The importance of obeying the Law
What! I was hacked again? This is the second time in less than six months. Although the “cost” to me is little more than time, the illegality of the event alarms me. I was born and raised to respect others and obey the law. I find it disconcerting when someone thinks that they can break the law and not be held accountable.
We are a nation of laws, and in order for our society to survive, we must obey those laws or work within the governmental process to change them.
From our founding fathers up until the last few years, our laws were centered on a higher standard of God and New Testament Christianity. Over time, various individuals have come in and undermined God’s teachings with laws to try to justify their sinful behavior. Laws trying to justify abortion and other sexually immoral behavior, making divorce a no-fault option, restricting the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, etc. have only worked to take God out of being the ultimate authority and replaced respect for God, Jesus Christ and the Church (Christians) with hatred, bigotry, censorship and restriction of rights and freedom.
There is something wrong with a person who thinks that they do not have to obey the law. Whether it be domestic violence, a “victimless” crime (there really is no such thing), taking something that belongs to someone else, stealing from a large corporation, or something as serious as murder, wrong is still wrong.
When we decide that we do not need to obey the law, we become a people with no law. That leads to anarchy, survival of the fittest, rampant suspicion, hatred, murder and mayhem. That will only work to destroy our nation, our freedoms and many lives.
When we do things God’s way, we get God’s blessings. When we do things our own way, we end up being unfulfilled, fearful of the consequences of our actions catching up with us. We are always looking over our shoulders to see who is about to do to us what we have done to others.
We have brought all kinds of problems on our society from abortion, divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, suspicion, fear, hatred and more because we have decided that illegal isn’t what it says. We have condoned what the Bible says is sin instead of changing our behavior to abide by the Bible’s teachings.
Many of us like to watch a sports game. Whether it be baseball, football, soccer, tennis, basketball or any other sport, there are rules that must be adhered to in order for two sides to compete. If one side chooses to break the rules, there are officials that cry foul and penalize the rule-breakers. If an official misses a call, the crowd is quick to cry out in protest and object to allowing the rules to be broken. (It is sad that they only cry out when it is against their team.)
If sports teams and individuals did not play by the rules, the sport would soon dwindle to nothing. No one would want to play if everyone is not going to play by the rules. In the same manner, our nation will self-destruct if we don’t return to God’s standard and quit trying to make up our own.
One last thing, if you sincerely believe that each person has the right to decide for themselves what is right or wrong for them, then we don’t need police, courts, laws, government or any other regulatory agency. If we don’t have a rule of law that applies to everyone equally, then you better pray that you can kill the other guy before he kills you. This entire world will self-destruct from within.
We need laws based on the Bible and we need to obey those laws without exception! We also need to return our government to being one that recognizes God as the ultimate law maker. His standards are always best and in our best interest.
God bless America (only if America blesses God)
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