What do the following have in common?
George Soros
Barak Obama
Al Qaeda
Homosexual activists
American Civil Liberties Union
Americans for the Separation of Church and State
Liberal Progressives
They all are opposed to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. They also want to take away the freedoms and foundations on which this nation was established.
Some actually believe that the government knows better how to run our lives than we do. If that be the case, then how is it that so many (not all) of the government leaders are incapable of managing their own lives? Reports of sexual immorality, illegal campaign fund raising, not paying income taxes, awarding illegal contracts or pork barrel projects without going through the proper bid process and more are rampant among politicians from the White House, Congress, Senate, judiciary down to state, county and city governments.
Others want to abridge our freedom of speech and freedom to believe in God and the teachings of the Bible in an effort to stop us from telling them that what they are doing is wrong. They cry “tolerance”, but they do not respect the legal definition of the word. What they are wanting is censorship. They want to censor the Christian’s right to stand for what is right and they want the “tolerance” to allow them to promote their immorality. Something is not right here.
There is one more problem with some in this group. They have decided that they don’t want to follow the principles on which our nation was founded. They treat the United States as some evil empire that must be destroyed, not realizing that in so doing, they will remove the freedoms that give them the right to voice this selfish and irrational dissent. They want to disregard the Constitution, Bill of Rights and establish a rule in which they make the rules and can change them to suit their latest whim.
Oh yes, here’s another issue: Some of the people actually believe they can establish a One World Government. They really think that they can make all people in all nations obey and get along under one system of rule. What they haven’t thought about is: who is going to decide which system of rule the world is to live under. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and many other religions will each want their view respected and to be the rule of law. There will be many who will fight before they give in to someone else’s religion.
All of this comes down to one point. The problem with this entire picture is that these and many other people have taken their eyes off of following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Some have never believed in Him in the first place so they engage in sin, corruption, violence, especially against Christians.
If God isn’t the supreme ruler, there will never be a “one world government”. None of the major religions will allow it unless they are the only religion in that government.
Look at it another way, we already have a “One World Government”. That is the Kingdom of Christ – the Church which exists around the world and is one with every other Christian around the world. No government, man or other religion can make that claim. Jesus Christ is our King. The church is His Kingdom and no nation on earth has been successful in stopping it.
Jesus’ government is a government of love, not hatred. Christians allow other religions to exist. Christians don’t engage in, condone or tolerate violence against another religion simply because we don’t like them. Instead, Christians establish that our government is superior by loving persuasion in which a person is free to chose to follow or not follow Jesus Christ. Show me any other religion that allows such freedom, forgiveness of sin based on grace, not on how good you are, has a risen savior and can promise and deliver eternal life.
Show me this kind of freedom in a Muslim controlled country. Where are Christians terrorizing or bombing those who don’t subscribe to Christianity? In a Muslim controlled country, if you are a Christian, you are at serious risk of losing your life if they find out. Women in a Muslim country have no freedom. Some are killed without even a trial because of some trumped up accusation that they violated Sharia Law. What “tolerance” or “freedom” is that?
It is time for Christians to stand up and speak out against those who threaten our Christian rights and freedoms. We must show the world that our “religion” is far superior than anyone else’s. We must also not allow anyone to take our freedom away from us by taking over our government, throwing out the Constitution and restricting what we can believe, say or practice as American citizens and especially as Christians.
God bless America
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