Preparing for the Storm
Have you noticed the difference when a tragedy (violent act of nature) hits somewhere in the United States as compared to when such an event occurs almost anywhere else in the world? The devastation in most countries is catastrophic. Buildings destroyed, people killed, destruction everywhere. Much of the difference is that many of the buildings in these foreign countries were built without any code to prepare them for survival in the event that a storm comes along. Most structures in the United States have either been built to survive any catastrophe that they are likely to encounter or have been retrofitted to survive what may come.
We all go through trials in life, but some seem to handle those trials better than others. One thing is for certain. There are going to be storms in our personal lives that are going to try to destroy us. Although we are individuals and our trials won’t be the same, the storms of life happen to everyone. Is there anything that we can do to help us when the storms of life come? How can we survive the storm without being destroyed by it?
In Luke 6:46-49, Jesus gives us some clues on storm survival. First, He admonishes us to walk our talk. Why call Jesus “Lord” if we are not going to act like followers of Jesus Christ? That means that we must act like Christians and not like hypocrites. If you are going to wear the name, play the game. If Jesus is your Lord, then stop that sinful behavior and be one who is a witness for Christ.
If you are doing your best to model your life after Jesus’ example, then when the storms of life come, you will be able to stand and not be swept back into the world. When tragedy strikes, as a follower of Christ, you will rely on your walk with Him to guide you through the storm. Jesus will give you the strength to conquer the situation or endure what is happening until the storm passes.
That is one other thing to remember. The storm will pass. Jesus will still be Lord and, if your life is sincerely grounded in your relationship with Him, you will survive and become stronger in the act of enduring.
Build your life on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ so that your storm survival will be a witness to others who are going through trials and will point them to the master storm survivor. Look at what trials Jesus endured for you!
God bless you as you grow in your walk with Him.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Leaving Your Legacy
Leaving Your Legacy
Read Hebrews 11. What do you remember most about Abraham, David, Isaac, Elijah, the Apostles and others in that chapter? When we hear their name, we associate certain traits or activities to them. That is their legacy.
When you go to a funeral, or hear of someone who died, what do you remember about that person? Most of the time, we will remember things they did more recently in their lives. We will recall how they lived the last few years. Occasionally, we might recall something from their childhood or earlier years, but mot times, it is the later years that carry the most influence.
When you think of the Apostle Paul, what do you remember most about him? Do you remember that he wrote most of the letters in the New Testament? Do you recall the most of the book of Acts deals with his life and ministry? We generally consider Paul as one of the significant pillars in the early church, especially in the context of reaching non-Jews with the Gospel of Christ. We don’t think near as much about Paul as Saul, the persecutor of Christians who went around throwing Christians in jail or having them killed.
One person commented that they weren’t sure they wanted to be remembered. Why would anyone want to remember them? I reminded them that we all have an impact on others. We live in a world of people and what we do and how we live does influence other people. We will often never know who or how others are impacted, but what we say and do is noticed by others and does influence them in their lives.
I say that to say this. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? If you were to die in 30 days, how would you want people to remember you? Are their things of your past that you are sorry about, you wish you had not done? Is there something that you are doing now that isn’t the way you really want people to remember you?
Today is the first day of the best of your life. You have the freedom to live it in a way that reflects Jesus in your life or live in a way that hides the fact that you are a Christian. My admonition to you is to live your life so at your job, in the store, around the community, in your home with family and friends, people will see you and say, “He lives like one who sincerely believes in and follows Jesus Christ”. Live your life in such a way that people will know that Jesus Christ has changed your life.
If your life needs some work in one area or another, study the life and teachings of Jesus (Getting To Know Jesus) and let Him come in and change you from the inside out. It will be a powerful witness to who Jesus is in your life and leave a legacy in you that will be long remembered.
Read Hebrews 11. What do you remember most about Abraham, David, Isaac, Elijah, the Apostles and others in that chapter? When we hear their name, we associate certain traits or activities to them. That is their legacy.
When you go to a funeral, or hear of someone who died, what do you remember about that person? Most of the time, we will remember things they did more recently in their lives. We will recall how they lived the last few years. Occasionally, we might recall something from their childhood or earlier years, but mot times, it is the later years that carry the most influence.
When you think of the Apostle Paul, what do you remember most about him? Do you remember that he wrote most of the letters in the New Testament? Do you recall the most of the book of Acts deals with his life and ministry? We generally consider Paul as one of the significant pillars in the early church, especially in the context of reaching non-Jews with the Gospel of Christ. We don’t think near as much about Paul as Saul, the persecutor of Christians who went around throwing Christians in jail or having them killed.
One person commented that they weren’t sure they wanted to be remembered. Why would anyone want to remember them? I reminded them that we all have an impact on others. We live in a world of people and what we do and how we live does influence other people. We will often never know who or how others are impacted, but what we say and do is noticed by others and does influence them in their lives.
I say that to say this. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? If you were to die in 30 days, how would you want people to remember you? Are their things of your past that you are sorry about, you wish you had not done? Is there something that you are doing now that isn’t the way you really want people to remember you?
Today is the first day of the best of your life. You have the freedom to live it in a way that reflects Jesus in your life or live in a way that hides the fact that you are a Christian. My admonition to you is to live your life so at your job, in the store, around the community, in your home with family and friends, people will see you and say, “He lives like one who sincerely believes in and follows Jesus Christ”. Live your life in such a way that people will know that Jesus Christ has changed your life.
If your life needs some work in one area or another, study the life and teachings of Jesus (Getting To Know Jesus) and let Him come in and change you from the inside out. It will be a powerful witness to who Jesus is in your life and leave a legacy in you that will be long remembered.
Friday, December 24, 2010
What does the birth of Jesus mean to you?
What does the birth of Jesus mean to you?
I asked the guys that question today. I wanted them to think about Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and reflect on why Jesus’ birth and life is so significant to us.
We often get so caught up in parties, entertaining, gift buying, going to movies, eating out, and all sorts of other holiday related activities and often give little, if any, time to why we celebrate Christmas. Sure you are going to a Christmas eve service tonight, but how much time have you given since Thanksgiving to think about why Christmas is such an important holiday?
How much have you shared with anyone about what it means to you that God’s only Son would leave Heaven and dwell among men? Do you really care that Jesus left the beauty of Heaven and submitted to life on this earth for you? How much does it matter to you that He was born to die for the sins that you and I have committed?
Is Jesus an important role model for how you live your life? Or are you more caught up in the festivities, what you are getting for Christmas, the lights and the after-Christmas sales?
Is Jesus’ birth important enough to get you to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays”? Are you looking for opportunities to communicate the Christmas story with others who might not know what Christmas is really about?
