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Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas is about Jesus Christ

Merry Christmas!

I am frustrated and disappointed as I see the ACLU getting away with taking Christ out of Christmas and intimidating Christians into silence. It is time for all who respect the freedom that we have in the United States to tell the ACLU to cease and desist!

From the very beginning, Christmas has been designated to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. Although we do not know the exact day on which He was born, we set aside December 25th as a day for rememberance that God sent His Son to be born of a woman, live as a human and die on the cross for our sins. He was born to die for the sins of you and I (lyrics from "He Was Born to Die" by Glen Copple, 1982).

Today, the ACLU and other anti-Christian organizations are trying to eliminate the word "Christmas" by using "happy holidays" or "season's greetings". They are afraid of offending someone who isn't a Christian. We never worried or had a problem before. Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists in the United States have not been offended with "Christmas" for over 200 years of our nations history. Now someone tells us that we must not offend them. Well I'm offended when they tell me that I do not have the right to say, "Merry Christmas" or sing Christmas songs that talk about the events surrounding the birth of our Lord and Savior.

I, for one of many, am doing more to speak up and challenge those who tell me that the freedom of religion and freedom of speech do not appy to Christians. We have as much, if not more right to not "be offended" than any other religious or non-religious (if there really is such a thing) group in the world.

The United States was founded on Christian principles. The Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights reference God as our ultimate ruler. Indeed, without a Christian based moral system, our government (or any other for that matter) will not work. This nation owes everything it has to the influence that Christians have brought into our government and culture.

Christians are the reason the United States is the nation with the most freedom on earth. People from all over the world seek to immigrate and become citizens because they want our freedom.

Christians are the reason our nation, a Christian nation, allows people from other religous beliefs to come and worship freely. Christians are not afforded those same freedoms in any other nation to the extent they are here, especially in Muslim dominated countries. Try being a Chrsitian in Indonesia, Somalia, Iran, Iraq and other countries that declare all out hatred and condone the murder of Christians. We don't do that to those in the United States of their religious persuasion.

Christians brough a work ethic into our nation and culture that has made us the most technologically advanced and prosperous nation on earth. Others have borrowed and benefited from our technology and generosity. No other nation has produced so much, given so much and helped the world as much as the United States and Christians are the foundation of all of that kindness.

Christian principles of generosity have made us the most giving nation on earth. We poor out more money to countries recovering from natural disasters than any other nation on earth. Our foreign aid far surpasses any other nation on earth. We even send foreign aid to countries that hate us, our freedoms and values.

All of this is because of the influence of Christian teachings in the people of the United States.

Today is the day for Christians to stand up and speak up. It is time for us to reengage the world and let them see that Christianity is a religion of love and kindness, not hatred and murder. It is also time for us to realize that we are not to tolerate being silenced, persecuted or restricted in the free exercise of our religious beliefs by someone who's agenda is against the loving creator God who wants to have a love relationship with His creation.


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