I was just pondering over the 12 Apostles and how God chose twelve obscure men to become the leaders of His Church. In Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:13-19 and Luke 6:12-16, He chooses twelve men who are to be given special training and then release them to do a job that would normally be considered only for the religious elite. They were to tell the world (evangelize) the good news (Gospel) about Jesus Christ coming to die for man’s sins and giving eternal life to all who repent and follow Him.
I know a lot of people (even myself at one time) who felt inferior because…(you can fill in the reason here). I have since grown to realize that God loves to use the person, who seems least likely by man’s standards, to do His greatest work.
David was the youngest and smaller of Jesse’s sons, yet he was chosen to be king. Several of the prophets were obscure men, farmers, ordinary citizens, yet they wrote great prophecies. Joseph was treated cruelly, physically and emotionally abused by his brothers, yet he is the one God blessed. Ruth was a poor foreign widow, yet she became the grandmother of a King. Esther was a young foreign woman, yet she became a King’s wife and saved her people from slaughter. Nehemiah was a King’s cupbearer. Hosea was married to a woman (prostitute) who cheated on him throughout their entire marriage. Amos was a farmer, yet God called him to prophecy!
Let’s look at the New Testament. Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen. They were not Bible college, seminary or theology graduates. Though they did well with their fishing business, they were not rich or affluent leaders in the community. Peter was quick to speak up without thinking. James and John were called “Sons of Thunder”, but it is not known if that is because of their mouths or their fists! Thomas was always questioning. Matthew was considered by most Jews to be a traitor because he collected taxes for the Romans and often overcharged his fellow Jews. Simon was a Roman hating guy who wanted to fight Romans more than reason with them, yet he is included in the same bunch as Matthew.
The point that I want to promote is that GOD CAN USE YOU TO DO GREAT THINGS FOR HIS KINGDOM!!!! You don’t have to be specially educated, rich, famous, a recognized leader or celebrity to be powerful in the Kingdom of God! The people that God is able to use the most are those who are most willing to be used by Him and are not seeking their own greatness.
Often when we start comparing ourselves to others, it is either out of envy or ego. We are either looking at their talent or complaining because we don’t have the same talent or we are looking at how they are doing something that is wrong or different than how we would do it. Such comparisons are self-destructive and hurtful to our walk with Jesus. They keep us from dealing with our issues as we are working on becoming more like Christ.
The best way to find your niche is to take an inventory of your education, talents and interests. Add to that what other people compliment you for and anything that you feel strongly that you would like to do with your life. Refine this information into a one or two sentence life mission statement and then get two work making it happen.
Most of all, when you get down, depressed or feeling sorry for yourself, stop comparing yourself to others and remember what God did with those who were humble and willing to be obedient and use their talents for His glory.
Twelve unknown, and uneducated men took a simple message and did something all the armies of the world put together could not do. They changed the world for Christ. This project isn’t over and God could really use you to do something special right there where you live and work. You don’t have to raise a bunch of money and go somewhere else to be used by Him for His glory. Who are your neighbors? Where do they go to church? What are the needs and issues that they are struggling with that you might be able to help them with?
How about where you work? Who are your co-workers? Do they know that you are a Christian? Does it show in the language you use and the quality of work that you do? Do they respect you as a person who is striving to follow Jesus?
How about where you shop, get your car maintained or repaired? What kind of movies or other kinds of entertainment do people see you watching? I have discovered that Christians can have lots of fun and it doesn’t have to be immoral, risqué, dirty or evil. Since our life is a reflection of how Jesus has changed us from doing bad things to doing good things, how are we doing in living that out?
God bless you as you are “Getting To Know Jesus”! Have a great day!
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