Obey the Rules!
My wife and I have been watching the World Series as the San Francisco Giants and Texas Rangers try to see who can win the most games. Have you ever thought about what makes watching a baseball game enjoyable? What is it that makes us want to watch football, basketball, soccer, even tennis or most any other sport? Why do we like to observe as one individual or team competes against another in an effort to win or gain some prize?
Let me ask the same question another way. What would happen if some of the players decided that they would make up the rules as they go along? They could say, “I’ll decide what’s right for me and you can decide what’s right for you, but don’t impose your morals or standards on me.” What kind of a game would we have then? There would be no game.
It is obeying the rules that make a sporting event sporting and fun to watch. If one team or individual were to decide that they didn’t have to play by the rules, the game would either end up in the two side fighting instead of playing or one side would simply refuse to play until the other side agreed to abide by the established rules.
One of the saddest comments I have heard of modern times is the quote I just shared: “I’ll decide what’s right for me and you can decide what’s right for you, but don’t impose your morals or standards on me.” Something is seriously wrong with the philosophy that each person can decide for themselves whether what they do is right or wrong and no one else can make them comply to some absolute standard.
We have all kinds of immorality, crime, corruption, greed, selfishness and consequences because individuals think they don’t have to abide by the rules. Our government is fraught with corruption in the current election cycle as individuals and groups try to push their power on others through stealing votes, intimidation of voters, trying to disqualify votes for the other candidate or sneak in extra votes for their candidate. Individuals lie, cheat, steal and commit crimes and then try to sneak in some excuse that they didn’t know it was wrong, the other person did something worse or it’s not that big a deal and should be just overlooked. There are times when it appears that we have no rules at all. How much longer can we survive if we don’t get back to following the rules?
A big question is growing in your mind. Who makes the rules? What set or rules do we go by? Even among governments, one country has one set of rules and another country is governed differently. Sometimes the one country laws justify them trying to take over and control another country. The resulting conflict ends up in war and many people die fighting for their rules.
There is a solution to this entire problem. There is a moral absolute, a one set of rules that applies to everyone regardless of their race or place or face. The United States became the greatest nation on earth because it was founded on the foundation of that one set of rules. As long as we have abided by that ultimate code of behavior, we have prospered.
But what has happened? In the last 50 plus years, forces have come in that sought to erode any allegiance to the one moral absolute on which our nation was founded. As a result, we now have corruption from my house to the white house. More and more citizens are deciding that they don’t have to obey the nation’s laws and many are even disregarding the existence and necessity of living by the moral absolute that is foundational to our Constitution and entire system of government.
Because of this, we have a breakdown in the family and institution of marriage. Because of this, we have more sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, divorce, broken homes, and insecure, lost and confused children. Because of this, we have little regard for the posted speed limit and many other laws that our government only enforces if they feel like it.
In addition, we have groups who are coming out more openly against the moral absolute. They are so open about their behavior that they try to silence anyone who dares to suggest that there is a moral absolute and what they are doing is wrong by that absolute standard.
To get back to a question I asked earlier, Who makes the rules that we are to go by? What is this moral absolute and who decided it to be so? To answer that, we must go back to the origin of everyone and everything that exists on this earth. We were created by an all powerful, ever present, all knowing and loving God who created us for the purpose of a relationship based on love. God loves us and wants us to love Him, but in His divine knowledge, He chose to give us the free will to chose to love Him or reject Him.
God, in His divine knowledge, set up a moral absolute that frees us from the consequences of sin when we live by it. This moral absolute is found in the Bible. To sum it up most briefly, we are to love God and love others.
See Matthew 22:36-40 – 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
It is this foundation on Christian principles that has made the United States such a great nation. Our founding fathers, even the ones who weren’t Christian, recognized the value and importance of God as the ultimate governor of our society. Several founding fathers have expressed that our form of government and Constitution will not work without an allegiance to a Higher Power – the God that created the heavens and the earth.
It is time to recall the citizens of the United States to return to that moral standard. It is time to repent of our sin, stop treating the law as something we obey if we feel like it, and start becoming citizens who play the game by the rule book (the Bible, especially the New Testament). It is time to start reading the Bible as if it were the moral absolute that all mankind on this earth is to live by and then practice it in our lives so we can be an example to others.
It is time for Christians to follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and act like Christians instead of acting like sinners who go to church on SONday and pretend that they are what they are not.
God bless America
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Real Soul Food that Satisfies!
Real Soul Food that Satisfies!
Getting To Know Jesus - 022
Has anything ever happened to you that revived your life or some aspect thereof? If you are a woman, have you ever felt like society looked down on you for something real or imaginary? Do you have a past that you feel makes you an outcast or second-rate citizen?
We have been discussing a conversation that Jesus had with a woman who has a “past”. Jesus asked for a drink of water and then offered her “living water”. She expressed a strong interest, so Jesus instructed her to go get her husband. She denied being married to which Jesus exposed that He knew she had been married 5 times and was currently living with a man she was not married to. She changed the subject to a spiritual issue and then left.
Physical Food is Important – John 4:27-30
The Disciples have returned from the village and are surprised to see Jesus talking with this Samaritan woman. Jews, especially a rabbi, just don’t associate with, or even talk to Samaritans, and above all not a woman! How would you feel if someone you admired and respected was talking to someone you despised?
The woman who was talking with Jesus is so excited that she leaves her water jar and goes to the village to tell them what she has experienced. She introduces her conversation with Jesus with a leading question that arouses the curiosity of the village leaders. First, she relates what caused her to consider Jesus, and then she challenges their curiosity with, “Could this be the Christ.” This causes much of the city to come to investigate what Jesus is about. Samaritans are also looking for the Messiah! What would it take to get you excited about telling others about Jesus? Could you use this approach to get others to investigate Jesus?
Soul Food is More Satisfying – John 4:31-34
The Disciples have returned from town with some food and are amazed to see Jesus talking with this woman. They offer Him some food, but He takes the opportunity to tell them that there is more to life than eating. How often do we get caught up in the physical instead of focusing on the spiritual?
Jesus appears refreshed instead of hungry because He gets filled when He is doing God’s work and He knows that He has just made a significant impression on the woman who has now returned to town. Have you ever said or done something that made an impression on others for Jesus?
People are Hungry for Soul Food – John 4:35-39
Jesus changes the subject to harvesting, which is four months away. There could very likely be a field of grain nearby that will soon be ripe for harvest. Jesus uses this to make a point.
He gets excited as He looks beyond the Disciples and sees a woman, and a village coming to learn about how they can make their lives better. Yellow wheat is ripe. White wheat is past ripe! This harvest of souls for God’s Kingdom is very urgent! People are very hungry to be “Getting To Know Jesus”! What are you doing to tell them so they can be “harvested” into God’s Eternal Granary?
Jesus reminds us that we each have different parts to play in the work of His Church. One plants, another cultivates, another harvests and still another takes that harvest and puts it to the use for which it is intended. What role do you play in the harvest of Jesus’ Church?
Soul Food Satisfies! – John 4:40-42
Though this Samaritan woman is likely looked down on, she phrases her comment in such a way as to pique the curiosity. This causes them to come and investigate to see if Jesus is who this woman says He us. What did it take to get you to come and investigate Jesus for yourself?
When the people from Sychar hear Jesus speak, they invite Him to stay with them and teach them more about what God wants them to hear, believe and do. He stays two days, and is well received by the people. Nothing is said about whether He does any miracles while there. This woman hardly knows Jesus, yet is already an evangelist! You don’t have to be a Bible college graduate or long-time Christian to bring others to Jesus.
The woman got the town’s people to come listen to Jesus, but their belief in Him is based on His testimony, not her life. Don’t ever let another person come between you and your relationship with Jesus Christ or you will likewise come as a stumbling block between others who are likewise seeking to see Jesus!
God Bless and have a great week.
Getting To Know Jesus - 022
Has anything ever happened to you that revived your life or some aspect thereof? If you are a woman, have you ever felt like society looked down on you for something real or imaginary? Do you have a past that you feel makes you an outcast or second-rate citizen?
We have been discussing a conversation that Jesus had with a woman who has a “past”. Jesus asked for a drink of water and then offered her “living water”. She expressed a strong interest, so Jesus instructed her to go get her husband. She denied being married to which Jesus exposed that He knew she had been married 5 times and was currently living with a man she was not married to. She changed the subject to a spiritual issue and then left.
