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Friday, July 29, 2011

Being God’s Man – Know Your Style

Introducing the Bible Text – 003
Being God’s Man – Know Your Style
Have you ever told a story that you had to introduce before you could actually tell it? Did you need to set the stage? Good News always brings excitement. What is the most recent good news that you have heard? What is the best news that you have ever heard?
If you were to write a title for your life, what would you like for it to be? How would you like to be remembered after you are gone? Have you studied your family tree to learn about where your ancestors came from?

In this lesson, we are going to observe how each writer begins his Gospel. Each has his own style of writing and unique audience. Knowing your style will be helpful to you as you seek to tell others about Jesus.

Mark’s Title – name given to a literary work. – Mark 1:1
It is the title to the story about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ! Mark’s Gospel is addressed TO THE ROMANS! Even though Jesus was with God the Father in the act of creation, His life on this earth has a beginning. Gospel comes from the Greek word, “Euanggellion.” It means “Good News”. Jesus is the good news about God reaching down to establish an eternal relationship with man! Is there any greater news than being set free from our sins? Mark is the only writer to use the word “Gospel” in his book.

“Jesus” is Greek for “Joshua” which means, “God is salvation.” Christ is Greek for “anointed one” (the Hebrew word is Messiah)! Romans understand “gods” as beings of power so Mark focuses on the power of Jesus as God the man. JESUS IS THE POWER! Mark takes the Roman’s quest for power and presents Jesus as the ultimate solution. We can likewise take the power of the Gospel to change the lives of others so they can find that power in their lives as well.

We can use Mark’s style to reach those around us who are seeking real power in their life. You can also develop that power in your life as you go through “GETTING TO KNOW JESUS.” You will become better equipped to handle the trials and challenges that we all face and you exercise the strength God has given you to deal with those situations.

Luke’s Preface – An introductory statement to start the story.Luke 1:1-4
Luke employs the style of contemporary historical and technical writers. Luke acknowledges that he is not the first or only person to write about Jesus. He simply sets out to tell the accurate and true story. Luke seeks to inform THE GENTILES! Luke writes to “most excellent Theophilus” which means, “God lover.” This could be a person or anyone who loves God! “Most excellent” recognizes the person as one worthy of honor! Are you a “Theophilus?”

Luke seeks to give his readers a researched and thorough accounting of what Jesus did and taught. By “GETTING TO KNOW JESUS” you are developing an accurate understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus so that you can tell others. Those who love god will love Jesus and are honored!

John’s Prologue – preliminary action foreshadowing a greater event. The Prologue sets the stage so that he can tell you the real story!John 1:1-18
John’s prologue is more of a theological statement than an introduction. A prologue is an introduction foreshadowing a greater event! John’s Prologue is comprised of three parts which are divided by statements about John the Baptist. John seeks to reach THE LOST! Before time existed, Jesus is! He is the Logos means WORD of God. JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD! He is present before creation. He is cause, not effect. Jesus is the SON means He is the light who has come to change men’s lives! He changes men’s lives for the better!

John the Baptist is mentioned as an immediate forerunner to proclaim the coming of the Messiah! Jesus gives us the REAL POWER to become sons of God!

The oppression of the church will fail, but Christ’s Church shall prevail! We are born as children of God when we accept Jesus as God’s Son and our Lord and Savior! God, God’s WORD – Jesus has come and lived among us! We are recipients of God’s grace, first by Moses, but far more so by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Matthew’s Genealogy – chart or recorded history of descendents.Matthew 1:1-17
Jesus has a very important genealogy! Matthew writes to prove Jesus as Messiah TO THE JEWS! Matthew and Luke give the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew follows the legal lineage via Joseph. This will show that Jesus is a true descendant from David. Luke follows the physical lineage of Jesus through Mary. He traces it all the way back to Abraham and Adam. (We are all connected to Jesus.) Matthew mentions Tamar (who prostituted herself with her father-in-law), Rahab (a prostitute and foreigner), Ruth (a foreigner) and Bathsheba (with whom David had an adulterous affair). God can accomplish His divine will even out of man’s fallen state! Matthew shows 3 sets of 14 generations. Jesus’ lineage is an important step in proving that He is the Messiah! It proves He is a descendant of David and Abraham as prophesied.