Read the story in Luke 2:1-20 and think about what Jesus’ birth means to you. Consider how important and valuable it is that God sent His Only Son to earth to pay the price for our sins so we could be restored to eternal fellowship with God. Pray for God to use you to help others see what Jesus Christ is really about. Let God use you to live out the reason that celebrating Christmas is so important to us.
Merry Christmas and may God bless your New Year.
I asked the guys that question today. I wanted them to think about Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and reflect on why Jesus’ birth and life is so significant to us.
We often get so caught up in parties, entertaining, gift buying, going to movies, eating out, and all sorts of other holiday related activities and often give little, if any, time to why we celebrate Christmas. Sure you are going to a Christmas eve service tonight, but how much time have you given since Thanksgiving to think about why Christmas is such an important holiday?
How much have you shared with anyone about what it means to you that God’s only Son would leave Heaven and dwell among men? Do you really care that Jesus left the beauty of Heaven and submitted to life on this earth for you? How much does it matter to you that He was born to die for the sins that you and I have committed?
Is Jesus an important role model for how you live your life? Or are you more caught up in the festivities, what you are getting for Christmas, the lights and the after-Christmas sales?
Is Jesus’ birth important enough to get you to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays”? Are you looking for opportunities to communicate the Christmas story with others who might not know what Christmas is really about?
Read the story in Luke 2:1-20 and think about what Jesus’ birth means to you. Consider how important and valuable it is that God sent His Only Son to earth to pay the price for our sins so we could be restored to eternal fellowship with God. Pray for God to use you to help others see what Jesus Christ is really about. Let God use you to live out the reason that celebrating Christmas is so important to us.
Merry Christmas and may God bless your New Year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Are you a man God could trust with His Only Son?
Are you a man God could trust with His Only Son?
Joseph was a man who believed God and tried to live his life by God’s standards. He was concerned about doing what was right. When he found out that Mary, his fiancĂ©e was pregnant, he was going to break off the engagement by divorce. Because he loved her, he was not going to shame her publicly and have her stoned according to the Law.
Joseph also realized that the dream he had was a message from God, not some wishful thinking of a mind not inhibited by consciousness. Because he and Mary were two young people who were committed to being obedient to God according to the Jewish Law, God knew that He could trust them with the care of His Son.
Do you care enough about your walk with God that He could trust you with a mission as important as raising His Son?
Joseph was a man who believed God and tried to live his life by God’s standards. He was concerned about doing what was right. When he found out that Mary, his fiancĂ©e was pregnant, he was going to break off the engagement by divorce. Because he loved her, he was not going to shame her publicly and have her stoned according to the Law.
Joseph also realized that the dream he had was a message from God, not some wishful thinking of a mind not inhibited by consciousness. Because he and Mary were two young people who were committed to being obedient to God according to the Jewish Law, God knew that He could trust them with the care of His Son.
Do you care enough about your walk with God that He could trust you with a mission as important as raising His Son?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
God Uses Imperfect People
God Uses Imperfect People
Christians are some work. Have you noticed? For some reason, we expect that once someone becomes a Christian, their life is supposed to be great, free of conflict and problems. They will never disagree, especially with other Christians. They will never have anger or struggles with selfishness, etc. We seem to think that Christians will not have any problem, especially in getting along with other Christians. Boy! Are we wrong!
From the earliest days of the church, to today, Christians have been a work in progress. No one has been perfect, not even the Apostles. How many times did the twelve Apostles get into a dispute over some issue while Jesus was still there with them? Then after the church started, you would think that the conflict would have ended. After all, Jesus had trained them and breathed on them for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Guided by the Holy Spirit, one would expect that the Apostles would be in perfect harmony in all situations. Not so!
God, in His grand scheme of things does change those who listen to the Gospel and choose to respond to Jesus Christ as Lord. However, He does not make us into cookie cutter Christians. We still retain our individual and unique personalities. As such, we sometimes get into conflicts and misunderstandings with one another.
We do not come out of the baptistery as perfect Christians, but as babies who have growing to do and changes to make over time to become more Christ-like. Our challenge is to grow in our love for God, and let that love change us from the inside out. Being a Christian is a journey, not a destination. The destination is to overcome the challenges and trials of this life and remain faithful in our belief, worship of, and love of God and Jesus Christ, His Son.
In Acts 15, there are two situations where conflict needed to be dealt with. In verses 1-35, Paul and Barnabas had to take a question to the Apostles for discussion to resolve a dispute with Jewish Christians in the churches that they were starting. At the end of the chapter (V. 36-41), Paul and Barnabas get into a very heated argument over John Mark. The argument was so intense that they decide to part company. Barnabas takes John Mark and Paul recruits some other assistants. Sometime later, Paul has reconsidered his attitude toward John Mark and asks for him to come and assist Paul.
As you are working with other Christians, remember that you are still maturing in your walk with God, just like they are and don’t let disagreements or differences separate your unity in Jesus Christ and your fellowship as brothers in the same Gospel.
Christians are some work. Have you noticed? For some reason, we expect that once someone becomes a Christian, their life is supposed to be great, free of conflict and problems. They will never disagree, especially with other Christians. They will never have anger or struggles with selfishness, etc. We seem to think that Christians will not have any problem, especially in getting along with other Christians. Boy! Are we wrong!
From the earliest days of the church, to today, Christians have been a work in progress. No one has been perfect, not even the Apostles. How many times did the twelve Apostles get into a dispute over some issue while Jesus was still there with them? Then after the church started, you would think that the conflict would have ended. After all, Jesus had trained them and breathed on them for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Guided by the Holy Spirit, one would expect that the Apostles would be in perfect harmony in all situations. Not so!
God, in His grand scheme of things does change those who listen to the Gospel and choose to respond to Jesus Christ as Lord. However, He does not make us into cookie cutter Christians. We still retain our individual and unique personalities. As such, we sometimes get into conflicts and misunderstandings with one another.
We do not come out of the baptistery as perfect Christians, but as babies who have growing to do and changes to make over time to become more Christ-like. Our challenge is to grow in our love for God, and let that love change us from the inside out. Being a Christian is a journey, not a destination. The destination is to overcome the challenges and trials of this life and remain faithful in our belief, worship of, and love of God and Jesus Christ, His Son.
In Acts 15, there are two situations where conflict needed to be dealt with. In verses 1-35, Paul and Barnabas had to take a question to the Apostles for discussion to resolve a dispute with Jewish Christians in the churches that they were starting. At the end of the chapter (V. 36-41), Paul and Barnabas get into a very heated argument over John Mark. The argument was so intense that they decide to part company. Barnabas takes John Mark and Paul recruits some other assistants. Sometime later, Paul has reconsidered his attitude toward John Mark and asks for him to come and assist Paul.
As you are working with other Christians, remember that you are still maturing in your walk with God, just like they are and don’t let disagreements or differences separate your unity in Jesus Christ and your fellowship as brothers in the same Gospel.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Did You See That?
