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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Did you like the debate outcome? Are you going to be happy with the election outcome?

Regardless of who wins, the President, Congress and courts cannot solve our nation's greatest problem.

The United States was founded on Christian principles and designed to protect our freedom of religion. That is why there is no "national church". That is why other religions can come and exist here peacefully without fear of attack. (Try going to any Muslim country and getting that kind of freedom!)

Our founding fathers recognized and declared that without a faith in God, our government will not work. It is Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him that makes our nation the great nation that it is.

Most, if not all of you, have noticed how our nation has declined since we allowed the atheists and ACLU to intimidate us, take God, the Bible, prayer and the Ten Commandments out of our schools. Since those days we have had the sexual revolution which has brought more divorce, abortion, rape, pornography, homosexual immorality, pedophelia and a host of sexually transmitted diseases - especially AIDS. You have alson noticed an increase in lying, cheating and corruption in our businesses and government. Do I really need to go on?

No matter who we elect in federal, state or local government, they are imperfect, sometimes motivated by their imagined power and selfish for their own jobs and agendas. They cannot solve our problems.

Most of you recognize and agree that our nation's greatest problem is that we have gotten away from following the teachings of Jesus Christ. We have gotten away from the Gospel.

I will declare to you, and stake my life, my reputation and future on this fact - the solution to the United States greatest problem is for CHRISTIANS to return to studying and applying the life and teacings of Jesus in their lives. That will strengthen our churches, homes, communities and government and nation. That will restore marriages, reduce all kinds of sexual immorality because Christians will stand up like Christ, live like followers of Christ and declare sin as sin.

Could you use some help in teaching those around you about how to be more like Jesus? Getting To Know Jesus is a turnkey, non-denominational Bible study of every event in Jesus life so we can become more like Him.

Let's work together to build Christians who will stand up to the ACLU and atheists. Let's work together to build Christians who will be role models of Christ. Let's work together to build Christians who will run for office, get involved in government and return this nation to it's founding principles.

Are you in? You can get started right NOW by going to ordering your Getting To Know Jesus Bible study materials.

Do if for your familiy. Do it for your community. Do it for your church. Do it for your nation. DO IT FOR JESUS!

God Bless