It’s time to outlaw Viagra ads
(This article may not be appropriate for younger children.)
Have you had enough with these emails and television ads promoting Viagra or Cialas? I have!
What is this problem with the pharmaceutical companies that think they have to push these dysfunctional sex remedies on everyone? For over 6,000 years of earth’s history, men had sex with their wives without any “erectile dysfunction” drugs. If they had an erectile problem, they did without sex and were just fine.
Then in the 1960’s, a “sexual revolution” hit our culture and many people started doing “what feels good” without thinking about the consequences. They attributed the sexual morale’s of the previous generation as limiting and thought that their “free love” was freeing. Little did they realize that this “free love” was enslavement to sexually transmitted diseases, pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, divorce, AIDS and a host of other problems. So much for “free love”!
It is obvious that many of our culture haven’t learned their lesson. We have magazines, radio, movies and television programs that seem to think all people want to read, hear about or see is sex. Women are treated like something to be used and thrown away. Men think they can impregnate a woman and not be responsible for raising the child if she gets pregnant. Children can be sexually violated by some pedophile and they believe that hurting this child is okay.
Now it has been taken one step further. By promoting Viagra or Cialas, we are suggesting that if older men aren’t having sex like twenty year olds, there is something wrong with them. What’s wrong with this picture? Any mature married couple knows that it is not about having sex. They can still enjoy each other sexually, but their relationship is based on something far more mature and lasting than last night’s orgasm.
It doesn’t stop here. I’ve noticed the Viagra emails that come to my computer (before I block them) and the person in the email is not an old man, but a young man who is just barely out of his teens. What in the world does a teenager or any young man (married or not) need with a drug that is supposed to be for older men who have an erection problem?
The real problem is the LOVE OF MONEY! The drug companies don’t care about the potential side effects, not limited to but including an erection that lasts for several hours (or in at least one case, weeks). They don’t care about the fact that we have existed and propagated for six thousand years without their help. They really don’t care about whether their drug could permanently harm or kill someone or ruin a marriage because someone is having sex with someone to whom they are not married. They only care about making money.
I don’t know if these “penis enlargement” pills are the same thing or something else, but again, the man’s size has never been a problem until just recently when drug manufacturers, and those who sell these drugs, decided to put profit ahead of what is right or in the best interest of society. Now men are harming themselves, spending money on something that they don’t need and that can potentially be very damaging. They do warn about not taking these drugs if you have a heart condition or some other health issues. However, they are still more concerned with making money and selling their product to a market that doesn’t need it than they are about caring about people’s greater needs.
Enough is enough. It is time to inform the general public and put a leash on the drug companies. At least make them stop the advertising or limit their advertising to not include young or unmarried men. Help them to understand that what they are doing is hurting our society, not helping it. If a man really feels he needs help with his sexual life, he should not be able to buy a drug without some sort of medical screening to see if it is in his best interest to do so.
It is also time to start learning that there is too much emphasis on having sex and too little on having a life-lasting relationship with your husband or wife. Speak up and tell Hollywood, television and movie writers and producers that it is time to clean up their media and return to family values. It is time to tell the pharmaceutical companies that they need to put the dollar on a lower priority and only promote their products to a more appropriate audience.
There, I’ve said what I think about it.
God bless,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
No Mosque at "Ground Zero"
No Mosque at "Ground Zero"
I am disturbed at all of this talk about the Muslims wanting to build a mosque at “Ground Zero”. To do such a thing is extremely insensitive, if not outright – in your face – offensive to those who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001.
While we consider that most Muslims in the United States don’t engage in terror and many probably do not condone such behavior, to have a mosque so close to where a few extremist Muslim terrorists committed such a serious atrocity against the citizens of the United States is more of an endorsement of their religion and a disregard for the lives of those who were murdered by the extremists. Allowing a mosque condones their act of violence against non-Muslims.
If the Muslims need to have a mosque, let them find somewhere closer to where they live and farther away from where extremists from their religion attacked private citizens of the United States. A mosque at “Ground Zero” would appear to condone, and even honor, what members of their religion did. There is no separating that connection.
Christians never endorsed violence as a way or propagating their religious views. Christians evangelize by love and gentle persuasion, not threat of murder if you don’t convert. That is a sharp contrast to the Muslim’s way of conversion.
To double the hypocrisy of the decision makers in New York, the Greek Orthodox church that was destroyed by the Trade Center collapse has not been allowed to rebuild their church, but the city wants to approve a mosque. Something is not right about this scenario. The Greeks should have had their building approved and rebuilt by now, yet are being denied while Muslims are being given the city’s approval.
Another equation in this entire discussion is the determining of moral absolutes. God determines what is right or wrong. Much of the reasoning behind the pending mosque is because some government leaders have forgotten God and decided that they can decide what is right or wrong for themselves and others.
I believe that all Christians should stand beside the Greek Orthodox’s desire to rebuild and insist that the Muslims relocate to a less sensitive area.
God will bless America only as long as America blesses God.