Did You See That?
I was just watching my sheep with my brothers last night. It was cold, but the skies were clear. The Milky Way was so clearly visible and magnificent. The sheep were quiet and peacefully sleeping. It was just awesomely beautiful.
Have you ever seen an angel? I never had, up until last night. We were doing what we always do, when all of a sudden an angel appeared standing right in front of us and he was surrounded by a bright light. We didn’t see him walk up. He just appeared all of a sudden.
At first we were very scared. Even though the angel told us not to be afraid, it was too late. I had never been so scared in my life. I’ve encountered bears, lions and a few other wild critters, but what do you do when an angel shows up? Once we realized this was a messenger from God, we settled down, but my heart was still pounding fifteen minutes later.
Needless to say, he had our fullest attention! Hmm! Now that I think of it, the sheep weren’t bothered at all by the angel and all that was happening. They just watched peacefully and went back to sleep. That was amazing. No panic, just peaceful rest. A panic at night among the sheep would have been a major crisis. One can loose up to half their heard if the sheep panic and try to escape.
The angel told us some great news. The Messiah had been born in Bethlehem, less than half a mile away from where we were watching our sheep. Do you know what that meant to us? We have been looking for and expecting the Messiah for several years now. We knew about the prophecies in the writings and the signs appeared to be eminent.
But why would an angel come to us? We are just a bunch of shepherds on the outskirts of Bethlehem. We aren’t what you would consider “educated”. We are often smelly because of being with the sheep and the people in town don’t always like to be around us. But be it as it is, the angel told us about the baby that had been born. The Messiah was born in a stable. Imagine that! Here is the long-awaited King of the Jews, in the lineage of King David, a bonafied descendent of Abraham, not being born in a palace or even a home, but in a stinky dirty stable. (The mother and father later told us that the inns were full from everyone who was returning for the government census.)
Before the angel left, he was joined by a whole choir of angels who were singing praises to God. I have never heard such beautiful voices in my entire life. It was absolutely heavenly, and again, the sheep seemed to really enjoy it.
After the angels left, I told my brothers that I wanted to go see this baby. We all left the sheep behind and walked to town. We found the stable easily enough and, sure enough, there was a man and his wife and their brand new baby boy wrapped up in a cloth and lain in a manger. It was such a beautiful sight. The baby, whom they said will be named Jesus (God saves us) was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and I’ve been around a while, as some of you can tell. I’ve seen a bunch of babies, but never one like this one.
Oh how I wish you could have been there with us. This child is going to somehow save us from our sins. I don’t understand all of that right now, but I believe it is the most wonderful news and most beautiful baby I have ever seen. I can’t wait for Him to grow up and free us from the guilt and shame of our sins. I wonder what His Kingdom is going to be like? I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
When you can, go see this child. He is the Savior of the whole world.
I was just watching my sheep with my brothers last night. It was cold, but the skies were clear. The Milky Way was so clearly visible and magnificent. The sheep were quiet and peacefully sleeping. It was just awesomely beautiful.
Have you ever seen an angel? I never had, up until last night. We were doing what we always do, when all of a sudden an angel appeared standing right in front of us and he was surrounded by a bright light. We didn’t see him walk up. He just appeared all of a sudden.
At first we were very scared. Even though the angel told us not to be afraid, it was too late. I had never been so scared in my life. I’ve encountered bears, lions and a few other wild critters, but what do you do when an angel shows up? Once we realized this was a messenger from God, we settled down, but my heart was still pounding fifteen minutes later.
Needless to say, he had our fullest attention! Hmm! Now that I think of it, the sheep weren’t bothered at all by the angel and all that was happening. They just watched peacefully and went back to sleep. That was amazing. No panic, just peaceful rest. A panic at night among the sheep would have been a major crisis. One can loose up to half their heard if the sheep panic and try to escape.
The angel told us some great news. The Messiah had been born in Bethlehem, less than half a mile away from where we were watching our sheep. Do you know what that meant to us? We have been looking for and expecting the Messiah for several years now. We knew about the prophecies in the writings and the signs appeared to be eminent.
But why would an angel come to us? We are just a bunch of shepherds on the outskirts of Bethlehem. We aren’t what you would consider “educated”. We are often smelly because of being with the sheep and the people in town don’t always like to be around us. But be it as it is, the angel told us about the baby that had been born. The Messiah was born in a stable. Imagine that! Here is the long-awaited King of the Jews, in the lineage of King David, a bonafied descendent of Abraham, not being born in a palace or even a home, but in a stinky dirty stable. (The mother and father later told us that the inns were full from everyone who was returning for the government census.)
Before the angel left, he was joined by a whole choir of angels who were singing praises to God. I have never heard such beautiful voices in my entire life. It was absolutely heavenly, and again, the sheep seemed to really enjoy it.
After the angels left, I told my brothers that I wanted to go see this baby. We all left the sheep behind and walked to town. We found the stable easily enough and, sure enough, there was a man and his wife and their brand new baby boy wrapped up in a cloth and lain in a manger. It was such a beautiful sight. The baby, whom they said will be named Jesus (God saves us) was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and I’ve been around a while, as some of you can tell. I’ve seen a bunch of babies, but never one like this one.
Oh how I wish you could have been there with us. This child is going to somehow save us from our sins. I don’t understand all of that right now, but I believe it is the most wonderful news and most beautiful baby I have ever seen. I can’t wait for Him to grow up and free us from the guilt and shame of our sins. I wonder what His Kingdom is going to be like? I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
When you can, go see this child. He is the Savior of the whole world.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas Priorities
Christmas Priorities
Christmas is upon us and people are doing all sorts of things to get ready. Way to many are spending way to much money on things they can’t afford that will be consumed, broken or forgotten before the credit card balance is even paid off. There are Christmas programs and parties of all sorts to attend, some which actually remember that Christmas is about Christ. All in all, it is too easy to become too busy to remember what really matters in life and how to enjoy what you have.
In Matthew 10:28, Jesus admonishes us to not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of The One who can destroy both the soul and body in hell.” What value are wealth and lots of possessions if you don’t have Jesus? What problem is poverty if you do have Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Instead of letting Christmas put you in a sour mood, pause and take a breath. Look at a nativity, spend some time reading the Christmas story in Luke 2 and get reconnected on what Christmas is all about. Jesus came down from Heaven, confined Himself to the body of a baby who grew up to be a man who died on the cross for our sins. Christmas is a celebration of His birth and our pending salvation through Him.
What good is it if you buy the entire store and give it all away to others if you don’t have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? What value is it if you are given everything in a shopping mall for your Christmas? If you don’t have Jesus, what good is it? At the same time, you might not even be able to buy one present for a spouse, child or parent, but if you and your loved ones have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you have all you really need to have a Merry Christmas.