Physical Food is Important – John 4:27-30
The Disciples have returned from the village and are surprised to see Jesus talking with this Samaritan woman. Jews, especially a rabbi, just don’t associate with, or even talk to Samaritans, and above all not a woman! How would you feel if someone you admired and respected was talking to someone you despised?
The woman who was talking with Jesus is so excited that she leaves her water jar and goes to the village to tell them what she has experienced. She introduces her conversation with Jesus with a leading question that arouses the curiosity of the village leaders. First, she relates what caused her to consider Jesus, and then she challenges their curiosity with, “Could this be the Christ.” This causes much of the city to come to investigate what Jesus is about. Samaritans are also looking for the Messiah! What would it take to get you excited about telling others about Jesus? Could you use this approach to get others to investigate Jesus?
Soul Food is More Satisfying – John 4:31-34
The Disciples have returned from town with some food and are amazed to see Jesus talking with this woman. They offer Him some food, but He takes the opportunity to tell them that there is more to life than eating. How often do we get caught up in the physical instead of focusing on the spiritual?
Jesus appears refreshed instead of hungry because He gets filled when He is doing God’s work and He knows that He has just made a significant impression on the woman who has now returned to town. Have you ever said or done something that made an impression on others for Jesus?
People are Hungry for Soul Food – John 4:35-39
Jesus changes the subject to harvesting, which is four months away. There could very likely be a field of grain nearby that will soon be ripe for harvest. Jesus uses this to make a point.
He gets excited as He looks beyond the Disciples and sees a woman, and a village coming to learn about how they can make their lives better. Yellow wheat is ripe. White wheat is past ripe! This harvest of souls for God’s Kingdom is very urgent! People are very hungry to be “Getting To Know Jesus”! What are you doing to tell them so they can be “harvested” into God’s Eternal Granary?
Jesus reminds us that we each have different parts to play in the work of His Church. One plants, another cultivates, another harvests and still another takes that harvest and puts it to the use for which it is intended. What role do you play in the harvest of Jesus’ Church?
Soul Food Satisfies! – John 4:40-42
Though this Samaritan woman is likely looked down on, she phrases her comment in such a way as to pique the curiosity. This causes them to come and investigate to see if Jesus is who this woman says He us. What did it take to get you to come and investigate Jesus for yourself?
When the people from Sychar hear Jesus speak, they invite Him to stay with them and teach them more about what God wants them to hear, believe and do. He stays two days, and is well received by the people. Nothing is said about whether He does any miracles while there. This woman hardly knows Jesus, yet is already an evangelist! You don’t have to be a Bible college graduate or long-time Christian to bring others to Jesus.
The woman got the town’s people to come listen to Jesus, but their belief in Him is based on His testimony, not her life. Don’t ever let another person come between you and your relationship with Jesus Christ or you will likewise come as a stumbling block between others who are likewise seeking to see Jesus!
God Bless and have a great week.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How to Confront Someone With a Past
How to Confront Someone With a Past
(To get the maximum benefit from this message, read lesson 021 in Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 02.) This book is available at www.gettingtoknowjesus.org.
Occasionally you encounter someone who has a past. They have garnered a reputation for some kind of behavior that makes them a social outcast.
Jesus’ ministry is now in full swing. He is preaching, doing miracles, etc. In John 4:1-26 and parallel passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus is traveling to Galilee. There is starting to be some opposition to Him from the Pharisees in Judea and it is way too early to die for man’s sins. After all, He has to train some people to establish His Kingdom after He is gone!
Know When to Retreat (Leave) – Matthew 4:12; Mark 1:14a; Luke 4:14a; John 4:1-4
Matthew says Jesus “withdrew” suggesting a removal from those who are already showing hostility. Sometimes the best way to handle a situation is get away from the troublemakers! Luke notes Jesus is “led by the Spirit”. There are times when the Holy Spirit will lead us to confront and times when he will lead us to break off contact with opponents. (Luke will never show Jesus in Jerusalem until the end of His ministry to emphasize the rejection by the Jews and ministry to the Gentiles!)
Therefore, Jesus goes to Galilee via Samaria. Most Jews go down the Jericho Road and cross the Jordan River rather than go through Samaria. Jews are known for their strong hatred of Samaritans – half-Jew and half Gentile. Jesus doesn’t have a problem with another person’s race, gender or place in life!
Engage in a Conversation - John 4:5-9
Like you and me, Jesus gets tired and thirsty along the way to Galilee and stops at Jacob’s Well just outside the village of Sychar, 31 miles north of Jerusalem. While resting, He sends the Apostles into town to get some food. (6th hour is 12:00 noon or 6:00 PM)
While they are gone, a Samaritan woman comes to the well to draw some water and Jesus engages her in a conversation. Lets listen in and see if there is anything here that applies to our life.
Sandwich the Truth with Love – John 4:10-18
Jesus begins the conversation by talking about the obvious – a need for water to survive. When witnessing to others, it is best to initiate on common ground and build some rapport.
This woman will feel very uneasy approaching a well with a Jewish man sitting beside it, but she swallows hard and proceeds so she can get her water, pretending that there is nothing to worry about. She comes to the well during the day to avoid the women from town who look down on her living in adultery! Are you hiding something in your past that you are ashamed for others to know about? Jesus knows all about it and He still loves you as you are!
She initially reacts with some alarm that He, a Jew, would even speak to her. Men seldom would engage in a conversation with a woman and a Jew would never talk to a Samaritan, especially a woman. Women were treated more like possessions than persons and she already has a past that makes her feel very ashamed.
Jesus doesn’t judge a person by their race, sex, status in life, or even their past. However, He does confront sinners with their behavior and exposes their need for repentance and a Savior.
Jesus takes the current circumstances and builds into a conversation that will establish Him as someone with whom this woman would want to identify. He gets her attention by asking her for a drink and then proposing that He is someone whom she should be asking for living water.
Jesus has initially gained her attention and makes her an offer of living water. She is tired of having to walk out to the well and draw water. No plumbing or public home delivered water supply!
Jesus has now gained this woman’s full attention. It is time to expose her need for salvation! He doesn’t judge or condemn her, but he will confront her with her sinful behavior and the need to change her life! She first tries to avoid her shame, but Jesus exposes that He knows the truth. She has been married five times and is now living with a man outside of the laws of marriage. Adultery and living together outside of marriage is sin!
Point the Way of Forgiveness and Healing – John 4:19-26
The Samaritan woman first marvels that a Jew would talk to a Samaritan woman and that He claims to have some kind of water that she would never thirst again. Then, after He confronts her with her sin, she turns theological and engages Jesus about where is the correct place to worship. She tries to soften her guilt and shame by talking about something else to draw Jesus off of her sin.
She challenges Jesus on the Jewish belief that Jerusalem is the proper place to worship God. Samaritans worship on nearby Mt. Gerizim. Jesus replies that God is not worshiped in a place, but in the heart of the one who loves Him and wants to worship Him.
The woman acknowledges the Samaritan expectation of the Messiah. Jesus declares that He is the Messiah! WOW! Is He Your Messiah?
(To get the maximum benefit from this message, read lesson 021 in Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 02.) This book is available at www.gettingtoknowjesus.org.
Occasionally you encounter someone who has a past. They have garnered a reputation for some kind of behavior that makes them a social outcast.
Jesus’ ministry is now in full swing. He is preaching, doing miracles, etc. In John 4:1-26 and parallel passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus is traveling to Galilee. There is starting to be some opposition to Him from the Pharisees in Judea and it is way too early to die for man’s sins. After all, He has to train some people to establish His Kingdom after He is gone!
Know When to Retreat (Leave) – Matthew 4:12; Mark 1:14a; Luke 4:14a; John 4:1-4
Matthew says Jesus “withdrew” suggesting a removal from those who are already showing hostility. Sometimes the best way to handle a situation is get away from the troublemakers! Luke notes Jesus is “led by the Spirit”. There are times when the Holy Spirit will lead us to confront and times when he will lead us to break off contact with opponents. (Luke will never show Jesus in Jerusalem until the end of His ministry to emphasize the rejection by the Jews and ministry to the Gentiles!)
Therefore, Jesus goes to Galilee via Samaria. Most Jews go down the Jericho Road and cross the Jordan River rather than go through Samaria. Jews are known for their strong hatred of Samaritans – half-Jew and half Gentile. Jesus doesn’t have a problem with another person’s race, gender or place in life!
Engage in a Conversation - John 4:5-9
Like you and me, Jesus gets tired and thirsty along the way to Galilee and stops at Jacob’s Well just outside the village of Sychar, 31 miles north of Jerusalem. While resting, He sends the Apostles into town to get some food. (6th hour is 12:00 noon or 6:00 PM)
While they are gone, a Samaritan woman comes to the well to draw some water and Jesus engages her in a conversation. Lets listen in and see if there is anything here that applies to our life.
