Read the story in Luke 2:1-20 and think about what Jesus’ birth means to you. Consider how important and valuable it is that God sent His Only Son to earth to pay the price for our sins so we could be restored to eternal fellowship with God. Pray for God to use you to help others see what Jesus Christ is really about. Let God use you to live out the reason that celebrating Christmas is so important to us.

Merry Christmas and may God bless your New Year.

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