In similar manner, your genealogy is an important part of your identity. The most important part of your genealogy is whether or not you are a part of the family of God. “GETTING TO KNOW JESUS” will help you grow as a member of God’s family.

We are only getting started in our adventure of “Getting To Know Jesus”!

This is only a commentary on the one of the lessons from the Getting To Know Jesus Bible Study Series. To get the full lesson, including the Bible text, commentary and discussion questions, go to and order Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 01

Friday, July 15, 2011

Being God’s Man – Finding Your Audience

Four Writers – One Story 002
Being God’s Man – Finding Your Audience
Everybody has a different way of telling the same story. Because of our different personalities, we approach the same event from a different viewpoint. Police question many witnesses to try to piece together the truth from their combined stories. Likewise, God chose to have four different authors write about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. In so doing, He gave us four views who Christian leaders have considered to be authentic and reliable. (There are other writers, but their stories do not carry the divine signature. Indeed, some of them are heretics in their writings!)

By learning about each author and his background, we can better understand what he writes, why he writes and make better application of it to our lives. We can also understand how God can use us even though we aren’t like someone else that we look up to. So let’s look at the authors of the four Gospels and see how we can learn more about Jesus’ life from what they wrote. Why did they write the way they did?

None of the four Gospels identify their authors. John doesn’t even mention his name in his Gospel. However, tradition and history have accepted that these words were penned by the men we currently attribute them to and there is insufficient, if any, evidence to say otherwise.

Matthew reminds me that GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES!
Matthew was a tax collector prior to becoming a disciple and later being chosen by Jesus to be an Apostle. He was a Jew who wrote to persuade the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah that had been prophesied in the Old Testament. He will understand the Jewish people and how they think. He will use that knowledge to persuade them that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

Matthew’s gospel approaches the life and teachings of Jesus Christ topically, more than chronologically. It is like a topical study with seven divisions that was written to the Jews proclaiming Jesus is Messiah! He specializes in showing how Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. Matthew likes to focus on what Jesus said and taught and is the most quoted of the writers. We find many of the parables.

Matthew is proclaiming that Jesus is the one promised by God who redeems Israel (and all mankind) from their sins! GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES!

Mark is believed to be John Mark who had accompanied Paul for a season. His gospel reflects the style and personality of Peter and most scholars believe that he got his information and inspiration from Peter.

Romans like power and Mark shows Jesus as a powerful force! Mark’s Gospel was written to the Romans and shows rapidity of action, vividness of detail and picturesque description – Action and Power! Mark’s gospel reads like an action adventure. He rapidly goes from one event to another with no transitions. Jesus is the Son of God!

Mark is less concerned with chronological order and focuses more on what Jesus did! He establishes the power of Jesus as the Son of God. A little extra attention is given to Jesus’ miracles. He also explains many of the Jewish customs that his Roman audience does not understand.

Jesus is a God who became a man! GOD HAS LIVED AMONG US!

Luke declares that JESUS IS A MAN WHO IS GOD!
Luke gives us a Biography written to the Gentiles and declaring Jesus is a man who was God! Luke is a medical doctor who was Paul’s personal physician. Although he will get much of his information from Paul, his medical background leads him to search diligently to ascertain the history of His Story!
Gentiles like knowledge and intellectualism. Luke shows them that this man, Jesus, is God who is living among us. His humanity and power will satisfy the curiosity and interests of the Greeks, who like to consider themselves as intellectuals. Luke gives more focus on His life and His miracles. He gives more detail on birth and only account of childhood. He and Matthew give the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew goes from Abraham to Mary. Luke traces it from Joseph to Adam.

Jesus is a man who is also God! He works mighty miracles over man and nature! AS SUCH, HE HAS MODELED HOW GOD WOULD LIVE IF HE WERE A MAN (HOW WE SHOULD LIVE TO PLEASE GOD)!

John declares that JESUS IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!
John, along with his brother, James, were known as “Sons of Thunder.” He was one of the youngest of the Apostles. He didn’t write his Gospel until almost 100 years after Jesus’ birth. John focuses is on who Jesus is and what He did! Mentions “love,” six “I AM’s.” John only covers three weeks of Jesus’ life, but he covers every event on each day of those weeks. He seeks to show Jesus as the only one through which we can be forgiven of our sins.