Sandwich the Truth with Love – John 4:10-18
Jesus begins the conversation by talking about the obvious – a need for water to survive. When witnessing to others, it is best to initiate on common ground and build some rapport.
This woman will feel very uneasy approaching a well with a Jewish man sitting beside it, but she swallows hard and proceeds so she can get her water, pretending that there is nothing to worry about. She comes to the well during the day to avoid the women from town who look down on her living in adultery! Are you hiding something in your past that you are ashamed for others to know about? Jesus knows all about it and He still loves you as you are!
She initially reacts with some alarm that He, a Jew, would even speak to her. Men seldom would engage in a conversation with a woman and a Jew would never talk to a Samaritan, especially a woman. Women were treated more like possessions than persons and she already has a past that makes her feel very ashamed.
Jesus doesn’t judge a person by their race, sex, status in life, or even their past. However, He does confront sinners with their behavior and exposes their need for repentance and a Savior.
Jesus takes the current circumstances and builds into a conversation that will establish Him as someone with whom this woman would want to identify. He gets her attention by asking her for a drink and then proposing that He is someone whom she should be asking for living water.
Jesus has initially gained her attention and makes her an offer of living water. She is tired of having to walk out to the well and draw water. No plumbing or public home delivered water supply!
Jesus has now gained this woman’s full attention. It is time to expose her need for salvation! He doesn’t judge or condemn her, but he will confront her with her sinful behavior and the need to change her life! She first tries to avoid her shame, but Jesus exposes that He knows the truth. She has been married five times and is now living with a man outside of the laws of marriage. Adultery and living together outside of marriage is sin!
Point the Way of Forgiveness and Healing – John 4:19-26
The Samaritan woman first marvels that a Jew would talk to a Samaritan woman and that He claims to have some kind of water that she would never thirst again. Then, after He confronts her with her sin, she turns theological and engages Jesus about where is the correct place to worship. She tries to soften her guilt and shame by talking about something else to draw Jesus off of her sin.
She challenges Jesus on the Jewish belief that Jerusalem is the proper place to worship God. Samaritans worship on nearby Mt. Gerizim. Jesus replies that God is not worshiped in a place, but in the heart of the one who loves Him and wants to worship Him.
The woman acknowledges the Samaritan expectation of the Messiah. Jesus declares that He is the Messiah! WOW! Is He Your Messiah?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Here Comes da Judge!
Here Comes da Judge!
Matthew 7:1-12; Luke 6:37-42
Are you an “armchair quarterback”? Are you someone who is quick and frequent to criticize someone else’s actions, especially after the fact? We can always look at how we see what someone else is doing and find something that we think should be done differently. I have had several people try, with good intentions, to tell me how to run this Bible study ministry. Some have had good ideas, but some were just being critical.
Jesus is continuing to teach us how we can be pleasing to God. He is also going to teach us how God cares about our needs and us. Then He is going to give us the Golden Rule on how to treat others!
How to Judge Others – Matthew 7:1-2; Luke 6:37-38
Some people have tried to suggest that we should not judge others and cite Matthew 7:1 as their proof. However, such a statement involves making a judgment! We cannot live without making judgments about what is right and wrong.
If you read the entire sentence, Jesus tells us that the same standard that we use on others will be used to judge us. The problem is that we often judge others as guilty of something that we are likewise guilty of ourselves. Our judgments are sometimes made on the actions of others, but sometimes they are also a reminder to us about our own behavior. We will most assuredly be judged by the same standard we impose on others.
a. Make judgments wisely.
b. Use God’s standard for all judgments.
Don’t be a Splinter Picking Hypocrite – Matthew 7:3-6; Luke 6:39-42
Relating to the above comments, many of us judge others of things that we do ourselves!
It is so easy to see what others are doing and not realize that you are doing the same thing. Sometimes, we think that by condemning them, we will be less guilty for things that we are doing. If it is wrong for someone else to do it, it is also wrong for you and me to do it as well.
How can you help someone else make his or her life better if you are doing the same thing? A teacher cannot take the student any further than that teacher has achieved in their own life. You can’t judge someone else if you are guilty of the same behavior.
a. Judge yourself first. We must always look at our own actions and ourselves before we speak out against another person.
b. Judge other’s actions by the same criteria you use on yourself.
Getting What You Want – Matthew 7:7-11
Most parents work hard to provide the basic needs for their children. They give them a home, food, clothing and protection. Many also try to provide “extras” with toys and other things that their children say they “want” because they love their children and want to please them as much as they reasonably can.
God, the Father, is much the same way. When we ask for something, He is not going to be cruel or unkind to us. He is not going to allow us to have things that will harm us. He wants His children to be joyful.
a. Take all of your needs and wants to God for His provision.
b. Trust God to know what’s best for you. Filter your requests by that criterion.
The Golden Rule – Matthew 7:12
The Golden Rule is not, “He who has the most gold rules”, although many people seem to operate on that principle.
The Golden Rule is that we should treat others the way we would prefer that they treat us. The truth is that this should be the model for everything we do in our relations with other people. That requires that you have a healthy love and respect of yourself. It also requires that we think about how we are treating others (which requires making judgments).
a. Love yourself with a healthy love.
b. Love others the same way.
c. Treat others the way you want to be treated before and whether they treat you that way or not!
How much better can you and I make this world by just living by and teaching these simple principles? How is what you have learned in this message going to change your life?
Matthew 7:1-12; Luke 6:37-42
Are you an “armchair quarterback”? Are you someone who is quick and frequent to criticize someone else’s actions, especially after the fact? We can always look at how we see what someone else is doing and find something that we think should be done differently. I have had several people try, with good intentions, to tell me how to run this Bible study ministry. Some have had good ideas, but some were just being critical.
Jesus is continuing to teach us how we can be pleasing to God. He is also going to teach us how God cares about our needs and us. Then He is going to give us the Golden Rule on how to treat others!
How to Judge Others – Matthew 7:1-2; Luke 6:37-38
Some people have tried to suggest that we should not judge others and cite Matthew 7:1 as their proof. However, such a statement involves making a judgment! We cannot live without making judgments about what is right and wrong.
If you read the entire sentence, Jesus tells us that the same standard that we use on others will be used to judge us. The problem is that we often judge others as guilty of something that we are likewise guilty of ourselves. Our judgments are sometimes made on the actions of others, but sometimes they are also a reminder to us about our own behavior. We will most assuredly be judged by the same standard we impose on others.
a. Make judgments wisely.
b. Use God’s standard for all judgments.
Don’t be a Splinter Picking Hypocrite – Matthew 7:3-6; Luke 6:39-42
Relating to the above comments, many of us judge others of things that we do ourselves!
It is so easy to see what others are doing and not realize that you are doing the same thing. Sometimes, we think that by condemning them, we will be less guilty for things that we are doing. If it is wrong for someone else to do it, it is also wrong for you and me to do it as well.
How can you help someone else make his or her life better if you are doing the same thing? A teacher cannot take the student any further than that teacher has achieved in their own life. You can’t judge someone else if you are guilty of the same behavior.
a. Judge yourself first. We must always look at our own actions and ourselves before we speak out against another person.
b. Judge other’s actions by the same criteria you use on yourself.
Getting What You Want – Matthew 7:7-11
Most parents work hard to provide the basic needs for their children. They give them a home, food, clothing and protection. Many also try to provide “extras” with toys and other things that their children say they “want” because they love their children and want to please them as much as they reasonably can.
God, the Father, is much the same way. When we ask for something, He is not going to be cruel or unkind to us. He is not going to allow us to have things that will harm us. He wants His children to be joyful.
a. Take all of your needs and wants to God for His provision.
b. Trust God to know what’s best for you. Filter your requests by that criterion.
The Golden Rule – Matthew 7:12
The Golden Rule is not, “He who has the most gold rules”, although many people seem to operate on that principle.
The Golden Rule is that we should treat others the way we would prefer that they treat us. The truth is that this should be the model for everything we do in our relations with other people. That requires that you have a healthy love and respect of yourself. It also requires that we think about how we are treating others (which requires making judgments).
a. Love yourself with a healthy love.
b. Love others the same way.
c. Treat others the way you want to be treated before and whether they treat you that way or not!
