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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is it the Money or is There Something Better?

Is it the Money or is There Something Better?

Have you heard the expression, “He who has the most toys (Toyota’s) wins”?
How about a man in Texas that was buried in his Cadillac?

A wealthy and selfish man told his wife to bury his money with him when he died. She promised to do as he said. Upon his death, she wrote a check and put it with him in the casket!

Zig Ziglar – grew up in a poor family. Dad died. Mom worked. He was 11 of 13 children.
Sold vacuum sweepers and cookware door-to-door for many years. He tried all sorts of schemes to “get rich quick”. None worked!

Had the electricity cut off, had the phone shut off and even had a car repossessed
It took him 17 years to become a successful motivational speaker. Now very wealthy and successful!

I have a personal friend who once had a big house, fancy cars, expensive boat, pilot’s license and lots of nice stuff. Now he’s struggling to get a business off the ground. He depends on his wife’s income to meet most of their expenses. In spite of his “loss”, he is still happy.
Both of these men are very happy because they know that money isn’t everything!

How about you? Do you sometimes struggle with your finances?

Rich man vs. Lazarus
Lets make some observations from Luke 17:19-31
The rich man had a nice house, lots of food, fancy clothes.
How would you identify the “rich man” today?
How many rich people are truly generous? How many “rich people” give 10% or more to God’s work? (The poor widow gave her last two pennies to God! – Luke 21:1-4)

Lazarus was a homeless poor beggar, inflicted with painful and ugly sores. Yet, (it is implied that) he loved and trusted God.

In spite of his love, God did not spare him the pain and suffering that he endured while on this earth. Life isn’t fair! What is more important, being healthy, being wealthy or being saved? If you actually had to choose, would you be willing to give up everything and follow Jesus?

Some people have lots of wealth and some don’t! So what?
John D. Rockefeller was once asked, “How much money is enough?” He replied, “One more dollar than I have!”
We sometimes think that we deserve to have and the world owes us!
We will spend our entire lives pursuing more money only to realize, too late, that it is not the meaning to life!
Life isn’t in acquiring and having wealth, a house, a particular job, relationship or being in a certain circle of people!

How many people throw their money away on lottery tickets when it would be better spent on other things. (If you want to help the schools, give them the dollar instead of giving 72 cents to the gambling commission!)

Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the only way…
Is there any other way that we can find peace with God?

How much does it cost to buy eternal life?
Life is in Jesus (and it is free) – Matthew 16:24-26 – What good is it if we are richer than Bill Gates, Ted Turner and Donald Trump all put together, if we don’t have Jesus?

Paul’s attitude is expressed in Philippians 4:10-13. He has already elaborated his feelings towards Jesus in Philippians 1:27, 3:7-11 – If he lives, he will serve Christ. If he dies, he will go to be with Christ. What’s the problem?

There will only be one question on the “FINAL EXAM” at the judgment throne of God.
It won’t be, “Is it the money?”

The FINAL EXAM will be –
WHO’S Jesus?
What will your answer be?
Matthew 6:19-21 – How are you going to show God and others that you love Jesus more than money?
What are you going to do from now on to help others see what really matters in life? How are you going to model Jesus’ presence in you?

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