Gratefully, most of you reading this have more than enough to spend on Christmas presents that you want to give. I pray that you will consider a Christmas/birthday present to Jesus in appreciation for His coming to earth to save us from our sins.
New Hope Gospel Ministries is seeking to fulfill the Great Commission. Your gift will help Christ take the Gospel to the whole world via Internet technology as we send a Getting To Know Jesus CD to a ministry in a foreign country. Go to and send your birthday gift to Jesus by clicking on the “Make a DONATION” button at the lower right corner of the page.
Merry Christmas and may God bless your New Year.
Christmas is upon us and people are doing all sorts of things to get ready. Way to many are spending way to much money on things they can’t afford that will be consumed, broken or forgotten before the credit card balance is even paid off. There are Christmas programs and parties of all sorts to attend, some which actually remember that Christmas is about Christ. All in all, it is too easy to become too busy to remember what really matters in life and how to enjoy what you have.
In Matthew 10:28, Jesus admonishes us to not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of The One who can destroy both the soul and body in hell.” What value are wealth and lots of possessions if you don’t have Jesus? What problem is poverty if you do have Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Instead of letting Christmas put you in a sour mood, pause and take a breath. Look at a nativity, spend some time reading the Christmas story in Luke 2 and get reconnected on what Christmas is all about. Jesus came down from Heaven, confined Himself to the body of a baby who grew up to be a man who died on the cross for our sins. Christmas is a celebration of His birth and our pending salvation through Him.
What good is it if you buy the entire store and give it all away to others if you don’t have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? What value is it if you are given everything in a shopping mall for your Christmas? If you don’t have Jesus, what good is it? At the same time, you might not even be able to buy one present for a spouse, child or parent, but if you and your loved ones have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you have all you really need to have a Merry Christmas.
Gratefully, most of you reading this have more than enough to spend on Christmas presents that you want to give. I pray that you will consider a Christmas/birthday present to Jesus in appreciation for His coming to earth to save us from our sins.
New Hope Gospel Ministries is seeking to fulfill the Great Commission. Your gift will help Christ take the Gospel to the whole world via Internet technology as we send a Getting To Know Jesus CD to a ministry in a foreign country. Go to and send your birthday gift to Jesus by clicking on the “Make a DONATION” button at the lower right corner of the page.
Merry Christmas and may God bless your New Year.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What Makes Christianity Unique
What Makes Christianity Unique
What makes Christianity unique? What is it that we offer that makes us different than any and every other religion in the world?
The Apostle John talks about it in 1 John 4:7-21. Christianity is unique because our God is a God of love. He loved us before we ever knew Him. He loves us even when we don’t love Him back. He loves us in spite of what we have done in the past, are doing now or do in the future.
Loving us doesn’t mean that He doesn’t punish us if we sin. It means that no matter how much we sin, if we repent, change our ways and accept His love and salvation by believing and following Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven of any and all sin we have ever committed.
Because God loves us, He sent Jesus, His Son, to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could have eternal life in His love instead of eternity in Hell. We don’t deserve this love. We can’t earn or pay for this love. We can only love Him in return and show His love by loving others.
The kind of love John is talking about is a love of choice. God’s love and the love we are to have for one another is not earned, and is often not deserved. Love is something you choose to do regardless of whether the other person loves you in return, is loveable or not. Consider that God loves you, even when you are acting in an unlovable way towards Him. Love is a choice that you make and then work on living out one day at a time.
Our love for God and for one another sets us apart from all other religions. We are saved from the penalty of our sins by loving God and loving Jesus. Any other religion bases it’s salvation on whether you are good enough or not. We can’t be good enough to pay for the bad (selfish) things we have done in the past. The wages of that sin is death.
God loves you so much that when you deserved to die, He sent His Son to die in your place. If you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and that He died for your sins, you can be forgiven and have eternal life with Him. You also need to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and be immersed as an initiation act of obedience that parallels the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-5, 10:10; Galatians 3:27)
We are known to the world because of our love John 13:34-35. Christianity towers over any other religion because of God’s love for His creation and our love for Him and one another.
Show the world that God has made a difference in your life. Live a life of love and be faithful to your walk with Him. Love your neighbor and those around you. Show them kindness and respect (even when they don’t deserve it). Show the world why Christianity is unique.
What makes Christianity unique? What is it that we offer that makes us different than any and every other religion in the world?
The Apostle John talks about it in 1 John 4:7-21. Christianity is unique because our God is a God of love. He loved us before we ever knew Him. He loves us even when we don’t love Him back. He loves us in spite of what we have done in the past, are doing now or do in the future.
Loving us doesn’t mean that He doesn’t punish us if we sin. It means that no matter how much we sin, if we repent, change our ways and accept His love and salvation by believing and following Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven of any and all sin we have ever committed.
Because God loves us, He sent Jesus, His Son, to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could have eternal life in His love instead of eternity in Hell. We don’t deserve this love. We can’t earn or pay for this love. We can only love Him in return and show His love by loving others.
The kind of love John is talking about is a love of choice. God’s love and the love we are to have for one another is not earned, and is often not deserved. Love is something you choose to do regardless of whether the other person loves you in return, is loveable or not. Consider that God loves you, even when you are acting in an unlovable way towards Him. Love is a choice that you make and then work on living out one day at a time.
Our love for God and for one another sets us apart from all other religions. We are saved from the penalty of our sins by loving God and loving Jesus. Any other religion bases it’s salvation on whether you are good enough or not. We can’t be good enough to pay for the bad (selfish) things we have done in the past. The wages of that sin is death.
God loves you so much that when you deserved to die, He sent His Son to die in your place. If you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and that He died for your sins, you can be forgiven and have eternal life with Him. You also need to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and be immersed as an initiation act of obedience that parallels the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-5, 10:10; Galatians 3:27)
We are known to the world because of our love John 13:34-35. Christianity towers over any other religion because of God’s love for His creation and our love for Him and one another.
Show the world that God has made a difference in your life. Live a life of love and be faithful to your walk with Him. Love your neighbor and those around you. Show them kindness and respect (even when they don’t deserve it). Show the world why Christianity is unique.
Friday, December 10, 2010
How to Deal With Demons!
Jesus a True Miracle Healer! - 026
How to Deal With Demons!
People will spend all sorts of money on pills, potions, lotions and notions in hopes of being healed of a physical problem, illness or malady. Some go to “faith healers” in hopes of receiving an instant cure from something that they have been struggling with for years. Some people have honestly been healed by such experiences, but there are also many who have gone and not been healed or who thought they were healed only to later find out that they got caught up in the emotion, but no healing actually took place.
I pose no judgment on such activities, but leave that to God. He is the only one who knows the truth. I do know that God can and does occasionally heal without the benefit of medical science. I also know that some who claim to heal don’t have the power they try to flaunt. Who and how is beyond the point of this look at Jesus. Lets see how Jesus does it!