How much better can you and I make this world by just living by and teaching these simple principles? How is what you have learned in this message going to change your life?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
How To Be Humble
Getting To Know Jesus – 020
How To Be Humble
Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 – a time for everything! All things have a beginning and an end. Every business on this earth has a beginning and an end. Every ministry is only for a season. We can look back over history at the works of John Wesley, Martin Luther, and many other significant spiritual leaders and see the beginning and end of their personal ministries.
We are in John 3:25-36. Like your life and work and mine, John the Baptist’s ministry will soon be coming to an end. His legacy will live on. We may be remembered for a time for what we have done, but our work will not be forever.
Do What God Has Called You To Do! – John 3:22-24
John has been baptizing at the Jordan River for about the past six months. For a short time, both of these men are preaching to the Jews to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. They are at different locations somewhere along the Jordan River.
Jesus could speak to more people in Jerusalem, but has a more receptive audience here where people are coming to hear Him. At this time, Jesus’ preaching and baptizing is essentially the same as John’s. That will soon change as John is beheaded and Jesus recruits the foundations for His eternal Kingdom, the Church.
Jesus will spend about six months here before going on to Galilee. Jesus will spend the remainder of His life traveling from place to place. He will never own a home, horse or donkey. He will not have a closet full of clothes, refrigerator overflowing with leftovers or a television on which to watch the evening news. No air conditioning, no radio, no electricity, but still, Jesus influences a following that will change the world.
Wherever the gospel is proclaimed, the people are challenged to make a decision! We should be encouraged to engage others to make a decision for Christ!
Life Is Not Just About You! – John 3:25-27
Some of John’s disciples get into a discussion with another Jew over ceremonial washing. This is particularly a reference to immersion and the fact that Jesus is immersing followers in His camp.
John’s followers feel that Jesus’ ministry is in competition to John’s and engage John about this “threat”. Somewhat like one high school having a rivalry with another nearby or a restaurant fearing another restaurant opening across the street. Have you ever observed or participated in putting down another ministry because you felt they were a “threat” to your ministry?
They expect John to muster their being “right” and find some reason to find fault with Jesus. Of such things, wars are started. This is not unlike some Christians getting caught up in the teaching of their minister or denomination and putting down any other Christian who does not agree with all that they are advocating.
Do Your Job With All Your Heart! – John 3:28-36
The last recorded words of John the Baptist summarize the entire focus of his ministry and his whole life. John can only do what God has called him to do. This is not an appropriate situation for jealousy. Jesus is not the enemy, but the hero! (Satan is the enemy!)
John makes it clear that Jesus is superior to him. John’s ministry is to decrease and Jesus’ ministry is to increase. Have you ever had to step down to a lesser paying job or help promote someone newer than you to a position that you desired?
John expands. Jesus is from above and John is from this earth. I would rather be on God’s side than against Him. John also laments that no one seems to listen to him. They just don’t understand what he has been trying to tell them.
John concludes his thoughts with this testimony – “Whoever believes in the Son (Jesus) will have eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life.”
Stand For What Is Right Before God! – Luke 3:19-20
Luke 3:19 advises us that John rebukes Herod’s sexual immorality and gets arrested and thrown into prison. This concludes John’s public ministry in preparing the world for Jesus.
Our enemy is not other Christians, but the devil! Lets work together to tell the world about Jesus instead of competing and bickering with one another over personal interpretations.
What is your decision going to be regarding Jesus? Are you going to accept Him or reject Him?
The only question at Heaven’s door will be “Who is Jesus?” Your answer to that question will determine where you spend eternity!
God Bless and have a great week.
How To Be Humble
Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 – a time for everything! All things have a beginning and an end. Every business on this earth has a beginning and an end. Every ministry is only for a season. We can look back over history at the works of John Wesley, Martin Luther, and many other significant spiritual leaders and see the beginning and end of their personal ministries.
We are in John 3:25-36. Like your life and work and mine, John the Baptist’s ministry will soon be coming to an end. His legacy will live on. We may be remembered for a time for what we have done, but our work will not be forever.
Do What God Has Called You To Do! – John 3:22-24
John has been baptizing at the Jordan River for about the past six months. For a short time, both of these men are preaching to the Jews to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. They are at different locations somewhere along the Jordan River.
Jesus could speak to more people in Jerusalem, but has a more receptive audience here where people are coming to hear Him. At this time, Jesus’ preaching and baptizing is essentially the same as John’s. That will soon change as John is beheaded and Jesus recruits the foundations for His eternal Kingdom, the Church.
Jesus will spend about six months here before going on to Galilee. Jesus will spend the remainder of His life traveling from place to place. He will never own a home, horse or donkey. He will not have a closet full of clothes, refrigerator overflowing with leftovers or a television on which to watch the evening news. No air conditioning, no radio, no electricity, but still, Jesus influences a following that will change the world.
Wherever the gospel is proclaimed, the people are challenged to make a decision! We should be encouraged to engage others to make a decision for Christ!
Life Is Not Just About You! – John 3:25-27
Some of John’s disciples get into a discussion with another Jew over ceremonial washing. This is particularly a reference to immersion and the fact that Jesus is immersing followers in His camp.
John’s followers feel that Jesus’ ministry is in competition to John’s and engage John about this “threat”. Somewhat like one high school having a rivalry with another nearby or a restaurant fearing another restaurant opening across the street. Have you ever observed or participated in putting down another ministry because you felt they were a “threat” to your ministry?
They expect John to muster their being “right” and find some reason to find fault with Jesus. Of such things, wars are started. This is not unlike some Christians getting caught up in the teaching of their minister or denomination and putting down any other Christian who does not agree with all that they are advocating.
Do Your Job With All Your Heart! – John 3:28-36
The last recorded words of John the Baptist summarize the entire focus of his ministry and his whole life. John can only do what God has called him to do. This is not an appropriate situation for jealousy. Jesus is not the enemy, but the hero! (Satan is the enemy!)
John makes it clear that Jesus is superior to him. John’s ministry is to decrease and Jesus’ ministry is to increase. Have you ever had to step down to a lesser paying job or help promote someone newer than you to a position that you desired?
John expands. Jesus is from above and John is from this earth. I would rather be on God’s side than against Him. John also laments that no one seems to listen to him. They just don’t understand what he has been trying to tell them.
John concludes his thoughts with this testimony – “Whoever believes in the Son (Jesus) will have eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life.”
Stand For What Is Right Before God! – Luke 3:19-20
Luke 3:19 advises us that John rebukes Herod’s sexual immorality and gets arrested and thrown into prison. This concludes John’s public ministry in preparing the world for Jesus.
Our enemy is not other Christians, but the devil! Lets work together to tell the world about Jesus instead of competing and bickering with one another over personal interpretations.
What is your decision going to be regarding Jesus? Are you going to accept Him or reject Him?
The only question at Heaven’s door will be “Who is Jesus?” Your answer to that question will determine where you spend eternity!
God Bless and have a great week.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Ultimate Government
The Ultimate Government
Today, I’m sharing some thoughts written by Pastor Chris Clark of East Clairemont Baptist Church. What he said is worth sharing without any editing. Pray for our nation. Pray for the institution of marriage and the family. Pray that our government will honor God and the see the importance of marriage and the family for a healthy nation. – Glen Copple, Minister of the Word.
Prayer Champions –
They are not household names by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, in all likelihood, we would not have our country if it had not been for them.
British sympathizer Peter Oliver called them the “Black Regiment” with disdain due to the black garb they wore. They were the ones who boldly inspired the birth of the United States of America.
They were the American pastors of the late 18th century, when the colonies decided that the oppression and tyranny of the British crown had gone too far. It was these pastors who boldly stood and declared God’s standards for society, moving ordinary people to become patriots for the ages.
Samuel Sherwood (1730-1783) was one of these pastors. A graduate of Yale and Princeton, Sherwood pastored the church in Weston, Connecticut. His 1774 sermon, “Scriptural Instructions to Civil Rulers” served as a benchmark for many on how a ruler should rule, setting the proper context for civil government.
Using 2 Samuel 23:1-4 as his text, we can note some universal principles that civil leaders would do well to acknowledge:
1. There is one source of authority: God—David acknowledged God, the Rock of Israel, as the Authority by which he reigned as king. No government leader attains such position save the divine appointment by an all-sovereign God.
2. There is one method of rule: God-fearing—David declared that the government leader will be most successful when he rules in the fear of God; not only having a reverence and awe for God, but a genuine fear of disobeying that same God as well. The problems arise when government leaders show no fear of a holy and a righteous God.