The Gospels give us four authors, four audiences and four styles, but one story. In similar manner, God has given you your particular talents and interests and circle of influence. Your job is not to do my job or do what I do the way I do it. Your job is to use your gifts and abilities to witness to those who are in your circle of influence.

Throughout this life, all that matters is Getting To Know Jesus! We are here to walk with you on a journey through His life and teachings. We look forward to being with you next week. Meanwhile, God Bless and have a great week.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to Weather the Storms of Life

Getting To Know Jesus - Volume 04
Jesus Teaches by Private Explanation - 052
How to Weather the Storms of Life

When is the last time that you cried out for help? Was it a situation at home, work, or out in the community? Was it a health crisis, accident situation, bad news regarding a job, income or financial crisis? Did you get bad news about a spouse, parent or child, relative or close friend?
What do you do when you find yourself in a crisis? Do you loose strength and cry out as one who is totally helpless? Do you toughen up and look to see what you have to do to fight this crisis? Or did you combine the two responses?

In Matthew 8:18, 23-27; Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25, Jesus and the Apostles take a boat ride. This ride turns into quite a life-threatening event. Let’s see what Jesus has to teach us about it.

Life Will Encounter Severe StormsMatthew 8:18, 23-24; Mark 4:35-37; Luke 8:22-23
Jesus and the Apostles are crossing the lake to get to the other side. Jesus may be using this to get a break from the crowd, as well as do some ministry on the east side of the Sea of Galilee. On the way across the lake, they get caught in one of the storms that the sea is known for. These storms come out of the north with very strong winds and churn up the waves to the point of threatening their safety.

There are going to be times in each of our lives when we will encounter a crisis. It may be a marriage problem or a health issue. It could be an accident or a conflict at work or outside the home. The crisis may be related to a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or some other weather related event. To some, it may seem small, but to you, it is a major situation. Regardless of what your “storm” is, life is about dealing with the storms that come and learning how to survive them!

Jesus is Our Source of SecurityMatthew 8:25-26; Mark 4:38-39; Luke 8:24-25a
When the storm increases, even the fisherman who are very familiar with the Sea of Galilee become alarmed and afraid. The other Apostles are looking to Peter, Andrew, James and John, trusting that they know how to deal with this. When they become alarmed, that is reason for the others to become alarmed more so!

Jesus isn’t bothered by the storm. In fact, He’s asleep in the back of the boat as though there is nothing to worry about. This doesn’t make sense to them so they go and put their dilemma on His shoulders. They look to Him to protect them from the threat of drowning.

When the Apostles wake Him, He first rebukes them for being fearful. He knows that this storm is nothing to worry about because He knows the power and will of God. Jesus knows that God will protect Him and them because they have a greater purpose on earth.

When we encounter a trial, storm, difficulty in our lives, God desires for us to bring it to Him and look to Him for protection, deliverance, healing or what ever is necessary to resolve the situation. Indeed, God allows us to go through trials to cause us to look to Him for help, guidance, safety, security and to help us grow as believers.

Responding To God’s PowerMatthew 8:27; Mark 4:40-41; Luke 8:25b
When the Apostles see how easily and calmly Jesus stills the storm and calms the waves, they are utterly amazed. They have seen Him do many different kinds of miracles, but this is the first time they have seen Him exercise power over nature. This will only cause them to recognize that He has power over nature as well as over the diseases and handicaps of people.

Do you remember to thank God for the things He has safely seen you through? Do you ever think to praise Him for protecting you from so much that you never know about? Do you look for and notice the displays of God’s power that are constantly all around us?

I find it breathtaking to look at the storm and praise God’s wonderful power. The magnificence of the storms with the peace of His presence in a crisis and the assurance of His salvation, all come together to give me more reason to want to praise Him.

Next week, Jesus is going to meet a man who is possessed with many demons. There is going to be a confrontation and those demons are going to make pigs of themselves! Join us as we learn how to deal with demons and do some more “Getting To Know Jesus”!