Worship is Important to Jesus! – Mark 1:21; Luke 4:31b
Mark begins his Gospel with a display of Jesus’ power (dynameis)! Jesus is now staying in Capernaum. On the Sabbath and He goes to the Synagogue and teaches the people, who are very impressed with His teaching.
Jesus Speaks With Authority! – Mark 1:22-28; Luke 4:32-37
During the service, a man with an evil spirit interrupts and tries to expose Jesus. Who is in charge of your soul? Just because someone goes to church does not mean that they might not sometimes be demon-possessed. Though his words are true – Jesus is the Son of God – Jesus doesn’t want that kind of publicity and commands the evil spirit to be quiet and come out of the man. Knowing Jesus is not the same as being saved! There is no room for the Holy Spirit and a demon in the same body. Kick the demon out and live for Jesus!
The people are amazed that Jesus can so easily command evil spirits and they obey Him. Jesus is THE Authority! This establishes some authority to Jesus’ already amazing teaching abilities. Truly this is no mere man, but someone very powerful and wonderful. The reaction of the people is to go and tell what Jesus did! They won’t forget that worship service! Why do you go to church on SONdays?
Dr. Jesus Cares About Physical Illness! – Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39
After the synagogue service, Jesus goes with James and John to Simon and Andrew’s house. Simon (Peter)’s mother-in-law is in bed with a bad fever. God never promises to prevent us from getting ill or even dying! Also, celibacy is not a requirement for ministry! As soon as Jesus hears about it, He goes to her, rebukes the fever, takes her by the hand and helps her up. Instantly the fever is gone and she gets up and starts serving her guests.
Jesus Can Heal Anything! - Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 1:32-34; Luke 4:40-41
SONdown designates the end of the Sabbath. As soon as the day is over and as a result of the miracle at Synagogue and news about Jesus healing Simon’s mother-in-law, many of the people in Capernaum and the nearby surrounding region start gathering their sick people and bringing them to Jesus for healing.
Luke says Jesus laid His hands on them. May people could be healed with little more than a loving touch from someone who cares! Jesus doesn’t qualify a person or heal only certain persons! His love and healing grace are available to anyone who will come to Him!
Jesus heals all sorts of diseases and maladies and casts demons out of others who were so possessed. These miracles have a very positive effect on the people who spread the word about this man who is doing miraculous things. How many of you have something that you would like Jesus to heal in your life?
Jesus doesn’t allow the demons to speak about who He is even though they know. He only has to speak (softly and firmly) and they leave! No yelling, no special spells or incantations or rituals. Just a simple statement spoken with confident authority!
It is exciting to notice that when Jesus does a miracle, the results are immediate, complete and permanent? That is the way you can know that Jesus had done a MIRACLE in your life! You can keep demons out of your life by simply speaking under the authority of Jesus Christ.
There is a miracle that is more important than all of the miracle healings that have ever occurred in all the days of this earth. That is the miracle of healing from the sin in your life! Jesus’ death on the cross, made possible the greatest miracle that will ever be recorded and if you are a Christian, you are a recipient of that miraculous healing power!
How to Deal With Demons!
People will spend all sorts of money on pills, potions, lotions and notions in hopes of being healed of a physical problem, illness or malady. Some go to “faith healers” in hopes of receiving an instant cure from something that they have been struggling with for years. Some people have honestly been healed by such experiences, but there are also many who have gone and not been healed or who thought they were healed only to later find out that they got caught up in the emotion, but no healing actually took place.
I pose no judgment on such activities, but leave that to God. He is the only one who knows the truth. I do know that God can and does occasionally heal without the benefit of medical science. I also know that some who claim to heal don’t have the power they try to flaunt. Who and how is beyond the point of this look at Jesus. Lets see how Jesus does it!
Worship is Important to Jesus! – Mark 1:21; Luke 4:31b
Mark begins his Gospel with a display of Jesus’ power (dynameis)! Jesus is now staying in Capernaum. On the Sabbath and He goes to the Synagogue and teaches the people, who are very impressed with His teaching.
Jesus Speaks With Authority! – Mark 1:22-28; Luke 4:32-37
During the service, a man with an evil spirit interrupts and tries to expose Jesus. Who is in charge of your soul? Just because someone goes to church does not mean that they might not sometimes be demon-possessed. Though his words are true – Jesus is the Son of God – Jesus doesn’t want that kind of publicity and commands the evil spirit to be quiet and come out of the man. Knowing Jesus is not the same as being saved! There is no room for the Holy Spirit and a demon in the same body. Kick the demon out and live for Jesus!
The people are amazed that Jesus can so easily command evil spirits and they obey Him. Jesus is THE Authority! This establishes some authority to Jesus’ already amazing teaching abilities. Truly this is no mere man, but someone very powerful and wonderful. The reaction of the people is to go and tell what Jesus did! They won’t forget that worship service! Why do you go to church on SONdays?
Dr. Jesus Cares About Physical Illness! – Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39
After the synagogue service, Jesus goes with James and John to Simon and Andrew’s house. Simon (Peter)’s mother-in-law is in bed with a bad fever. God never promises to prevent us from getting ill or even dying! Also, celibacy is not a requirement for ministry! As soon as Jesus hears about it, He goes to her, rebukes the fever, takes her by the hand and helps her up. Instantly the fever is gone and she gets up and starts serving her guests.
Jesus Can Heal Anything! - Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 1:32-34; Luke 4:40-41
SONdown designates the end of the Sabbath. As soon as the day is over and as a result of the miracle at Synagogue and news about Jesus healing Simon’s mother-in-law, many of the people in Capernaum and the nearby surrounding region start gathering their sick people and bringing them to Jesus for healing.
Luke says Jesus laid His hands on them. May people could be healed with little more than a loving touch from someone who cares! Jesus doesn’t qualify a person or heal only certain persons! His love and healing grace are available to anyone who will come to Him!
Jesus heals all sorts of diseases and maladies and casts demons out of others who were so possessed. These miracles have a very positive effect on the people who spread the word about this man who is doing miraculous things. How many of you have something that you would like Jesus to heal in your life?
Jesus doesn’t allow the demons to speak about who He is even though they know. He only has to speak (softly and firmly) and they leave! No yelling, no special spells or incantations or rituals. Just a simple statement spoken with confident authority!
It is exciting to notice that when Jesus does a miracle, the results are immediate, complete and permanent? That is the way you can know that Jesus had done a MIRACLE in your life! You can keep demons out of your life by simply speaking under the authority of Jesus Christ.
There is a miracle that is more important than all of the miracle healings that have ever occurred in all the days of this earth. That is the miracle of healing from the sin in your life! Jesus’ death on the cross, made possible the greatest miracle that will ever be recorded and if you are a Christian, you are a recipient of that miraculous healing power!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I’m Free!