3. There is one result of God-fearing rule: order—David describes the results in terms of the order in creation following a rain storm: the clearing, the sun, the warmth, the growth. There is order because God is a God of order, and God-fearing rule will reflect His nature.
We do not want God-fearing government leaders merely to win an argument or even a campaign. We want God-fearing government leaders because God-fearing government works.
Pastor Chris Clark
East Clairemont Baptist Church
and Pastors’ Rapid Response Team
San Diego, CA
Today, I’m sharing some thoughts written by Pastor Chris Clark of East Clairemont Baptist Church. What he said is worth sharing without any editing. Pray for our nation. Pray for the institution of marriage and the family. Pray that our government will honor God and the see the importance of marriage and the family for a healthy nation. – Glen Copple, Minister of the Word.
Prayer Champions –
They are not household names by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, in all likelihood, we would not have our country if it had not been for them.
British sympathizer Peter Oliver called them the “Black Regiment” with disdain due to the black garb they wore. They were the ones who boldly inspired the birth of the United States of America.
They were the American pastors of the late 18th century, when the colonies decided that the oppression and tyranny of the British crown had gone too far. It was these pastors who boldly stood and declared God’s standards for society, moving ordinary people to become patriots for the ages.
Samuel Sherwood (1730-1783) was one of these pastors. A graduate of Yale and Princeton, Sherwood pastored the church in Weston, Connecticut. His 1774 sermon, “Scriptural Instructions to Civil Rulers” served as a benchmark for many on how a ruler should rule, setting the proper context for civil government.
Using 2 Samuel 23:1-4 as his text, we can note some universal principles that civil leaders would do well to acknowledge:
1. There is one source of authority: God—David acknowledged God, the Rock of Israel, as the Authority by which he reigned as king. No government leader attains such position save the divine appointment by an all-sovereign God.
2. There is one method of rule: God-fearing—David declared that the government leader will be most successful when he rules in the fear of God; not only having a reverence and awe for God, but a genuine fear of disobeying that same God as well. The problems arise when government leaders show no fear of a holy and a righteous God.
3. There is one result of God-fearing rule: order—David describes the results in terms of the order in creation following a rain storm: the clearing, the sun, the warmth, the growth. There is order because God is a God of order, and God-fearing rule will reflect His nature.
We do not want God-fearing government leaders merely to win an argument or even a campaign. We want God-fearing government leaders because God-fearing government works.
Pastor Chris Clark
East Clairemont Baptist Church
and Pastors’ Rapid Response Team
San Diego, CA
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wrong is Still Wrong
Doing Right in a Wrong World
S.R. Genesis 25:27-34
In an age of loose morals, Satan provides many rationalizations to excuse any kind of behavior.
You can justify (even in Scripture) anything you want to do.
Most criminals in jails believe they are not guilty.
The Problem – is sIn! The solution is repentance and following Jesus!
Man’s attitude used to be don’t sin. Now it is don’t get caught!
Don’t tell lies
Don’t steal
Don’t cheat
Don’t have sex with someone you are not married to.
Don’t kill (unless it is in absolute self-defense)
World seeks pleasure as an end. Christian finds pleasure in Christ.
As Christians, we must remember that wrong is wrong despite our efforts to excuse our actions.
1. Wrong is wrong even if we don’t get caught. Proverbs 15:3
You may fool man, but you can’t fool God. He is an eyewitness of all you do. Hebrews 4:13
What is done in secrete will be exposed in the judgment day.
Adultery, stealing candy from a store, cheating on taxes
2. Wrong is wrong even if we do it for a good cause. II John 9
Honorable purpose does not justify dishonorable action.
The end does not always justify the means. I John 5:17
Sin is still (always) a transgression of God’s Law. I John 3:4
Stealing food for hungry kids, defrauding one to help another.
3. Wrong is wrong even if others are doing worse things. Proverbs 24:8-9
It will be little comfort on the Day of Judgment to know others committed a worse sin. Your punishment will be the same as theirs. Romans 6:23
Even the thought of sin is sin. Matthew 5:27-28
Shoplifting, cheating on income taxes, running red lights
4. Wrong is wrong even if it doesn’t bother our conscience. Ephesians 4:17-20
The conscience can be trained to block out guilt or to generate guilt.
Even if it is evil done sincerely, it is still sin to God. I Timothy 4:1-3
Conscience or not, we will all pay for our sins. Galations 6:7; Hebrews 13:18
Cussing, getting mad, getting even with someone.
5. Wrong is wrong even if it is commonly considered acceptable. Exodus 23:2
The Christian should not follow the crowd when the crowd is into a sin. Proverbs 4:14-19
Choose your friends carefully lest they lead you astray. I Corinthians 15:33
Getting drunk at a party, engaging in an act of vandalism.
Determine to do right and avoid evil. I Thessalonians 5:21-22
There is never a right way to do wrong.
Live your life before men is such a way that they have no cause to accuse you of sinning. I Peter 3:15-16; 2:12
S.R. Genesis 25:27-34
In an age of loose morals, Satan provides many rationalizations to excuse any kind of behavior.
You can justify (even in Scripture) anything you want to do.
Most criminals in jails believe they are not guilty.
The Problem – is sIn! The solution is repentance and following Jesus!
Man’s attitude used to be don’t sin. Now it is don’t get caught!
Don’t tell lies
Don’t steal
Don’t cheat
Don’t have sex with someone you are not married to.
Don’t kill (unless it is in absolute self-defense)
World seeks pleasure as an end. Christian finds pleasure in Christ.
As Christians, we must remember that wrong is wrong despite our efforts to excuse our actions.
1. Wrong is wrong even if we don’t get caught. Proverbs 15:3
You may fool man, but you can’t fool God. He is an eyewitness of all you do. Hebrews 4:13
What is done in secrete will be exposed in the judgment day.
Adultery, stealing candy from a store, cheating on taxes
2. Wrong is wrong even if we do it for a good cause. II John 9
Honorable purpose does not justify dishonorable action.
The end does not always justify the means. I John 5:17
Sin is still (always) a transgression of God’s Law. I John 3:4
Stealing food for hungry kids, defrauding one to help another.
3. Wrong is wrong even if others are doing worse things. Proverbs 24:8-9
It will be little comfort on the Day of Judgment to know others committed a worse sin. Your punishment will be the same as theirs. Romans 6:23
Even the thought of sin is sin. Matthew 5:27-28
Shoplifting, cheating on income taxes, running red lights
4. Wrong is wrong even if it doesn’t bother our conscience. Ephesians 4:17-20
The conscience can be trained to block out guilt or to generate guilt.
Even if it is evil done sincerely, it is still sin to God. I Timothy 4:1-3
Conscience or not, we will all pay for our sins. Galations 6:7; Hebrews 13:18
Cussing, getting mad, getting even with someone.
5. Wrong is wrong even if it is commonly considered acceptable. Exodus 23:2
The Christian should not follow the crowd when the crowd is into a sin. Proverbs 4:14-19
Choose your friends carefully lest they lead you astray. I Corinthians 15:33
Getting drunk at a party, engaging in an act of vandalism.
Determine to do right and avoid evil. I Thessalonians 5:21-22
There is never a right way to do wrong.
Live your life before men is such a way that they have no cause to accuse you of sinning. I Peter 3:15-16; 2:12
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Is it the Money or is There Something Better?
Is it the Money or is There Something Better?
Have you heard the expression, “He who has the most toys (Toyota’s) wins”?
How about a man in Texas that was buried in his Cadillac?
A wealthy and selfish man told his wife to bury his money with him when he died. She promised to do as he said. Upon his death, she wrote a check and put it with him in the casket!
Zig Ziglar – grew up in a poor family. Dad died. Mom worked. He was 11 of 13 children.
Sold vacuum sweepers and cookware door-to-door for many years. He tried all sorts of schemes to “get rich quick”. None worked!
Have you heard the expression, “He who has the most toys (Toyota’s) wins”?
How about a man in Texas that was buried in his Cadillac?
A wealthy and selfish man told his wife to bury his money with him when he died. She promised to do as he said. Upon his death, she wrote a check and put it with him in the casket!
Zig Ziglar – grew up in a poor family. Dad died. Mom worked. He was 11 of 13 children.
Sold vacuum sweepers and cookware door-to-door for many years. He tried all sorts of schemes to “get rich quick”. None worked!
Had the electricity cut off, had the phone shut off and even had a car repossessed
It took him 17 years to become a successful motivational speaker. Now very wealthy and successful!
