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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why I am not a Liberal

Why I am not a Liberal
In the discussion below, I am much more concerned about being a Christian than being a conservative or a liberal. Jesus is the King of a Kingdom that is older, bigger, more powerful and longer-lasting than all of the governments that have ever existed on this earth. My purpose is not to deal in politics but to stand up for Jesus Christ and what He teaches about right and wrong. Sometimes I may get caught up in condemning the sin, but my desire is to lead the sinner to repent, not label him as incorrigible. If we truly believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, we are saved by His grace, not by whether we label ourselves one way or another. That said, here is why:

I am not a liberal -
1. Liberals believe that government should and can control everybody in an effort to make things equal. However, they repeatedly show that they can’t even control themselves and they obviously can’t control anyone else. Otherwise they could tell criminals to stop committing crimes and there would be no more crime. If God isn’t in control, no one is in control. Most liberals don’t acknowledge God’s supremacy.

2. Liberals advocate "the government taking from the rich and giving to the poor". I have noticed several rich liberals who are not giving any of their money to the poor. To me, that is hypocrisy. Jesus NEVER taught that the government should force redistribution of wealth. He did teach that I, as an individual, should give according to my means and my heart's desire to help those less fortunate. Giving to the poor should be an individual thing, out of love and compassion, not a government mandated thing, giving to people or cause that violate my strongly held Christian beliefs.

3. Liberals advocate abortion is a woman's right to end an unwanted pregnancy. I contend that abortion is only a cover up that she and some man have had sex outside of marriage and they know it was wrong so they kill the baby in an attempt to cover up their sin. I have a problem with “women’s rights” not advocating the right to say, “NO” to sex outside of marriage. Sex outside of marriage is wrong. When liberals start advocating abstinence and stop promoting immorality, they we will have more in common.

4. Liberals advocate homosexual immorality is okay. They believe that homosexuality is a “race” not a choice. Science has not found a “homosexual” chromosome because there is none. God does not make mistakes. If He gave you male sex organs, then you are not a female. Too many homosexuals have left that lifestyle for me to believe that they were “born that way”. The Bible teaches that any kind of sex outside of marriage is sin.

5. Although there are many liberals who are Christians, most liberals tend to be less respectful of God, Jesus Christ and Christians than conservatives. The prevailing liberal ideology does not recognize God and His Word as final and authoritative.

I am a conservative –
1. I am a conservative because I believe that most conservative policies adhere more to the teachings of the Bible more than most liberal policies.

2. I am conservative because I believe that we are freer with less government interference.

3. I am a conservative because I would rather teach a man how to fish and give him a fishing pole than give him a fish.

4. I am conservative because most conservatives recognize that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and that sex is between one husband and one wife for life. Most conservatives do not condone sexual immorality of any kind.

5. I am conservative because I realize that the Bible teaches that homosexuality, abortion and a host of other sexually immoral actions are wrong and destructive to those who engage in them and to victims who are impacted by their behavior.

This is by no means complete and conclusive, but an attempt to communicate my thoughts on the items discussed above.

Regardless of how you choose to label yourself, I pray most of all that you will endeavor to read and study every event in the life and teachings of Jesus and build a more passionate, personal and powerful relationship with Him.


Anonymous said...

"I am a conservative because I would rather teach a man how to fish and give him a fishing pole than give him a fish."

That's not what Jesus did, ever. He gave people in their need without judgement. And nowadays we call that 'Government handouts'. Your so-called 'Christian politics' embarrass your fellow Christians.

The Trillian said...

" Although there are many liberals who are Christians, most liberals tend to be less respectful of God, Jesus Christ and Christians than conservatives. The prevailing liberal ideology does not recognize God and His Word as final and authoritative."

Matthew 7:1