I’m Free!
I wrote a song by that title back in 1990 when going through a crisis in my life.
I have met the enemy and I found out that he was me,
I used to try to blame the other guy.
When I confessed my helplessness, God came in, cleaned up the mess,
Now I can change my life, I will not die.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. I gave Him my addiction and He freed me.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. Now I can change my life, I’ve been set free.
Affliction had a grip on me, I was bound, I was not free.
I did not realize I had to change.
When I did confess my lot, I got the help for which I sought
and now my life is free to rearrange.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. I gave Him my addiction and He freed me.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. Now I can change my life, I’ve been set free.
I used to try to blame the other guy.
When I confessed my helplessness, God came in, cleaned up the mess,
Now I can change my life, I will not die.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. I gave Him my addiction and He freed me.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. Now I can change my life, I’ve been set free.
Affliction had a grip on me, I was bound, I was not free.
I did not realize I had to change.
When I did confess my lot, I got the help for which I sought
and now my life is free to rearrange.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. I gave Him my addiction and He freed me.
I’m free, Jesus set me free. Now I can change my life, I’ve been set free.
By Glen M. Copple,
January, 1990
January, 1990
As I was sharing with the guys today, we talked about how when we were baptized into Christ, we were freed from our past. In Romans 6:1-14, Paul writes to tell us that we are no longer slaves to sin. When we were baptized into Christ, we died to sin and it’s power over us. We have been freed from our past sinful behavior to live a life that honors Christ.
That means that we don’t have to engage in those behaviors that enslaved us in the past. We are free to do what is right in God’s eyes. We have the power to say “NO” to temptation. If we are free from sin, then we should no longer want to engage in sinful behavior. Instead, use your life to reflect Christ in all you say and do.
Free yourself from your past and let God’s love, mercy and grace free you from all of the sin of your past.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Man, I’m Hurting!
Man, I’m Hurting!
We were looking at I Peter 2:13-25 today and talking about submitting to authorities and enduring suffering when life isn’t fair.
Everyone is going through some sort of trauma, suffering, difficulty, trial, etc. Some of us have learned to accept the trial as a challenge and not let it get us down. However, there are many who seek serious relief from the suffering they are going through. Some are so focused on their suffering that they can’t see the good that is in it, will come from it or the good that exists around them in so many other ways.
Suffering isn’t fun, but it is a part of life on this earth. You are not going to escape until Jesus calls you home, but you can find peace, hope and joy in the midst of any trial if you look at it from Jesus’ perspective.
1. Even when we submit to our employers or those over us, we still sometimes have to endure suffering. It can be a process to bring growth or needed change in our life.
2. When the suffering is severe and especially unjust, we can remember that Jesus suffered far worse for our sins when He endured the mockery of a trial, physical and emotional abuse and finally, spiritual abandonment as He hung on the cross, naked, hurting, dying for our sins.
3. Jesus is a role model for us in that He did not curse those who were hurting Him, but forgave them.
He knew that He had to go through this, no matter how much it hurt. He was obedient and faithful, and because of that, you and I have forgiveness of our sins and hope of eternal life with God and Jesus in Heaven.
What trial are you going through? Is it really any worse than what Jesus went through for you? Go to God and tell Him where it hurts. Then ask Him to show you if there is anything that you need to do to endure the trial and be faithful to Him.
Praise God when you go through trials and come out successfully on the other side. (James 1:2-4).
We were looking at I Peter 2:13-25 today and talking about submitting to authorities and enduring suffering when life isn’t fair.
Everyone is going through some sort of trauma, suffering, difficulty, trial, etc. Some of us have learned to accept the trial as a challenge and not let it get us down. However, there are many who seek serious relief from the suffering they are going through. Some are so focused on their suffering that they can’t see the good that is in it, will come from it or the good that exists around them in so many other ways.
Suffering isn’t fun, but it is a part of life on this earth. You are not going to escape until Jesus calls you home, but you can find peace, hope and joy in the midst of any trial if you look at it from Jesus’ perspective.
1. Even when we submit to our employers or those over us, we still sometimes have to endure suffering. It can be a process to bring growth or needed change in our life.
2. When the suffering is severe and especially unjust, we can remember that Jesus suffered far worse for our sins when He endured the mockery of a trial, physical and emotional abuse and finally, spiritual abandonment as He hung on the cross, naked, hurting, dying for our sins.
3. Jesus is a role model for us in that He did not curse those who were hurting Him, but forgave them.
He knew that He had to go through this, no matter how much it hurt. He was obedient and faithful, and because of that, you and I have forgiveness of our sins and hope of eternal life with God and Jesus in Heaven.
What trial are you going through? Is it really any worse than what Jesus went through for you? Go to God and tell Him where it hurts. Then ask Him to show you if there is anything that you need to do to endure the trial and be faithful to Him.
Praise God when you go through trials and come out successfully on the other side. (James 1:2-4).
Monday, December 6, 2010
God Uses Imperfect People
God Uses Imperfect People
I was sharing with the guys this morning about some of the people God used in the earthy lineage of Jesus. We were looking at Matthew 1:1-16. This is by no means exhaustive, but here are some highlights from some of the people.
Abraham and Sarah – 1:2 – is noted in the Bible as a man of righteousness and great faith, yet twice he passed his wife off as his sister because he was afraid of the king in the area where they were going. God can still use people who are imperfect.
Isaac and Rebecca – 1:2 – Isaac loved Rebecca from the moment he first saw her, but when Jacob and Esau were born, Isaac favored Esau while Rebecca favored Jacob. That must have caused some degree of disharmony in their home. Jacob’s deception and conniving in stealing his brother’s inheritance and blessing only complicate the picture even more. God can still use people who are imperfect.
Judah, one of Isaac’s twelve sons and Tamar – 1:3 – Judah went in to a prostitute in his later years. She turned out to be the daughter-in-law to whom he had promised his youngest son, but didn’t follow through on his promise. The child of that union was Perez, who is in the lineage of Jesus. God can still use people who are imperfect.
Rahab – 1:5 – Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho. She hid the Jewish spies, lied to her fellow countrymen and was rescued when Jericho was destroyed. She married Salmon, a Jew, and was the mother of Boaz. Boaz married Ruth, a foreigner that came to live with the Israelites. They were the parents of Obed, the father of King David. God can still use people who are imperfect.
David and Bathsheba – 1:6 – David was a man “after God’s own heart.” His love for God is renown throughout Scripture. David had an affair with Bathsheba, who was married to Uriah, a commander in David’s army. When he failed in trying to cover it up by getting Uriah to sleep with his wife, David had Uriah set up to be killed in battle. He thought this would cover up the pregnancy and all would be hidden. When exposed by Samuel, David was guilt-ridden knowing that he had done something that hurt God very much. God can still use people who are imperfect.