I have a personal friend who once had a big house, fancy cars, expensive boat, pilot’s license and lots of nice stuff. Now he’s struggling to get a business off the ground. He depends on his wife’s income to meet most of their expenses. In spite of his “loss”, he is still happy.
Both of these men are very happy because they know that money isn’t everything!
How about you? Do you sometimes struggle with your finances?
Rich man vs. Lazarus
Lets make some observations from Luke 17:19-31
The rich man had a nice house, lots of food, fancy clothes.
How would you identify the “rich man” today?
How many rich people are truly generous? How many “rich people” give 10% or more to God’s work? (The poor widow gave her last two pennies to God! – Luke 21:1-4)
Lazarus was a homeless poor beggar, inflicted with painful and ugly sores. Yet, (it is implied that) he loved and trusted God.
In spite of his love, God did not spare him the pain and suffering that he endured while on this earth. Life isn’t fair! What is more important, being healthy, being wealthy or being saved? If you actually had to choose, would you be willing to give up everything and follow Jesus?
Some people have lots of wealth and some don’t! So what?
John D. Rockefeller was once asked, “How much money is enough?” He replied, “One more dollar than I have!”
We sometimes think that we deserve to have and the world owes us!
We will spend our entire lives pursuing more money only to realize, too late, that it is not the meaning to life!
Life isn’t in acquiring and having wealth, a house, a particular job, relationship or being in a certain circle of people!
How many people throw their money away on lottery tickets when it would be better spent on other things. (If you want to help the schools, give them the dollar instead of giving 72 cents to the gambling commission!)
Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the only way…
Is there any other way that we can find peace with God?
How much does it cost to buy eternal life?
Life is in Jesus (and it is free) – Matthew 16:24-26 – What good is it if we are richer than Bill Gates, Ted Turner and Donald Trump all put together, if we don’t have Jesus?
Paul’s attitude is expressed in Philippians 4:10-13. He has already elaborated his feelings towards Jesus in Philippians 1:27, 3:7-11 – If he lives, he will serve Christ. If he dies, he will go to be with Christ. What’s the problem?
There will only be one question on the “FINAL EXAM” at the judgment throne of God.
It won’t be, “Is it the money?”
The FINAL EXAM will be –
WHO’S Jesus?
What will your answer be?
Matthew 6:19-21 – How are you going to show God and others that you love Jesus more than money?
What are you going to do from now on to help others see what really matters in life? How are you going to model Jesus’ presence in you?
It took him 17 years to become a successful motivational speaker. Now very wealthy and successful!
I have a personal friend who once had a big house, fancy cars, expensive boat, pilot’s license and lots of nice stuff. Now he’s struggling to get a business off the ground. He depends on his wife’s income to meet most of their expenses. In spite of his “loss”, he is still happy.
Both of these men are very happy because they know that money isn’t everything!
How about you? Do you sometimes struggle with your finances?
Rich man vs. Lazarus
Lets make some observations from Luke 17:19-31
The rich man had a nice house, lots of food, fancy clothes.
How would you identify the “rich man” today?
How many rich people are truly generous? How many “rich people” give 10% or more to God’s work? (The poor widow gave her last two pennies to God! – Luke 21:1-4)
Lazarus was a homeless poor beggar, inflicted with painful and ugly sores. Yet, (it is implied that) he loved and trusted God.
In spite of his love, God did not spare him the pain and suffering that he endured while on this earth. Life isn’t fair! What is more important, being healthy, being wealthy or being saved? If you actually had to choose, would you be willing to give up everything and follow Jesus?
Some people have lots of wealth and some don’t! So what?
John D. Rockefeller was once asked, “How much money is enough?” He replied, “One more dollar than I have!”
We sometimes think that we deserve to have and the world owes us!
We will spend our entire lives pursuing more money only to realize, too late, that it is not the meaning to life!
Life isn’t in acquiring and having wealth, a house, a particular job, relationship or being in a certain circle of people!
How many people throw their money away on lottery tickets when it would be better spent on other things. (If you want to help the schools, give them the dollar instead of giving 72 cents to the gambling commission!)
Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the only way…
Is there any other way that we can find peace with God?
How much does it cost to buy eternal life?
Life is in Jesus (and it is free) – Matthew 16:24-26 – What good is it if we are richer than Bill Gates, Ted Turner and Donald Trump all put together, if we don’t have Jesus?
Paul’s attitude is expressed in Philippians 4:10-13. He has already elaborated his feelings towards Jesus in Philippians 1:27, 3:7-11 – If he lives, he will serve Christ. If he dies, he will go to be with Christ. What’s the problem?
There will only be one question on the “FINAL EXAM” at the judgment throne of God.
It won’t be, “Is it the money?”
The FINAL EXAM will be –
WHO’S Jesus?
What will your answer be?
Matthew 6:19-21 – How are you going to show God and others that you love Jesus more than money?
What are you going to do from now on to help others see what really matters in life? How are you going to model Jesus’ presence in you?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This lesson comes from Getting To Know Jesus – 019
This lesson comes from Getting To Know Jesus – 019
How to Start a New Life!
I met Saint Peter at Heaven’s door and asked him to “Let me in!” When I got inside, I was surprised to see Dave there. What’s worse is he was surprised to see me!
One day, we are all going to have to stand before the judgment throne of God and give an answer for the life that we have lived on this earth. What is the question? What is your answer?
Have you ever been afraid that someone would kill or torture you because of your Christian faith? Sometimes we let fear of ridicule hinder our standing up for Jesus. Nicodemus was afraid at first, but he became more dedicated at the end.
Seek the One who Knows! – John 3:1-3
Nicodemus is a respected Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin (Council of 70, the Jewish governing body that is recognized by the Romans – Kind of the Jewish “Supreme Court”. Other members who factor in New Testament history are Joseph of Arimathea –John 19:38 and Gamaliel –Acts 5:34-39).
Nicodemus seeks a private audience with Jesus for fear of being discovered as a follower of Jesus. He will later defend Jesus and will help Joseph of Arimathea in burying Jesus. He recognizes Jesus as a teacher who is sent by God,
Be Born Again! – John 3:3-4
Jesus answer’s Nicodemus’ unasked question – “what must I do to have eternal life?”
“Born” – we start out as baby Christians, not mature “adult” believers.
“Again” – Physical birth is temporary. Eternal birth is for eternity!
Listen to Your Teacher! – John 3:5-13
Nicodemus doesn’t understand Jesus’ figurative language and asks for clarification.
Born of Water (immersion/baptism) and spirit. Some who fear baptism as a “work”, reference physical birth. Jesus will say more about this later.
Born of Spirit is the Holy Spirit coming into the penitent believer.
Nicodemus still doesn’t understand, so Jesus elaborates some more. First, He challenges Nicodemus’ credentials as a “teacher” who is supposed to be well versed in the Old Testament. (Sometimes we are so physical minded that we are no spiritual good!)
Nicodemus is a representative of all of Israel.
Jesus states, in essence, that He came from God. He compares His mission to that of the serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9). It was faith looking at the symbol of the snake and obedience that saved the Jews who had been bitten. Likewise, faith in Jesus and obedience to His will save us who have been bitten by the snake of sin. (Likewise, immersion has no power, except in the act of obedience and faith in what it symbolizes.)
The key to salvation is in believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior. God’s gift of salvation is like opening a Christmas present because you believe that it is intended for you. However, until you open it, it is not completely yours! (Immersion is the symbol of opening the present and putting it on!)
Believe in Jesus as Your Savior! – John 3:14-21
The entire message of God and the Bible in one sentence! God loves us. Jesus is God’s only SON. He came and died physically so that you and I might live forever with Him eternally. Eternal life begins when we are born again, not when we die. (We have dual citizenship – this earth and eternal life!)
God’s love wants to save you, not judge you, but you have the freedom to accept Him or reject Him. You make your choice and He determines your eternal future according to your choice.
Evildoers like the dark because they think no one sees. This proves that they know what they are doing is evil.
Is there anything in your life that you don’t want others to “see”! How can you walk in the light of Jesus if you are still trying to keep parts of your life “in the dark”?
What is your choice? Most of you are taking the Getting To Know Jesus Bible study because you have already chosen to believe in Jesus and want to know how you can be more like Him. How strongly are you committed to accept God’s love and salvation and live your life for Jesus?
The question at Heaven’s door is “Who is Jesus?” The answer to the question on the final exam is “Jesus Christ is my Lord who died for my sins, the SON of God!”
I met Saint Peter at Heaven’s door and asked him to “Let me in!” When I got inside, I was surprised to see Dave there. What’s worse is he was surprised to see me!
