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Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Matters Most?

What Matters Most?

I just got news that a good friend, a year younger than myself, went to be with the Lord. As I look at my life and the lives of those around me, it causes me to ponder What Matters Most. What is the most important part of my life? Answering that for your life will help you focus your priorities and establish the legacy by which you will be remembered after you die.

I have said for many years that when I die, I pray that people will say of me: “He showed us Jesus”. With that legacy in mind, I have focused all of my energy and my our resources on writing, promoting and sharing the Getting To Know Jesus Bible Study Series. We have invested all we have and are now totally dependent upon donations, sales of the Getting To Know Jesus books and CD’s for our earthly needs.

As I look at this world, I see people that look lost, aimless, forsaken, lonely, hopeless and in despair. I see a world that needs to know who Jesus is, what He taught and did and how we can become more like Him. Getting To Know Jesus is a tool to accomplish that goal. We have already sent Getting To Know Jesus Bible study CD's to over 150 ministries in 37 foreign countries. We are constantly getting requests from foreign ministries for the CD's. (For a donation of $100.00, we will send a CD to a ministry in your name and send you contact info so you can see how this ministry is reaching people for Christ.)
I have observed how the United States has faltered over the last fifty plus years as we took prayer, the Ten Commandments and the Bible out of our schools and replaced them with empty secular relativism and “you decide for yourself what is right or wrong”. I have watched as many churches have gotten soft on standing for what Jesus taught us and compromised in fear of offending someone or being threatened by the IRS. I’ve watched state and local governments and even national organizations bow to threats from the ACLU and other anti-Christian groups threatening to sue if they dare to stand up for Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible.

As I have already stated, I have committed the rest of my life to teach anyone and everyone about the life of Christ so people will reconnect with Him, change their lives to act like Christians and tell others about Jesus so we can become a Christian nation again. I ask for your help.

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