The list goes on, but suffice to say that these people loved God, but were all guilty of sin. In spite of their past, God was still able to use them for His purposes. Each one of them played a part in the human ancestry of Jesus Christ.
I share that with you to point out that God can use you. Now matter what you have done in the past, if you will choose to love Him and allow Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, God can use you to accomplish a great purpose for His Kingdom. Your example at your job and in your community, your responsibilities as a husband, wife and parent will reflect who Jesus is in you. Your past is behind you, your future is one thing that you can determine right now.
God can still use people who are imperfect. Will you let Him use you? Pray and ask God to forgive those things of your past that hurt Him and others. Ask Him to heal you from any pain of your past and to learn how to forgive and love others. Then ask Him to reveal His purpose for your life and use you to bring glory and honor to Him. That is the most powerful witnessing tool you have. God can still use people who are imperfect. Can He use you?
I was sharing with the guys this morning about some of the people God used in the earthy lineage of Jesus. We were looking at Matthew 1:1-16. This is by no means exhaustive, but here are some highlights from some of the people.
Abraham and Sarah – 1:2 – is noted in the Bible as a man of righteousness and great faith, yet twice he passed his wife off as his sister because he was afraid of the king in the area where they were going. God can still use people who are imperfect.
Isaac and Rebecca – 1:2 – Isaac loved Rebecca from the moment he first saw her, but when Jacob and Esau were born, Isaac favored Esau while Rebecca favored Jacob. That must have caused some degree of disharmony in their home. Jacob’s deception and conniving in stealing his brother’s inheritance and blessing only complicate the picture even more. God can still use people who are imperfect.
Judah, one of Isaac’s twelve sons and Tamar – 1:3 – Judah went in to a prostitute in his later years. She turned out to be the daughter-in-law to whom he had promised his youngest son, but didn’t follow through on his promise. The child of that union was Perez, who is in the lineage of Jesus. God can still use people who are imperfect.
Rahab – 1:5 – Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho. She hid the Jewish spies, lied to her fellow countrymen and was rescued when Jericho was destroyed. She married Salmon, a Jew, and was the mother of Boaz. Boaz married Ruth, a foreigner that came to live with the Israelites. They were the parents of Obed, the father of King David. God can still use people who are imperfect.
David and Bathsheba – 1:6 – David was a man “after God’s own heart.” His love for God is renown throughout Scripture. David had an affair with Bathsheba, who was married to Uriah, a commander in David’s army. When he failed in trying to cover it up by getting Uriah to sleep with his wife, David had Uriah set up to be killed in battle. He thought this would cover up the pregnancy and all would be hidden. When exposed by Samuel, David was guilt-ridden knowing that he had done something that hurt God very much. God can still use people who are imperfect.
The list goes on, but suffice to say that these people loved God, but were all guilty of sin. In spite of their past, God was still able to use them for His purposes. Each one of them played a part in the human ancestry of Jesus Christ.
I share that with you to point out that God can use you. Now matter what you have done in the past, if you will choose to love Him and allow Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, God can use you to accomplish a great purpose for His Kingdom. Your example at your job and in your community, your responsibilities as a husband, wife and parent will reflect who Jesus is in you. Your past is behind you, your future is one thing that you can determine right now.
God can still use people who are imperfect. Will you let Him use you? Pray and ask God to forgive those things of your past that hurt Him and others. Ask Him to heal you from any pain of your past and to learn how to forgive and love others. Then ask Him to reveal His purpose for your life and use you to bring glory and honor to Him. That is the most powerful witnessing tool you have. God can still use people who are imperfect. Can He use you?
Friday, December 3, 2010
How to Fulfill God’s Purpose in Your Life
A Virgin Will Have a Child! - 005
How to Fulfill God’s Purpose in Your Life
Sometimes it seems that everyone is talking about having a baby. Since that is where life begins, that is an appropriate place to begin “Getting To Know Jesus.”How to Fulfill God’s Purpose in Your Life
Women, especially like to talk about having babies. I believe that God made them that way for a very important reason. Recent headline commented on how women prefer homemaking and raising children to working out of the home. Let’s go to Luke 1:26-56 and look into the life of a young Jewish girl who is soon going to be a mother! Me, I’m just a guy talking about something that many women might understand better that I do. Even so, let’s see if we can get a glimpse into this very significant event in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. This takes place about 4-5 B.C. – our dating system was computed around 532 A.D. and they later realized that they missed the birth of Jesus by 3-5 years.
God has Called YOU! - Luke 1:26-27
Mary is a typical teenage Jewish girl who is just doing her daily whatever, when Gabriel comes calling. I wonder if she is thinking about her wedding plans and what it will be like to be married to Joseph! The Bible makes it importantly clear that she is a virgin who is engaged, which is a mark of honor for an unmarried girl! Saving sex until marriage is important to God! Also, Mary is not going to be allowed to raise God’s Son alone. Children grow up healthier in many ways when they have both their original father and original mother together in the home!
Gabriel has a knack of entering without knocking, but at least he always brings good news! Again, Gabriel says “Don’t be afraid, after it is too late!” Finding favor with God is a strong reference to her moral and spiritual character – Would you like to know that you have found favor with God? There are two things that are very important to remember about Mary and about your life. 1. It doesn’t matter where you are from. 2. It doesn’t matter what your background is. God has called you for a special purpose and He can accomplish His will in your life if you are willing to submit to Him.
Everyone Has Doubts! - Luke 1:29-38
Mary is alarmed at becoming pregnant because she is not married. She has moral values that are much needed today! You don’t have sex with someone you are not married to! Gabriel assures Mary that this is God’s doing! Like John the Baptist, Jesus will be a male. He will be healthy and will perform a great work for God! He will be a KING! What greater news could parents to be want to hear about their baby?
Every calling has a cost. Mary is risking public ridicule and death by stoning in order to be obedient to God. Every calling from God is bigger than our selves. Mary couldn’t get pregnant (without a man) without God doing it. At this point, she believes the words of this angel. She has no proof or other evidence of this being from God than the angel’s words. Every calling requires submission (faith). Mary trusted the angel’s words more than Zechariah did.
Mary’s response to the angel’s message is “Okay!” She trusts the angel, Gabriel, and doesn’t even ask for a sign to verify it like someone else we know! Would you be able to trust God with your life like Mary did? Gabriel also tells Mary about Elizabeth’s pregnancy. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! Mary and Elizabeth are cousins, even though they are many years apart in age. That will make Jesus and John second cousins!