One day, we are all going to have to stand before the judgment throne of God and give an answer for the life that we have lived on this earth. What is the question? What is your answer?
Have you ever been afraid that someone would kill or torture you because of your Christian faith? Sometimes we let fear of ridicule hinder our standing up for Jesus. Nicodemus was afraid at first, but he became more dedicated at the end.
Seek the One who Knows! – John 3:1-3
Nicodemus is a respected Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin (Council of 70, the Jewish governing body that is recognized by the Romans – Kind of the Jewish “Supreme Court”. Other members who factor in New Testament history are Joseph of Arimathea –John 19:38 and Gamaliel –Acts 5:34-39).
Nicodemus seeks a private audience with Jesus for fear of being discovered as a follower of Jesus. He will later defend Jesus and will help Joseph of Arimathea in burying Jesus. He recognizes Jesus as a teacher who is sent by God,
Be Born Again! – John 3:3-4
Jesus answer’s Nicodemus’ unasked question – “what must I do to have eternal life?”
“Born” – we start out as baby Christians, not mature “adult” believers.
“Again” – Physical birth is temporary. Eternal birth is for eternity!
Listen to Your Teacher! – John 3:5-13
Nicodemus doesn’t understand Jesus’ figurative language and asks for clarification.
Born of Water (immersion/baptism) and spirit. Some who fear baptism as a “work”, reference physical birth. Jesus will say more about this later.
Born of Spirit is the Holy Spirit coming into the penitent believer.
Nicodemus still doesn’t understand, so Jesus elaborates some more. First, He challenges Nicodemus’ credentials as a “teacher” who is supposed to be well versed in the Old Testament. (Sometimes we are so physical minded that we are no spiritual good!)
Nicodemus is a representative of all of Israel.
Jesus states, in essence, that He came from God. He compares His mission to that of the serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9). It was faith looking at the symbol of the snake and obedience that saved the Jews who had been bitten. Likewise, faith in Jesus and obedience to His will save us who have been bitten by the snake of sin. (Likewise, immersion has no power, except in the act of obedience and faith in what it symbolizes.)
The key to salvation is in believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior. God’s gift of salvation is like opening a Christmas present because you believe that it is intended for you. However, until you open it, it is not completely yours! (Immersion is the symbol of opening the present and putting it on!)
Believe in Jesus as Your Savior! – John 3:14-21
The entire message of God and the Bible in one sentence! God loves us. Jesus is God’s only SON. He came and died physically so that you and I might live forever with Him eternally. Eternal life begins when we are born again, not when we die. (We have dual citizenship – this earth and eternal life!)
God’s love wants to save you, not judge you, but you have the freedom to accept Him or reject Him. You make your choice and He determines your eternal future according to your choice.
Evildoers like the dark because they think no one sees. This proves that they know what they are doing is evil.
Is there anything in your life that you don’t want others to “see”! How can you walk in the light of Jesus if you are still trying to keep parts of your life “in the dark”?
What is your choice? Most of you are taking the Getting To Know Jesus Bible study because you have already chosen to believe in Jesus and want to know how you can be more like Him. How strongly are you committed to accept God’s love and salvation and live your life for Jesus?
The question at Heaven’s door is “Who is Jesus?” The answer to the question on the final exam is “Jesus Christ is my Lord who died for my sins, the SON of God!”
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Obey the Law? Are You Kidding?
Obey the Law? Are You Kidding?
Why do we have laws if no one is going to obey them? I see a lot of people who show by their actions that obeying the law is a matter of “…if I feel like it” rather than “We must obey the law!”
Have you been watching the baseball season as it came to a close? Do you enjoy watching a good game of football, hockey, basketball or soccer? I wonder how those games could be played if the players obeyed the rules like most of us obey the laws of God? There would be absolutely no game. So many of the things we do on this earth require obedience to some set of rules. Try driving somewhere and not staying on the road or not stopping at intersections where there is a stop sign or traffic signal. You’ll soon die! Try taking something from a store and telling the cashier that you don’t want to pay for it so they can’t make you.
Our world runs on obedience to some sort of rule of law. When we live by that rule of law, we have harmony, peace and freedom from fear. When we decide that the law is not relevant to us or we want to excuse ourselves from obedience, we experience pain, loss, suffering and we often cause pain, loss or suffering on someone else.
Today, many people are advocating that, “you can obey what’s right for you, but don’t make me live by the same law”. What’s the problem with this kind of mentality?
1. When there is no standard that applies to everyone, there is no standard. It would be like one team saying that they don’t want you to tackle them, you have to play “touch” football, but they can tackle you as hard as they want, even to the point of causing injury, if they feel like it. This is most profoundly illustrated in the area of sexual morality. God says that sex is for marriage between one man and one woman. Any other kind of sex is wrong. Some people want to believe that it is okay for them to have sex outside of marriage and no one has the right to tell them that what they are doing is wrong. Some want to have sex with someone else against that person’s will. They don’t care that it is against the law to violate that other person’s rights.
2. If we don’t have a common standard that all agree with, we have no law at all. Then why even bother to have a government, courts, law enforcement (police), army, etc.? If you can decide for yourself what is right or wrong and there is no absolute standard, we quickly degrade to a society of survival of the fittest where I must kill you before you kill me. That is self-destructive.
3. Trying to make up our own laws to live by is like trying to play a baseball game, but making up the rules as you play. ‘If I don’t want to run to first base when I hit the ball, I don’t have to and you can’t put me out.” Or “I get to swing until I hit the ball. You can’t call strikes on me.”
That kind of mentality won’t work.
So what “absolute standard” do we live by? Some will advocate that some governing body makes that standard and enforces it. The problem is that many differ on who that governing body should be or how they should operate.
The only “absolute standard” that will work for everyone is to return to the Creator of the universe and all that is in it and live by His standard. God, being all powerful, all knowing and all present, designed this world to live by a standard that is universal to everyone. He is not a God of wrath who wants to punish the disobedient, but a God of love who wants to have a loving relationship with all mankind. In order to do that, He set up a way that we could be forgiven of our lawlessness by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ, repenting of our sin, confessing Jesus as our Lord and Savior and initiating that declaration of heart, mind and soul by the act of being immersed in water in Jesus’ name. (Some will insist that it be “…in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, but that is really a matter of semantics and not a part of this discussion).
Jesus says, in Matthew 7:21 - 1 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
God’s will is summed up in the Great Commandments. Matthew 22:36-10 – 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
When we do things God’s way, we receive joy, peace, forgiveness, hope, better health, happiness and a better relationship with everyone around us. When we do things God’s way, we are better workers, citizens, husbands or wives, neighbors and friends. When we do things God’s way, we avoid many of the problems that come with sin and doing things “my way”.
Likewise, when we do things our way, we are fraught with guilt, fear, condemnation, health problems, and much more. Our way is always selfish and it often times hurts us and other people. God’s way recognizes that “it’s not about me” but about how I can help you have a better life. Our way leaves us lonely, insecure and searching. God’s way fulfills us with knowing that others have been helped by our actions. God’s way is satisfying, rewarding, uplifting and kind.
One other thing: Trying to get the government to legalize that sinful activity will not make it right, remove the guilt and shame or alleviate the consequences. Ask any woman who has had an abortion to try to cover up her sexual immorality. She knows she did wrong by having sex outside of marriage and she further complicates in by killing her baby before it is born. Unless she has clouded her mind in self-destructive sexual immorality, she will tell you of considerable guilt and shame in knowing that she killed her baby. Legalizing abortion by our government did not remove the fact that abortion is murder and not God’s design. It did not relieve the guilt and shame on those who have aborted their baby.
Let’s put Jesus Christ back on His rightful throne and live our lives as if He is the ultimate rule maker. Let’s cry for our government to return to God as their highest authority in making the laws that govern our land. Let’s return to being a nation of laws (based on God’s standards) instead of a people of lawlessness and selfishness.
God bless America!
Why do we have laws if no one is going to obey them? I see a lot of people who show by their actions that obeying the law is a matter of “…if I feel like it” rather than “We must obey the law!”
Have you been watching the baseball season as it came to a close? Do you enjoy watching a good game of football, hockey, basketball or soccer? I wonder how those games could be played if the players obeyed the rules like most of us obey the laws of God? There would be absolutely no game. So many of the things we do on this earth require obedience to some set of rules. Try driving somewhere and not staying on the road or not stopping at intersections where there is a stop sign or traffic signal. You’ll soon die! Try taking something from a store and telling the cashier that you don’t want to pay for it so they can’t make you.
