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Monday, January 2, 2017

How to be Truly Happy
By Glen M. Copple

Everyone is searching for happiness. Some of us actually think we have a right and deserve to be happy!

We will seek happiness in Possessions, Persons, Places Parties, Medicine, Clothes, Makeovers and Diet.

We will acquire this or do that only to find ourselves unhappier than before we ever had or did them.

If we have an ailment, disease or health issue, a handicap or some malady, we will spend any possible amount of money for medical relief, cosmetic makeovers, these clothes or that diet, this figure or that life-style to try to make us happy. Yet it doesn’t work. Cf. many celebrities trying to maintain a certain "look".

In Matthew 5:3-16 and Luke 6:20-26, Jesus embarks on a sermon just after having selected twelve men to become Apostles. This ordination sermon (we call it the Sermon on the Mount) is a profound discourse on how to live a happy life that is also pleasing to God.

Happy Are Those Who: – Matthew 5:3-12; Luke 6:20-23
Realize that we are spiritually in need (poor) and looking to Jesus. They will find God’s Salvation.

Realize that the sadness of this world is but for a season will direct us to find our comfort in God. It will free us from the pursuit of things that will never satisfy.

Realize that restraining our power (meekness) will bless us more than trying to control people, situations and things that are beyond our power. Honey vs. vinegar. It is the restraint of our power that gives us real strength and makes us more like Jesus. (Consider how much power He restrained when He went to the cross to die for your and my sins!)

Realize that seeking and doing what is right and good in the eyes of God, is an attitude that will endure in eternity.

Realize that showing mercy to others will get back mercy from others. Galatians 6:7-9.

Realize that those who stop sinning will see God! (Heaven vs. hell).

Realize that getting along with one another is nobler than picking fights. Be prepared to finish a fight, but don’t go looking to start one.

Realize that life is not about avoiding persecution, but in remaining faithful to Jesus in all circumstances. The reward is heavenly!

Unhappy Are Those Who: – Luke 6:24-26
Pursue Money and possessions. Neither is having plenty of possessions. Look at how many of the rich and famous who are in trouble with the law, have failed marriages, have no privacy or personal life and are so caught up in protecting their image that they virtually have no life. Many rich celebrities are pursued for their wealth by beggars or for extortion or other means to get some of their money. Others have followers who worship them without realizing how imperfect they are. They have an image to maintain that intrudes into their freedom and they are no happier if not even less happy than those who are pursuing to follow them or become like them.

Prosperity can disappear in seconds – earthquake, fire, flood, thieves, etc.

Think that parties are what life is all about. Parties (those who laugh) only last as long as the party lasts. Then what? (And think about all of the cleanup afterwards!)

Depend on their popularity for happiness. Popularity doesn’t mean that you are saved, happy or reputable. Some people buy their friends, while they are vile, ungodly characters.

Money, prosperity and possessions will not buy you one second of time or peace or even a place in eternity!

Purpose of Happiness – Matthew 5:13-16
When we realize that real and lasting happiness are found only in our relationship with God, what are we to do with it?

Is in our relationship with God Jesus tells us that salt has a purpose to flavor and preserve the food that it is in.

Light exists to conquer and dispel the darkness. Likewise, you and I are to tell others about God’s happiness and the hope that we have in Jesus.

Salt is to flavor and preserve (influence) its surroundings. There is no greater joy on this earth than
knowing that you have played a part in making someone’s life better by bringing them to Jesus or helping them grow in their walk with Him.

That is part of the purpose and joy of “Walking With Jesus”. We see God has a better way for us to live than what we can create with our own means and imagination. The most blessed people on earth are those who realize that these attitudes are the ones that are the most important ones to possess. They are the attitudes you will continue to develop as you continue “Walking With Jesus”.

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