God is Glorified by Your Obedience! - Luke 1:39-56
Mary goes to visit to Elizabeth. She could probably be afraid of what the community might say. Maybe she is afraid to face Joseph with this development! Maybe she simply needs someone who she can talk to that will understand the special nature of what is happening! Wouldn’t you need someone to talk to if you were suddenly impregnated by the Holy Spirit and yet engaged to a wonderful man? This is a journey of 50 plus miles that possibly included a trek up the (dangerous) Jericho road by a single teenage girl with no escort! That would not be a whole lot different than a teenage girl walking unescorted through some neighborhoods in some of our cities!
Others Confirm God’s Blessing. Elizabeth and Mary exchange greetings. Elizabeth has no previous warning of Mary’s coming or of her being pregnant, yet the Holy Spirit stirs her in such a way that she knows! She greets Mary with a proclamation and blessing that only the Holy Spirit could have revealed to her. She proclaims how God has blessed someone as insignificant as Mary to be the mother of the Messiah. Have you ever felt that God was revealing something to you about someone or a situation that you had no prior knowledge of? If not, might it be that you need to work in building a closer relationship with God so the He can speak to you through His Spirit when He needs to do so? If you are truly serving God with your life, people will recognize your gift.
Mary praises God. Mary shows her love for God, her faith in Him and her commitment to trust Him in her life by responding to Elizabeth’s proclamation with a declaration of her own. She glorifies God because He has trusted her for a very special purpose. She is impressed on how God has disregarded the leaders and chosen someone of unknown and lowly status to bring His Savior into the world. Would you be as willing to risk the public scrutiny and be trust God to guide and protect you in doing something as unknown as having a child by the Holy Spirit when you were already engaged to a wonderful man? Your recognition of God grows when you serve.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How to Fish more Effectively
Jesus Starts a Fisher’s of Men Business! - 025
How to Fish more Effectively
How to Fish more Effectively
On the one hand, it is sometimes fun to launch out on an adventure not knowing where you will spend the next night. You have heard someone say, “I’m going to see the world”, without any agenda as to where you are going, how fast you will get there or how long you will stay.
However, after a while, this running around gets old and it is good to have a place that one can settle down in and call “home”.
We are looking at what it means to follow Jesus. He has been “away” from “home” for about six months. Now it is time to establish something a little more predictable and not be out on the road all of the time.
Matthew begins our look into the life and teachings of Jesus Christ with a fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy. Zebulun and Naphtali were territories on the west side of the Sea of Galilee where the city of Nazareth is located. The “great light” is a reference to Jesus the SONlight of the world! In contrast to darkness that symbolizes the absence of salvation.
Go to Where the Fish Are! – Matthew 4:13-17, Luke 4:31a
Jesus message to the people is that God’s Kingdom is near and they need to repent and get ready. This is very similar to the message preached by John the Baptist. Notice that the kingdom is entered through repentance! This kingdom is in context of reign, rather than territory!
Jesus message to the people is that God’s Kingdom is near and they need to repent and get ready. This is very similar to the message preached by John the Baptist. Notice that the kingdom is entered through repentance! This kingdom is in context of reign, rather than territory!
Jesus is walking along the shore of Galilee at Capernaum and sees Simon and Andrew fishing. They had spent some time with Jesus earlier just after John the Baptist had immersed him. Evidently, they had either gone back to fishing or were getting back to work after taking time off to follow Jesus for a short period of time.
Get Help! – Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20
Simon and Andrew immediately leave their nets and follow Jesus! How has Jesus called you to serve Him? Are you obeying Him?
Simon and Andrew immediately leave their nets and follow Jesus! How has Jesus called you to serve Him? Are you obeying Him?
Jesus also sees James and John working with their father, Zebedee and calls them. They don’t ask dad’s permission or discuss anything. They simply walk off leaving dad with all of the work and they follow Jesus. At least we know that Zebedee also has some other hired help to fill the gap left by James and John. Were Simon and Andrew partners or employees of Zebedee? Just a thought! When God calls, we must obey!
Another day, after Jesus had called Simon, Andrew, James and John, our text tells us that He was preaching to a crowd that had gathered on the seashore at Capernaum. Simon and the others had finished a night of fishing and are cleaning up prior to going home to get some needed rest.
To improve His delivery so the people can hear Him better, Jesus climbs into Simon’s boat and has him move back just a little bit from the shore. This improves the acoustics so the larger crowd can hear Jesus better.
I find that I project better to a larger group when I stand. However, Jesus sits down in the boat to talk to the people. It is possible that He doesn’t want to get knocked off balance by a wave and tossed into the Sea, but it is also Jewish custom for the speaker to sit while addressing the crowd. Would you have let Jesus use your boat?
Pay for the Boat – Luke 5:1-11
When Jesus is finished talking, He compensates Simon for the use of his boat! He sends Simon and his partners out into the deeper part (150 ft. deep) of the Sea of Galilee to fish. Simon’s first response is that he is tired from fishing all night and would like to go home and get some sleep. After all, they did not catch any fish, so he’s discouraged and tired. It is obvious that the fish aren’t near enough to the surface to be caught. Would you waste your time to fish one more time when someone who knows little or nothing about fishing tells you to do it again?
When Jesus is finished talking, He compensates Simon for the use of his boat! He sends Simon and his partners out into the deeper part (150 ft. deep) of the Sea of Galilee to fish. Simon’s first response is that he is tired from fishing all night and would like to go home and get some sleep. After all, they did not catch any fish, so he’s discouraged and tired. It is obvious that the fish aren’t near enough to the surface to be caught. Would you waste your time to fish one more time when someone who knows little or nothing about fishing tells you to do it again?
Since Jesus insists, Simon complies and the result of obeying Jesus is that he gets such a large catch of fish that he needs help bringing them into the boat. Simon and Andrew have partners (Zebedee, James and John?) who come and help them process this catch of fish. Some Payment!
Simon is so overwhelmed at this “payment” that he feels too unworthy to receive such a blessing. In fear, he asks Jesus to leave him because he knows he is not good enough to entertain the SON of God. How would you feel if this happened to you? What has God called you to do?
Simon is so overwhelmed at this “payment” that he feels too unworthy to receive such a blessing. In fear, he asks Jesus to leave him because he knows he is not good enough to entertain the SON of God. How would you feel if this happened to you? What has God called you to do?
Jesus merely accepts Simon as he is and calls him to learn how to fish for men! Simon pulls the boat to shore and leaves and follows Jesus from then on. Nothing is said about cleaning the fish and getting them to the market. Evidently the other partners take care of that for Peter.
God compensates those who are willing to allow Him to use them for His purposes and His compensation is not meager or minimum wage! Our focus is not on getting money, but on being obedient and serving the Lord according to the abilities that He has given us! What are you doing to serve the Lord? How has He already paid you?
God compensates those who are willing to allow Him to use them for His purposes and His compensation is not meager or minimum wage! Our focus is not on getting money, but on being obedient and serving the Lord according to the abilities that He has given us! What are you doing to serve the Lord? How has He already paid you?
God Bless and have a great week.
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