Our world runs on obedience to some sort of rule of law. When we live by that rule of law, we have harmony, peace and freedom from fear. When we decide that the law is not relevant to us or we want to excuse ourselves from obedience, we experience pain, loss, suffering and we often cause pain, loss or suffering on someone else.
Today, many people are advocating that, “you can obey what’s right for you, but don’t make me live by the same law”. What’s the problem with this kind of mentality?
1. When there is no standard that applies to everyone, there is no standard. It would be like one team saying that they don’t want you to tackle them, you have to play “touch” football, but they can tackle you as hard as they want, even to the point of causing injury, if they feel like it. This is most profoundly illustrated in the area of sexual morality. God says that sex is for marriage between one man and one woman. Any other kind of sex is wrong. Some people want to believe that it is okay for them to have sex outside of marriage and no one has the right to tell them that what they are doing is wrong. Some want to have sex with someone else against that person’s will. They don’t care that it is against the law to violate that other person’s rights.
2. If we don’t have a common standard that all agree with, we have no law at all. Then why even bother to have a government, courts, law enforcement (police), army, etc.? If you can decide for yourself what is right or wrong and there is no absolute standard, we quickly degrade to a society of survival of the fittest where I must kill you before you kill me. That is self-destructive.
3. Trying to make up our own laws to live by is like trying to play a baseball game, but making up the rules as you play. ‘If I don’t want to run to first base when I hit the ball, I don’t have to and you can’t put me out.” Or “I get to swing until I hit the ball. You can’t call strikes on me.”
That kind of mentality won’t work.
So what “absolute standard” do we live by? Some will advocate that some governing body makes that standard and enforces it. The problem is that many differ on who that governing body should be or how they should operate.
The only “absolute standard” that will work for everyone is to return to the Creator of the universe and all that is in it and live by His standard. God, being all powerful, all knowing and all present, designed this world to live by a standard that is universal to everyone. He is not a God of wrath who wants to punish the disobedient, but a God of love who wants to have a loving relationship with all mankind. In order to do that, He set up a way that we could be forgiven of our lawlessness by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ, repenting of our sin, confessing Jesus as our Lord and Savior and initiating that declaration of heart, mind and soul by the act of being immersed in water in Jesus’ name. (Some will insist that it be “…in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, but that is really a matter of semantics and not a part of this discussion).
Jesus says, in Matthew 7:21 - 1 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
God’s will is summed up in the Great Commandments. Matthew 22:36-10 – 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
When we do things God’s way, we receive joy, peace, forgiveness, hope, better health, happiness and a better relationship with everyone around us. When we do things God’s way, we are better workers, citizens, husbands or wives, neighbors and friends. When we do things God’s way, we avoid many of the problems that come with sin and doing things “my way”.
Likewise, when we do things our way, we are fraught with guilt, fear, condemnation, health problems, and much more. Our way is always selfish and it often times hurts us and other people. God’s way recognizes that “it’s not about me” but about how I can help you have a better life. Our way leaves us lonely, insecure and searching. God’s way fulfills us with knowing that others have been helped by our actions. God’s way is satisfying, rewarding, uplifting and kind.
One other thing: Trying to get the government to legalize that sinful activity will not make it right, remove the guilt and shame or alleviate the consequences. Ask any woman who has had an abortion to try to cover up her sexual immorality. She knows she did wrong by having sex outside of marriage and she further complicates in by killing her baby before it is born. Unless she has clouded her mind in self-destructive sexual immorality, she will tell you of considerable guilt and shame in knowing that she killed her baby. Legalizing abortion by our government did not remove the fact that abortion is murder and not God’s design. It did not relieve the guilt and shame on those who have aborted their baby.
Let’s put Jesus Christ back on His rightful throne and live our lives as if He is the ultimate rule maker. Let’s cry for our government to return to God as their highest authority in making the laws that govern our land. Let’s return to being a nation of laws (based on God’s standards) instead of a people of lawlessness and selfishness.
God bless America!
Monday, October 4, 2010
No More God in America?
No More God in America?
This article appeared in World Net Daily on October 3, 2010 – “Barack Obama twice in recent days has dropped from a quotation from the Declaration of Independence a reference to the "Creator," and now a columnist at First Things has documented how a self-described “leading progressive legal organization” has simply dropped "under God" from the Gettysburg Address.”
Robert George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, writing in the August/September edition of the First Things website, notes that the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy was distributing copies of a pamphlet with the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and the Constitution. In it, they alter the last paragraph to leave out “under God”. What Lincoln actually said at Gettysburg was: 'That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom."
Why is it that our government is making so much effort to remove God from our history? Could it be that they don’t want to acknowledge the superior power, or do they think they are superior to God? Are they afraid of a loving God because they don’t know anything about Him? Are they cowards who are afraid to stand for Jesus Christ? Are they trying to appease the ACLU, atheists, Muslims or other anti-Christian groups? What is going on here?
I am outraged at this constant and obvious attempt to destroy our nation’s Christian heritage and remove any reference to God from the founding documents on which our nation is based. It is time to put a stop to it.
In Matthew 10:32-33 Jesus says: 32 “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”
Jesus Christ did more for mankind than all of the rest of mankind put together. As God, the Son, He died for our sins and showed us how to live. God created us for the purpose of a loving relationship. That separates the true Creator God of Christians and Jews from all other man-made gods who demand works or they punish you.
All of our founding fathers and Presidents (except Barak Obama) have acknowledged our dependence on God to maintain our rights and freedoms. I am alarmed and frightened by a president who caters openly to the Muslim religion (of works, hatred and violence) and ignores the Christianity that has made the United States the great nation that allows other religions to exist without fear of persecution.
No one has the right to tell you and me what we can or cannot worship or believe. No one has the right to tell us that we can’t speak out for what we believe. (After all, those who seek to silence our speech are not silencing their “right” to speak their beliefs to all who are in hearing range.)
I challenge everyone of you to stand up and cry “FOUL” to those who seek to not recognized our dependence on God for guidance, direction, protection and all else. Fight for our freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Stand with me and declare that God is the Creator, Jesus Christ is His Son, our Lord and Savior and that we are a nation that was founded on Christian principles? We must not allow them to remove God or Creator from any of our founding documents.
Be vocal in your witness to those around you that the First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
This article appeared in World Net Daily on October 3, 2010 – “Barack Obama twice in recent days has dropped from a quotation from the Declaration of Independence a reference to the "Creator," and now a columnist at First Things has documented how a self-described “leading progressive legal organization” has simply dropped "under God" from the Gettysburg Address.”
Robert George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, writing in the August/September edition of the First Things website, notes that the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy was distributing copies of a pamphlet with the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and the Constitution. In it, they alter the last paragraph to leave out “under God”. What Lincoln actually said at Gettysburg was: 'That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom."
Why is it that our government is making so much effort to remove God from our history? Could it be that they don’t want to acknowledge the superior power, or do they think they are superior to God? Are they afraid of a loving God because they don’t know anything about Him? Are they cowards who are afraid to stand for Jesus Christ? Are they trying to appease the ACLU, atheists, Muslims or other anti-Christian groups? What is going on here?
I am outraged at this constant and obvious attempt to destroy our nation’s Christian heritage and remove any reference to God from the founding documents on which our nation is based. It is time to put a stop to it.
In Matthew 10:32-33 Jesus says: 32 “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”
Jesus Christ did more for mankind than all of the rest of mankind put together. As God, the Son, He died for our sins and showed us how to live. God created us for the purpose of a loving relationship. That separates the true Creator God of Christians and Jews from all other man-made gods who demand works or they punish you.
All of our founding fathers and Presidents (except Barak Obama) have acknowledged our dependence on God to maintain our rights and freedoms. I am alarmed and frightened by a president who caters openly to the Muslim religion (of works, hatred and violence) and ignores the Christianity that has made the United States the great nation that allows other religions to exist without fear of persecution.
No one has the right to tell you and me what we can or cannot worship or believe. No one has the right to tell us that we can’t speak out for what we believe. (After all, those who seek to silence our speech are not silencing their “right” to speak their beliefs to all who are in hearing range.)
I challenge everyone of you to stand up and cry “FOUL” to those who seek to not recognized our dependence on God for guidance, direction, protection and all else. Fight for our freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Stand with me and declare that God is the Creator, Jesus Christ is His Son, our Lord and Savior and that we are a nation that was founded on Christian principles? We must not allow them to remove God or Creator from any of our founding documents.
Be vocal in your witness to those around you that the First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
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