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Monday, September 8, 2008

They have it all wrong!

I was just thinking about all of this arguing over abortion, homosexual lifestyle and marriage, pornography, pedophilia and a host of related issues and I want to tell you that they have it all wrong. We have been trying to stop a tree from growing by cutting the branches instead of going to the trunk and focusing on the root.

Why do we have men raping women? Why do we have women displaying themselves to men for the purpose of sexual arousal? Why do we have men seeking young boys or girls for sexual encounters? Why are so many young people having sex on dates and then wondering what went wrong when the girl gets pregnant? Why do they all of a sudden feel remorseful, after she is pregnant and say that they wanted to get married first when they are already having sex? DUH!

Why do we have men having sex with other men, thinking that it is more desirable than sex with a woman or women pretending that sex with each other is more desirable and that such behavior is "inherited"? What gene are they propagating through heterosexual relationships that creates a homosexual person? (After all, it is biologically impossible for homosexual couples to reproduce. Therefore, any such "gene" would be eliminated in one generation because there would be no siblings to carry it on to future generations.) DUH!

The trunk issue is about sex outside of marriage.
When we argue over sex, we are right to determine that life begins at conception. We are right to acknowledge that sex inside the marriage relationship is preferred. However, we fail to point out that abstinence before or outside of marriage is the real solution. Instead we get caught up in the woman's rights, homosexual's rights, and freedom of speech "rights" of pornographers. We don't want to confront the world with the idea of a moral absolute, so each person tries to deny that anything is wrong, until it is done to them and then they complain because they now have a "problem"! DUH! What is the "TRUNK" of this issue?

Lets look at the branch that contains the entire abortion issue. Those who try to justify abortion by arguing that a woman has a right to choose never demand that she have the right to choose to say, "NO" to sex outside of marriage. We seem to think that a person who isn't having sex, whether married or not, is abnormal. We seem to think that a woman only has a right to "choose" after they have become pregnant. How much of the abortion problem would absolutely disappear if men and women saved sex for marriage? DUH!

Regarding the branch of sexually transmitted diseases: People who are sexually active outside of marriage often wonder if they have caught a disease after some encounter. They then have to go to the doctor, admit that they were having sex outside of marriage and hope he can cure this problem that they just acquired. Much fuss is being made about a cure for AIDS. I have the best solution in the world! Would we save ourselves a lot of embarrassment, guilt, health problems if we saved sex for marriage? The fact is that if we saved sex for marriage, AIDS and all other sexually transmitted diseases could be "cured" - totally eliminated from our world in one generation. DUH!

Regarding the branch homosexual behavior and homosexual marriage, if we were to reestablish that sex is between a husband and wife, and live by that mandate, there would be no homosexuality and related diseases, "marriage" or rights issues, etc. There would also be a mass elimination of almost all pedophilia and child pornography issues! Think about how many children would be able to grow up without having to remember some past event when an older man (or woman) violated them in a sexual way! DUH!

I'm not done yet. How about the branch of the child pornography/pedophilia problem? The ALCU wants to defend the right of pedophiles to commit this atrocious crime, yet the people and press call FOUL when someone violates a child. We don't want child molesters living in our neighborhood, yet no one seems to think that we need to make more noise that sex outside of marriage is wrong, whether with an adult or child. Wouldn't it make more sense to teach adults that sex is between a husband and wife and no one else? DUH!

The root of the issue is whether we believe God's standards or not.
When you trace the tree trunk down to the roots, it's all about God. Is God the all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere present creator of Heaven and Earth? Is God the creator of mankind, marriage, sexual relations, etc.? Is God the absolute authority on what is right or wrong, or does he allow each of us to try to figure it out for ourselves?

My understanding of "God" means a superior, absolutely powerful, source of knowledge, supreme being. God created us. He knows how He designed us to work. He knows what is best for us. He is the only one who is qualified to establish what is right and what is wrong. There are no exceptions. God's way is always the right way. Any other way is questionable at best, or downright wrong.

How much pain do we have to suffer before we realize that God is a lot smarter than we are? How long before we realize that His way is always the right way and that our way is flawed, faulty, full of problems and pain?

When we try to decide for themselves what is right or wrong, we get into conflicts. How do you establish that what another person believes is right for them to do is wrong? If a pedophile believes he is right, then by the world's logic, who can tell him he is wrong? If a rapist or prostitute think what they are doing is alright for them, how do we help them to see that what they are doing is wrong?

The root of this problem is to get back to following God's standards and stop trying to make up our own as we go along. God's way is not cruel, harsh, hurtful or demanding. His way is loving. It gives us greater freedom. By conducting our God's way, we spare ourselves from the embarrassment, pain, guilt and shame that our way often leads us to. God's way is unselfish. Our way is often very selfish, at the expense of another person's rights or freedom.

When are we going to start pointing out to the world that their selfish sexual sin is hurting them much more than by doing it God's way? DUH!

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